// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package http

import "math"

// A routingIndex optimizes conflict detection by indexing patterns.
// The basic idea is to rule out patterns that cannot conflict with a given
// pattern because they have a different literal in a corresponding segment.
// See the comments in [routingIndex.possiblyConflictingPatterns] for more details.
type routingIndex struct {
	// map from a particular segment position and value to all registered patterns
	// with that value in that position.
	// For example, the key {1, "b"} would hold the patterns "/a/b" and "/a/b/c"
	// but not "/a", "b/a", "/a/c" or "/a/{x}".
	segments map[routingIndexKey][]*pattern
	// All patterns that end in a multi wildcard (including trailing slash).
	// We do not try to be clever about indexing multi patterns, because there
	// are unlikely to be many of them.
	multis []*pattern

type routingIndexKey struct {
	pos int    // 0-based segment position
	s   string // literal, or empty for wildcard

func (idx *routingIndex) addPattern(pat *pattern) {
	if pat.lastSegment().multi {
		idx.multis = append(idx.multis, pat)
	} else {
		if idx.segments == nil {
			idx.segments = map[routingIndexKey][]*pattern{}
		for pos, seg := range pat.segments {
			key := routingIndexKey{pos: pos, s: ""}
			if !seg.wild {
				key.s = seg.s
			idx.segments[key] = append(idx.segments[key], pat)

// possiblyConflictingPatterns calls f on all patterns that might conflict with
// pat. If f returns a non-nil error, possiblyConflictingPatterns returns immediately
// with that error.
// To be correct, possiblyConflictingPatterns must include all patterns that
// might conflict. But it may also include patterns that cannot conflict.
// For instance, an implementation that returns all registered patterns is correct.
// We use this fact throughout, simplifying the implementation by returning more
// patterns that we might need to.
func (idx *routingIndex) possiblyConflictingPatterns(pat *pattern, f func(*pattern) error) (err error) {
	// Terminology:
	//   dollar pattern: one ending in "{$}"
	//   multi pattern: one ending in a trailing slash or "{x...}" wildcard
	//   ordinary pattern: neither of the above

	// apply f to all the pats, stopping on error.
	apply := func(pats []*pattern) error {
		if err != nil {
			return err
		for _, p := range pats {
			err = f(p)
			if err != nil {
				return err
		return nil

	// Our simple indexing scheme doesn't try to prune multi patterns; assume
	// any of them can match the argument.
	if err := apply(idx.multis); err != nil {
		return err
	if pat.lastSegment().s == "/" {
		// All paths that a dollar pattern matches end in a slash; no paths that
		// an ordinary pattern matches do. So only other dollar or multi
		// patterns can conflict with a dollar pattern. Furthermore, conflicting
		// dollar patterns must have the {$} in the same position.
		return apply(idx.segments[routingIndexKey{s: "/", pos: len(pat.segments) - 1}])
	// For ordinary and multi patterns, the only conflicts can be with a multi,
	// or a pattern that has the same literal or a wildcard at some literal
	// position.
	// We could intersect all the possible matches at each position, but we
	// do something simpler: we find the position with the fewest patterns.
	var lmin, wmin []*pattern
	min := math.MaxInt
	hasLit := false
	for i, seg := range pat.segments {
		if seg.multi {
		if !seg.wild {
			hasLit = true
			lpats := idx.segments[routingIndexKey{s: seg.s, pos: i}]
			wpats := idx.segments[routingIndexKey{s: "", pos: i}]
			if sum := len(lpats) + len(wpats); sum < min {
				lmin = lpats
				wmin = wpats
				min = sum
	if hasLit {
		return err

	// This pattern is all wildcards.
	// Check it against everything.
	for _, pats := range idx.segments {
	return err