Text file src/cmd/go/testdata/script/mod_download_svn.txt

     1  [short] skip
     2  [!exec:svn] skip
     4  # 'go mod download' will fall back to svn+ssh once svn fails over protocols like https.
     5  # If vcs-test.golang.org isn't in the user's known_hosts file, this will result
     6  # in an ssh prompt, which will stop 'go test' entirely
     7  #
     8  # Unfortunately, there isn't a way to globally disable host checking for ssh,
     9  # without modifying the real system's or user's configs. Changing $HOME won't
    10  # affect ssh either, as it ignores the environment variable entirely.
    11  #
    12  # However, a useful trick is pointing SVN_SSH to a program that doesn't exist,
    13  # resulting in svn skipping ssh entirely. Alternatives like
    14  # SVN_SSH="ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" didn't avoid the prompt.
    15  env SVN_SSH="svn_do_not_use_ssh"
    17  env GO111MODULE=on
    18  env GOPROXY=direct
    19  env GOSUMDB=off
    21  # Attempting to get a module zip using svn should succeed.
    22  go mod download vcs-test.golang.org/svn/hello.svn@000000000001
    23  exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/vcs-test.golang.org/svn/hello.svn/@v/v0.0.0-20170922011245-000000000001.zip
    25  # Attempting to get a nonexistent module using svn should fail with a
    26  # reasonable message instead of a panic.
    27  ! go mod download vcs-test.golang.org/svn/nonexistent.svn@latest
    28  ! stderr panic
    29  stderr 'go: module vcs-test.golang.org/svn/nonexistent.svn: no matching versions for query "latest"$'

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