// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package runtime_test import ( "bytes" "context" "errors" "flag" "fmt" "internal/testenv" traceparse "internal/trace" "io" "log" "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "regexp" "runtime" "runtime/trace" "strings" "sync" "testing" "time" ) var toRemove []string const entrypointVar = "RUNTIME_TEST_ENTRYPOINT" func TestMain(m *testing.M) { switch entrypoint := os.Getenv(entrypointVar); entrypoint { case "panic": crashViaPanic() panic("unreachable") case "trap": crashViaTrap() panic("unreachable") default: log.Fatalf("invalid %s: %q", entrypointVar, entrypoint) case "": // fall through to normal behavior } _, coreErrBefore := os.Stat("core") status := m.Run() for _, file := range toRemove { os.RemoveAll(file) } _, coreErrAfter := os.Stat("core") if coreErrBefore != nil && coreErrAfter == nil { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "runtime.test: some test left a core file behind") if status == 0 { status = 1 } } os.Exit(status) } var testprog struct { sync.Mutex dir string target map[string]*buildexe } type buildexe struct { once sync.Once exe string err error } func runTestProg(t *testing.T, binary, name string, env ...string) string { if *flagQuick { t.Skip("-quick") } testenv.MustHaveGoBuild(t) t.Helper() exe, err := buildTestProg(t, binary) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } return runBuiltTestProg(t, exe, name, env...) } func runBuiltTestProg(t *testing.T, exe, name string, env ...string) string { t.Helper() if *flagQuick { t.Skip("-quick") } start := time.Now() cmd := testenv.CleanCmdEnv(testenv.Command(t, exe, name)) cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, env...) if testing.Short() { cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "RUNTIME_TEST_SHORT=1") } out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput() if err == nil { t.Logf("%v (%v): ok", cmd, time.Since(start)) } else { if _, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok { t.Logf("%v: %v", cmd, err) } else if errors.Is(err, exec.ErrWaitDelay) { t.Fatalf("%v: %v", cmd, err) } else { t.Fatalf("%v failed to start: %v", cmd, err) } } return string(out) } var serializeBuild = make(chan bool, 2) func buildTestProg(t *testing.T, binary string, flags ...string) (string, error) { if *flagQuick { t.Skip("-quick") } testenv.MustHaveGoBuild(t) testprog.Lock() if testprog.dir == "" { dir, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "go-build") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to create temp directory: %v", err) } testprog.dir = dir toRemove = append(toRemove, dir) } if testprog.target == nil { testprog.target = make(map[string]*buildexe) } name := binary if len(flags) > 0 { name += "_" + strings.Join(flags, "_") } target, ok := testprog.target[name] if !ok { target = &buildexe{} testprog.target[name] = target } dir := testprog.dir // Unlock testprog while actually building, so that other // tests can look up executables that were already built. testprog.Unlock() target.once.Do(func() { // Only do two "go build"'s at a time, // to keep load from getting too high. serializeBuild <- true defer func() { <-serializeBuild }() // Don't get confused if testenv.GoToolPath calls t.Skip. target.err = errors.New("building test called t.Skip") exe := filepath.Join(dir, name+".exe") start := time.Now() cmd := exec.Command(testenv.GoToolPath(t), append([]string{"build", "-o", exe}, flags...)...) t.Logf("running %v", cmd) cmd.Dir = "testdata/" + binary cmd = testenv.CleanCmdEnv(cmd) // Add the rangefunc GOEXPERIMENT unconditionally since some tests depend on it. // TODO(61405): Remove this once it's enabled by default. edited := false for i := range cmd.Env { e := cmd.Env[i] if _, vars, ok := strings.Cut(e, "GOEXPERIMENT="); ok { cmd.Env[i] = "GOEXPERIMENT=" + vars + ",rangefunc" edited = true } } if !edited { cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "GOEXPERIMENT=rangefunc") } out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput() if err != nil { target.err = fmt.Errorf("building %s %v: %v\n%s", binary, flags, err, out) } else { t.Logf("built %v in %v", name, time.Since(start)) target.exe = exe target.err = nil } }) return target.exe, target.err } func TestVDSO(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() output := runTestProg(t, "testprog", "SignalInVDSO") want := "success\n" if output != want { t.Fatalf("output:\n%s\n\nwanted:\n%s", output, want) } } func testCrashHandler(t *testing.T, cgo bool) { type crashTest struct { Cgo bool } var output string if cgo { output = runTestProg(t, "testprogcgo", "Crash") } else { output = runTestProg(t, "testprog", "Crash") } want := "main: recovered done\nnew-thread: recovered done\nsecond-new-thread: recovered done\nmain-again: recovered done\n" if output != want { t.Fatalf("output:\n%s\n\nwanted:\n%s", output, want) } } func TestCrashHandler(t *testing.T) { testCrashHandler(t, false) } func testDeadlock(t *testing.T, name string) { // External linking brings in cgo, causing deadlock detection not working. testenv.MustInternalLink(t, false) output := runTestProg(t, "testprog", name) want := "fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!\n" if !strings.HasPrefix(output, want) { t.Fatalf("output does not start with %q:\n%s", want, output) } } func TestSimpleDeadlock(t *testing.T) { testDeadlock(t, "SimpleDeadlock") } func TestInitDeadlock(t *testing.T) { testDeadlock(t, "InitDeadlock") } func TestLockedDeadlock(t *testing.T) { testDeadlock(t, "LockedDeadlock") } func TestLockedDeadlock2(t *testing.T) { testDeadlock(t, "LockedDeadlock2") } func TestGoexitDeadlock(t *testing.T) { // External linking brings in cgo, causing deadlock detection not working. testenv.MustInternalLink(t, false) output := runTestProg(t, "testprog", "GoexitDeadlock") want := "no goroutines (main called runtime.Goexit) - deadlock!" if !strings.Contains(output, want) { t.Fatalf("output:\n%s\n\nwant output containing: %s", output, want) } } func TestStackOverflow(t *testing.T) { output := runTestProg(t, "testprog", "StackOverflow") want := []string{ "runtime: goroutine stack exceeds 1474560-byte limit\n", "fatal error: stack overflow", // information about the current SP and stack bounds "runtime: sp=", "stack=[", } if !strings.HasPrefix(output, want[0]) { t.Errorf("output does not start with %q", want[0]) } for _, s := range want[1:] { if !strings.Contains(output, s) { t.Errorf("output does not contain %q", s) } } if t.Failed() { t.Logf("output:\n%s", output) } } func TestThreadExhaustion(t *testing.T) { output := runTestProg(t, "testprog", "ThreadExhaustion") want := "runtime: program exceeds 10-thread limit\nfatal error: thread exhaustion" if !strings.HasPrefix(output, want) { t.Fatalf("output does not start with %q:\n%s", want, output) } } func TestRecursivePanic(t *testing.T) { output := runTestProg(t, "testprog", "RecursivePanic") want := `wrap: bad panic: again ` if !strings.HasPrefix(output, want) { t.Fatalf("output does not start with %q:\n%s", want, output) } } func TestRecursivePanic2(t *testing.T) { output := runTestProg(t, "testprog", "RecursivePanic2") want := `first panic second panic panic: third panic ` if !strings.HasPrefix(output, want) { t.Fatalf("output does not start with %q:\n%s", want, output) } } func TestRecursivePanic3(t *testing.T) { output := runTestProg(t, "testprog", "RecursivePanic3") want := `panic: first panic ` if !strings.HasPrefix(output, want) { t.Fatalf("output does not start with %q:\n%s", want, output) } } func TestRecursivePanic4(t *testing.T) { output := runTestProg(t, "testprog", "RecursivePanic4") want := `panic: first panic [recovered] panic: second panic ` if !strings.HasPrefix(output, want) { t.Fatalf("output does not start with %q:\n%s", want, output) } } func TestRecursivePanic5(t *testing.T) { output := runTestProg(t, "testprog", "RecursivePanic5") want := `first panic second panic panic: third panic ` if !strings.HasPrefix(output, want) { t.Fatalf("output does not start with %q:\n%s", want, output) } } func TestGoexitCrash(t *testing.T) { // External linking brings in cgo, causing deadlock detection not working. testenv.MustInternalLink(t, false) output := runTestProg(t, "testprog", "GoexitExit") want := "no goroutines (main called runtime.Goexit) - deadlock!" if !strings.Contains(output, want) { t.Fatalf("output:\n%s\n\nwant output containing: %s", output, want) } } func TestGoexitDefer(t *testing.T) { c := make(chan struct{}) go func() { defer func() { r := recover() if r != nil { t.Errorf("non-nil recover during Goexit") } c <- struct{}{} }() runtime.Goexit() }() // Note: if the defer fails to run, we will get a deadlock here <-c } func TestGoNil(t *testing.T) { output := runTestProg(t, "testprog", "GoNil") want := "go of nil func value" if !strings.Contains(output, want) { t.Fatalf("output:\n%s\n\nwant output containing: %s", output, want) } } func TestMainGoroutineID(t *testing.T) { output := runTestProg(t, "testprog", "MainGoroutineID") want := "panic: test\n\ngoroutine 1 [running]:\n" if !strings.HasPrefix(output, want) { t.Fatalf("output does not start with %q:\n%s", want, output) } } func TestNoHelperGoroutines(t *testing.T) { output := runTestProg(t, "testprog", "NoHelperGoroutines") matches := regexp.MustCompile(`goroutine [0-9]+ \[`).FindAllStringSubmatch(output, -1) if len(matches) != 1 || matches[0][0] != "goroutine 1 [" { t.Fatalf("want to see only goroutine 1, see:\n%s", output) } } func TestBreakpoint(t *testing.T) { output := runTestProg(t, "testprog", "Breakpoint") // If runtime.Breakpoint() is inlined, then the stack trace prints // "runtime.Breakpoint(...)" instead of "runtime.Breakpoint()". want := "runtime.Breakpoint(" if !strings.Contains(output, want) { t.Fatalf("output:\n%s\n\nwant output containing: %s", output, want) } } func TestGoexitInPanic(t *testing.T) { // External linking brings in cgo, causing deadlock detection not working. testenv.MustInternalLink(t, false) // see issue 8774: this code used to trigger an infinite recursion output := runTestProg(t, "testprog", "GoexitInPanic") want := "fatal error: no goroutines (main called runtime.Goexit) - deadlock!" if !strings.HasPrefix(output, want) { t.Fatalf("output does not start with %q:\n%s", want, output) } } // Issue 14965: Runtime panics should be of type runtime.Error func TestRuntimePanicWithRuntimeError(t *testing.T) { testCases := [...]func(){ 0: func() { var m map[uint64]bool m[1234] = true }, 1: func() { ch := make(chan struct{}) close(ch) close(ch) }, 2: func() { var ch = make(chan struct{}) close(ch) ch <- struct{}{} }, 3: func() { var s = make([]int, 2) _ = s[2] }, 4: func() { n := -1 _ = make(chan bool, n) }, 5: func() { close((chan bool)(nil)) }, } for i, fn := range testCases { got := panicValue(fn) if _, ok := got.(runtime.Error); !ok { t.Errorf("test #%d: recovered value %v(type %T) does not implement runtime.Error", i, got, got) } } } func panicValue(fn func()) (recovered any) { defer func() { recovered = recover() }() fn() return } func TestPanicAfterGoexit(t *testing.T) { // an uncaught panic should still work after goexit output := runTestProg(t, "testprog", "PanicAfterGoexit") want := "panic: hello" if !strings.HasPrefix(output, want) { t.Fatalf("output does not start with %q:\n%s", want, output) } } func TestRecoveredPanicAfterGoexit(t *testing.T) { // External linking brings in cgo, causing deadlock detection not working. testenv.MustInternalLink(t, false) output := runTestProg(t, "testprog", "RecoveredPanicAfterGoexit") want := "fatal error: no goroutines (main called runtime.Goexit) - deadlock!" if !strings.HasPrefix(output, want) { t.Fatalf("output does not start with %q:\n%s", want, output) } } func TestRecoverBeforePanicAfterGoexit(t *testing.T) { // External linking brings in cgo, causing deadlock detection not working. testenv.MustInternalLink(t, false) t.Parallel() output := runTestProg(t, "testprog", "RecoverBeforePanicAfterGoexit") want := "fatal error: no goroutines (main called runtime.Goexit) - deadlock!" if !strings.HasPrefix(output, want) { t.Fatalf("output does not start with %q:\n%s", want, output) } } func TestRecoverBeforePanicAfterGoexit2(t *testing.T) { // External linking brings in cgo, causing deadlock detection not working. testenv.MustInternalLink(t, false) t.Parallel() output := runTestProg(t, "testprog", "RecoverBeforePanicAfterGoexit2") want := "fatal error: no goroutines (main called runtime.Goexit) - deadlock!" if !strings.HasPrefix(output, want) { t.Fatalf("output does not start with %q:\n%s", want, output) } } func TestNetpollDeadlock(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() output := runTestProg(t, "testprognet", "NetpollDeadlock") want := "done\n" if !strings.HasSuffix(output, want) { t.Fatalf("output does not start with %q:\n%s", want, output) } } func TestPanicTraceback(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() output := runTestProg(t, "testprog", "PanicTraceback") want := "panic: hello\n\tpanic: panic pt2\n\tpanic: panic pt1\n" if !strings.HasPrefix(output, want) { t.Fatalf("output does not start with %q:\n%s", want, output) } // Check functions in the traceback. fns := []string{"main.pt1.func1", "panic", "main.pt2.func1", "panic", "main.pt2", "main.pt1"} for _, fn := range fns { re := regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^` + regexp.QuoteMeta(fn) + `\(.*\n`) idx := re.FindStringIndex(output) if idx == nil { t.Fatalf("expected %q function in traceback:\n%s", fn, output) } output = output[idx[1]:] } } func testPanicDeadlock(t *testing.T, name string, want string) { // test issue 14432 output := runTestProg(t, "testprog", name) if !strings.HasPrefix(output, want) { t.Fatalf("output does not start with %q:\n%s", want, output) } } func TestPanicDeadlockGosched(t *testing.T) { testPanicDeadlock(t, "GoschedInPanic", "panic: errorThatGosched\n\n") } func TestPanicDeadlockSyscall(t *testing.T) { testPanicDeadlock(t, "SyscallInPanic", "1\n2\npanic: 3\n\n") } func TestPanicLoop(t *testing.T) { output := runTestProg(t, "testprog", "PanicLoop") if want := "panic while printing panic value"; !strings.Contains(output, want) { t.Errorf("output does not contain %q:\n%s", want, output) } } func TestMemPprof(t *testing.T) { testenv.MustHaveGoRun(t) exe, err := buildTestProg(t, "testprog") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } got, err := testenv.CleanCmdEnv(exec.Command(exe, "MemProf")).CombinedOutput() if err != nil { t.Fatalf("testprog failed: %s, output:\n%s", err, got) } fn := strings.TrimSpace(string(got)) defer os.Remove(fn) for try := 0; try < 2; try++ { cmd := testenv.CleanCmdEnv(exec.Command(testenv.GoToolPath(t), "tool", "pprof", "-alloc_space", "-top")) // Check that pprof works both with and without explicit executable on command line. if try == 0 { cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, exe, fn) } else { cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, fn) } found := false for i, e := range cmd.Env { if strings.HasPrefix(e, "PPROF_TMPDIR=") { cmd.Env[i] = "PPROF_TMPDIR=" + os.TempDir() found = true break } } if !found { cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "PPROF_TMPDIR="+os.TempDir()) } top, err := cmd.CombinedOutput() t.Logf("%s:\n%s", cmd.Args, top) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } else if !bytes.Contains(top, []byte("MemProf")) { t.Error("missing MemProf in pprof output") } } } var concurrentMapTest = flag.Bool("run_concurrent_map_tests", false, "also run flaky concurrent map tests") func TestConcurrentMapWrites(t *testing.T) { if !*concurrentMapTest { t.Skip("skipping without -run_concurrent_map_tests") } testenv.MustHaveGoRun(t) output := runTestProg(t, "testprog", "concurrentMapWrites") want := "fatal error: concurrent map writes\n" // Concurrent writes can corrupt the map in a way that we // detect with a separate throw. want2 := "fatal error: small map with no empty slot (concurrent map writes?)\n" if !strings.HasPrefix(output, want) && !strings.HasPrefix(output, want2) { t.Fatalf("output does not start with %q:\n%s", want, output) } } func TestConcurrentMapReadWrite(t *testing.T) { if !*concurrentMapTest { t.Skip("skipping without -run_concurrent_map_tests") } testenv.MustHaveGoRun(t) output := runTestProg(t, "testprog", "concurrentMapReadWrite") want := "fatal error: concurrent map read and map write\n" // Concurrent writes can corrupt the map in a way that we // detect with a separate throw. want2 := "fatal error: small map with no empty slot (concurrent map writes?)\n" if !strings.HasPrefix(output, want) && !strings.HasPrefix(output, want2) { t.Fatalf("output does not start with %q:\n%s", want, output) } } func TestConcurrentMapIterateWrite(t *testing.T) { if !*concurrentMapTest { t.Skip("skipping without -run_concurrent_map_tests") } testenv.MustHaveGoRun(t) output := runTestProg(t, "testprog", "concurrentMapIterateWrite") want := "fatal error: concurrent map iteration and map write\n" // Concurrent writes can corrupt the map in a way that we // detect with a separate throw. want2 := "fatal error: small map with no empty slot (concurrent map writes?)\n" if !strings.HasPrefix(output, want) && !strings.HasPrefix(output, want2) { t.Fatalf("output does not start with %q:\n%s", want, output) } } func TestConcurrentMapWritesIssue69447(t *testing.T) { testenv.MustHaveGoRun(t) exe, err := buildTestProg(t, "testprog") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } for i := 0; i < 200; i++ { output := runBuiltTestProg(t, exe, "concurrentMapWrites") if output == "" { // If we didn't detect an error, that's ok. // This case makes this test not flaky like // the other ones above. // (More correctly, this case makes this test flaky // in the other direction, in that it might not // detect a problem even if there is one.) continue } want := "fatal error: concurrent map writes\n" // Concurrent writes can corrupt the map in a way that we // detect with a separate throw. want2 := "fatal error: small map with no empty slot (concurrent map writes?)\n" if !strings.HasPrefix(output, want) && !strings.HasPrefix(output, want2) { t.Fatalf("output does not start with %q:\n%s", want, output) } } } type point struct { x, y *int } func (p *point) negate() { *p.x = *p.x * -1 *p.y = *p.y * -1 } // Test for issue #10152. func TestPanicInlined(t *testing.T) { defer func() { r := recover() if r == nil { t.Fatalf("recover failed") } buf := make([]byte, 2048) n := runtime.Stack(buf, false) buf = buf[:n] if !bytes.Contains(buf, []byte("(*point).negate(")) { t.Fatalf("expecting stack trace to contain call to (*point).negate()") } }() pt := new(point) pt.negate() } // Test for issues #3934 and #20018. // We want to delay exiting until a panic print is complete. func TestPanicRace(t *testing.T) { testenv.MustHaveGoRun(t) exe, err := buildTestProg(t, "testprog") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // The test is intentionally racy, and in my testing does not // produce the expected output about 0.05% of the time. // So run the program in a loop and only fail the test if we // get the wrong output ten times in a row. const tries = 10 retry: for i := 0; i < tries; i++ { got, err := testenv.CleanCmdEnv(exec.Command(exe, "PanicRace")).CombinedOutput() if err == nil { t.Logf("try %d: program exited successfully, should have failed", i+1) continue } if i > 0 { t.Logf("try %d:\n", i+1) } t.Logf("%s\n", got) wants := []string{ "panic: crash", "PanicRace", "created by ", } for _, want := range wants { if !bytes.Contains(got, []byte(want)) { t.Logf("did not find expected string %q", want) continue retry } } // Test generated expected output. return } t.Errorf("test ran %d times without producing expected output", tries) } func TestBadTraceback(t *testing.T) { output := runTestProg(t, "testprog", "BadTraceback") for _, want := range []string{ "unexpected return pc", "called from 0xbad", "00000bad", // Smashed LR in hex dump "