Using the tour
Welcome to a tour of the Go programming language. The tour covers the most important features of the language, mainly:
Learn how to use this tour: including how to navigate the different lessons and how to run code.
The starting point, learn all the basics of the language.
Declaring variables, calling functions, and all the things you need to know before moving to the next lessons.
Learn the basic components of any Go program.
Learn how to control the flow of your code with conditionals, loops, switches and defers.
Learn how to define types based on existing ones: this lesson covers structs, arrays, slices, and maps.
Methods and interfaces
Learn how to define methods on types, how to declare interfaces, and how to put everything together.
This lesson covers methods and interfaces, the constructs that define objects and their behavior.
Learn how to use type parameters in Go functions and structs.
Go supports generic programming using type parameters. This lesson shows some examples for employing generics in your code.
Go provides concurrency features as part of the core language.
This module goes over goroutines and channels, and how they are used to implement different concurrency patterns.
Go provides concurrency constructions as part of the core language. This lesson presents them and gives some examples on how they can be used.