// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// Trace stack table and acquisition.

package runtime

import (

// traceTypeTable maps stack traces (arrays of PC's) to unique uint32 ids.
// It is lock-free for reading.
type traceTypeTable struct {
	tab traceMap

// put returns a unique id for the type typ and caches it in the table,
// if it's seeing it for the first time.
// N.B. typ must be kept alive forever for this to work correctly.
func (t *traceTypeTable) put(typ *abi.Type) uint64 {
	if typ == nil {
		return 0
	// Insert the pointer to the type itself.
	id, _ := t.tab.put(noescape(unsafe.Pointer(&typ)), goarch.PtrSize)
	return id

// dump writes all previously cached types to trace buffers and
// releases all memory and resets state. It must only be called once the caller
// can guarantee that there are no more writers to the table.
func (t *traceTypeTable) dump(gen uintptr) {
	w := unsafeTraceExpWriter(gen, nil, traceExperimentAllocFree)
	if root := (*traceMapNode)(t.tab.root.Load()); root != nil {
		w = dumpTypesRec(root, w)

func dumpTypesRec(node *traceMapNode, w traceWriter) traceWriter {
	typ := (*abi.Type)(*(*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&node.data[0])))
	typName := toRType(typ).string()

	// The maximum number of bytes required to hold the encoded type.
	maxBytes := 1 + 5*traceBytesPerNumber + len(typName)

	// Estimate the size of this record. This
	// bound is pretty loose, but avoids counting
	// lots of varint sizes.
	// Add 1 because we might also write a traceAllocFreeTypesBatch byte.
	var flushed bool
	w, flushed = w.ensure(1 + maxBytes)
	if flushed {
		// Annotate the batch as containing types.

	// Emit type.

	// Recursively walk all child nodes.
	for i := range node.children {
		child := node.children[i].Load()
		if child == nil {
		w = dumpTypesRec((*traceMapNode)(child), w)
	return w