Source file test/zerosize.go

     1  // run
     3  // Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     4  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     5  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     7  // Test that zero-sized variables get same address as
     8  // runtime.zerobase.
    10  package main
    12  var x, y [0]int
    13  var p, q = new([0]int), new([0]int) // should get &runtime.zerobase
    15  func main() {
    16  	if &x != &y {
    17  		// Failing for now. x and y are at same address, but compiler optimizes &x==&y to false. Skip.
    18  		// print("&x=", &x, " &y=", &y, " &x==&y = ", &x==&y, "\n")
    19  		// panic("FAIL")
    20  	}
    21  	if p != q {
    22  		print("p=", p, " q=", q, " p==q = ", p==q, "\n")
    23  		panic("FAIL")
    24  	}
    25  	if &x != p {
    26  		print("&x=", &x, " p=", p, " &x==p = ", &x==p, "\n")
    27  		panic("FAIL")
    28  	}
    29  	if &y != p {
    30  		print("&y=", &y, " p=", p, " &y==p = ", &y==p, "\n")
    31  		panic("FAIL")
    32  	}
    33  }

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