Go Wiki: LockOSThread
Some libraries—especially graphical frameworks and libraries like Cocoa, OpenGL, and libSDL—use thread-local state and can require functions to be called only from a specific OS thread, typically the ‘main’ thread. Go provides the runtime.LockOSThread
function for this, but it’s notoriously difficult to use correctly.
Russ Cox presented a good solution for this problem in this thread.
package sdl
// Arrange that main.main runs on main thread.
func init() {
// Main runs the main SDL service loop.
// The binary's main.main must call sdl.Main() to run this loop.
// Main does not return. If the binary needs to do other work, it
// must do it in separate goroutines.
func Main() {
for f := range mainfunc {
// queue of work to run in main thread.
var mainfunc = make(chan func())
// do runs f on the main thread.
func do(f func()) {
done := make(chan bool, 1)
mainfunc <- func() {
done <- true
And then other functions you write in package sdl can be like
func Beep() {
do(func() {
// whatever must run in main thread
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