// Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package reflect import ( "iter" ) func rangeNum[T int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | int | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | uint | uintptr, N int64 | uint64](num N, t Type) iter.Seq[Value] { return func(yield func(v Value) bool) { convert := t.PkgPath() != "" // cannot use range T(v) because no core type. for i := T(0); i < T(num); i++ { tmp := ValueOf(i) // if the iteration value type is define by // type T built-in type. if convert { tmp = tmp.Convert(t) } if !yield(tmp) { return } } } } // Seq returns an iter.Seq[Value] that loops over the elements of v. // If v's kind is Func, it must be a function that has no results and // that takes a single argument of type func(T) bool for some type T. // If v's kind is Pointer, the pointer element type must have kind Array. // Otherwise v's kind must be Int, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, // Uint, Uint8, Uint16, Uint32, Uint64, Uintptr, // Array, Chan, Map, Slice, or String. func (v Value) Seq() iter.Seq[Value] { if canRangeFunc(v.abiType()) { return func(yield func(Value) bool) { rf := MakeFunc(v.Type().In(0), func(in []Value) []Value { return []Value{ValueOf(yield(in[0]))} }) v.Call([]Value{rf}) } } switch v.kind() { case Int: return rangeNum[int](v.Int(), v.Type()) case Int8: return rangeNum[int8](v.Int(), v.Type()) case Int16: return rangeNum[int16](v.Int(), v.Type()) case Int32: return rangeNum[int32](v.Int(), v.Type()) case Int64: return rangeNum[int64](v.Int(), v.Type()) case Uint: return rangeNum[uint](v.Uint(), v.Type()) case Uint8: return rangeNum[uint8](v.Uint(), v.Type()) case Uint16: return rangeNum[uint16](v.Uint(), v.Type()) case Uint32: return rangeNum[uint32](v.Uint(), v.Type()) case Uint64: return rangeNum[uint64](v.Uint(), v.Type()) case Uintptr: return rangeNum[uintptr](v.Uint(), v.Type()) case Pointer: if v.Elem().kind() != Array { break } return func(yield func(Value) bool) { v = v.Elem() for i := range v.Len() { if !yield(ValueOf(i)) { return } } } case Array, Slice: return func(yield func(Value) bool) { for i := range v.Len() { if !yield(ValueOf(i)) { return } } } case String: return func(yield func(Value) bool) { for i := range v.String() { if !yield(ValueOf(i)) { return } } } case Map: return func(yield func(Value) bool) { i := v.MapRange() for i.Next() { if !yield(i.Key()) { return } } } case Chan: return func(yield func(Value) bool) { for value, ok := v.Recv(); ok; value, ok = v.Recv() { if !yield(value) { return } } } } panic("reflect: " + v.Type().String() + " cannot produce iter.Seq[Value]") } // Seq2 returns an iter.Seq2[Value, Value] that loops over the elements of v. // If v's kind is Func, it must be a function that has no results and // that takes a single argument of type func(K, V) bool for some type K, V. // If v's kind is Pointer, the pointer element type must have kind Array. // Otherwise v's kind must be Array, Map, Slice, or String. func (v Value) Seq2() iter.Seq2[Value, Value] { if canRangeFunc2(v.abiType()) { return func(yield func(Value, Value) bool) { rf := MakeFunc(v.Type().In(0), func(in []Value) []Value { return []Value{ValueOf(yield(in[0], in[1]))} }) v.Call([]Value{rf}) } } switch v.Kind() { case Pointer: if v.Elem().kind() != Array { break } return func(yield func(Value, Value) bool) { v = v.Elem() for i := range v.Len() { if !yield(ValueOf(i), v.Index(i)) { return } } } case Array, Slice: return func(yield func(Value, Value) bool) { for i := range v.Len() { if !yield(ValueOf(i), v.Index(i)) { return } } } case String: return func(yield func(Value, Value) bool) { for i, v := range v.String() { if !yield(ValueOf(i), ValueOf(v)) { return } } } case Map: return func(yield func(Value, Value) bool) { i := v.MapRange() for i.Next() { if !yield(i.Key(), i.Value()) { return } } } } panic("reflect: " + v.Type().String() + " cannot produce iter.Seq2[Value, Value]") }