Source file src/unique/handle.go

     1  // Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package unique
     7  import (
     8  	"internal/abi"
     9  	isync "internal/sync"
    10  	"runtime"
    11  	"sync"
    12  	"unsafe"
    13  	"weak"
    14  )
    16  var zero uintptr
    18  // Handle is a globally unique identity for some value of type T.
    19  //
    20  // Two handles compare equal exactly if the two values used to create the handles
    21  // would have also compared equal. The comparison of two handles is trivial and
    22  // typically much more efficient than comparing the values used to create them.
    23  type Handle[T comparable] struct {
    24  	value *T
    25  }
    27  // Value returns a shallow copy of the T value that produced the Handle.
    28  // Value is safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.
    29  func (h Handle[T]) Value() T {
    30  	return *h.value
    31  }
    33  // Make returns a globally unique handle for a value of type T. Handles
    34  // are equal if and only if the values used to produce them are equal.
    35  // Make is safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.
    36  func Make[T comparable](value T) Handle[T] {
    37  	// Find the map for type T.
    38  	typ := abi.TypeFor[T]()
    39  	if typ.Size() == 0 {
    40  		return Handle[T]{(*T)(unsafe.Pointer(&zero))}
    41  	}
    42  	ma, ok := uniqueMaps.Load(typ)
    43  	if !ok {
    44  		// This is a good time to initialize cleanup, since we must go through
    45  		// this path on the first use of Make, and it's not on the hot path.
    46  		setupMake.Do(registerCleanup)
    47  		ma = addUniqueMap[T](typ)
    48  	}
    49  	m := ma.(*uniqueMap[T])
    51  	// Keep around any values we allocate for insertion. There
    52  	// are a few different ways we can race with other threads
    53  	// and create values that we might discard. By keeping
    54  	// the first one we make around, we can avoid generating
    55  	// more than one per racing thread.
    56  	var (
    57  		toInsert     *T // Keep this around to keep it alive.
    58  		toInsertWeak weak.Pointer[T]
    59  	)
    60  	newValue := func() (T, weak.Pointer[T]) {
    61  		if toInsert == nil {
    62  			toInsert = new(T)
    63  			*toInsert = clone(value, &m.cloneSeq)
    64  			toInsertWeak = weak.Make(toInsert)
    65  		}
    66  		return *toInsert, toInsertWeak
    67  	}
    68  	var ptr *T
    69  	for {
    70  		// Check the map.
    71  		wp, ok := m.Load(value)
    72  		if !ok {
    73  			// Try to insert a new value into the map.
    74  			k, v := newValue()
    75  			wp, _ = m.LoadOrStore(k, v)
    76  		}
    77  		// Now that we're sure there's a value in the map, let's
    78  		// try to get the pointer we need out of it.
    79  		ptr = wp.Value()
    80  		if ptr != nil {
    81  			break
    82  		}
    83  		// The weak pointer is nil, so the old value is truly dead.
    84  		// Try to remove it and start over.
    85  		m.CompareAndDelete(value, wp)
    86  	}
    87  	runtime.KeepAlive(toInsert)
    88  	return Handle[T]{ptr}
    89  }
    91  var (
    92  	// uniqueMaps is an index of type-specific concurrent maps used for unique.Make.
    93  	//
    94  	// The two-level map might seem odd at first since the HashTrieMap could have "any"
    95  	// as its key type, but the issue is escape analysis. We do not want to force lookups
    96  	// to escape the argument, and using a type-specific map allows us to avoid that where
    97  	// possible (for example, for strings and plain-ol'-data structs). We also get the
    98  	// benefit of not cramming every different type into a single map, but that's certainly
    99  	// not enough to outweigh the cost of two map lookups. What is worth it though, is saving
   100  	// on those allocations.
   101  	uniqueMaps isync.HashTrieMap[*abi.Type, any] // any is always a *uniqueMap[T].
   103  	// cleanupFuncs are functions that clean up dead weak pointers in type-specific
   104  	// maps in uniqueMaps. We express cleanup this way because there's no way to iterate
   105  	// over the sync.Map and call functions on the type-specific data structures otherwise.
   106  	// These cleanup funcs each close over one of these type-specific maps.
   107  	//
   108  	// cleanupMu protects cleanupNotify and is held across the entire cleanup. Used for testing.
   109  	// cleanupNotify is a test-only mechanism that allow tests to wait for the cleanup to run.
   110  	cleanupMu      sync.Mutex
   111  	cleanupFuncsMu sync.Mutex
   112  	cleanupFuncs   []func()
   113  	cleanupNotify  []func() // One-time notifications when cleanups finish.
   114  )
   116  type uniqueMap[T comparable] struct {
   117  	isync.HashTrieMap[T, weak.Pointer[T]]
   118  	cloneSeq
   119  }
   121  func addUniqueMap[T comparable](typ *abi.Type) *uniqueMap[T] {
   122  	// Create a map for T and try to register it. We could
   123  	// race with someone else, but that's fine; it's one
   124  	// small, stray allocation. The number of allocations
   125  	// this can create is bounded by a small constant.
   126  	m := &uniqueMap[T]{cloneSeq: makeCloneSeq(typ)}
   127  	a, loaded := uniqueMaps.LoadOrStore(typ, m)
   128  	if !loaded {
   129  		// Add a cleanup function for the new map.
   130  		cleanupFuncsMu.Lock()
   131  		cleanupFuncs = append(cleanupFuncs, func() {
   132  			// Delete all the entries whose weak references are nil and clean up
   133  			// deleted entries.
   134  			m.All()(func(key T, wp weak.Pointer[T]) bool {
   135  				if wp.Value() == nil {
   136  					m.CompareAndDelete(key, wp)
   137  				}
   138  				return true
   139  			})
   140  		})
   141  		cleanupFuncsMu.Unlock()
   142  	}
   143  	return a.(*uniqueMap[T])
   144  }
   146  // setupMake is used to perform initial setup for unique.Make.
   147  var setupMake sync.Once
   149  // startBackgroundCleanup sets up a background goroutine to occasionally call cleanupFuncs.
   150  func registerCleanup() {
   151  	runtime_registerUniqueMapCleanup(func() {
   152  		// Lock for cleanup.
   153  		cleanupMu.Lock()
   155  		// Grab funcs to run.
   156  		cleanupFuncsMu.Lock()
   157  		cf := cleanupFuncs
   158  		cleanupFuncsMu.Unlock()
   160  		// Run cleanup.
   161  		for _, f := range cf {
   162  			f()
   163  		}
   165  		// Run cleanup notifications.
   166  		for _, f := range cleanupNotify {
   167  			f()
   168  		}
   169  		cleanupNotify = nil
   171  		// Finished.
   172  		cleanupMu.Unlock()
   173  	})
   174  }
   176  // Implemented in runtime.
   178  //go:linkname runtime_registerUniqueMapCleanup
   179  func runtime_registerUniqueMapCleanup(cleanup func())

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