// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build cgo && !netgo && unix && !darwin package net /* #define _GNU_SOURCE 1 #cgo CFLAGS: -fno-stack-protector #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #ifndef EAI_NODATA #define EAI_NODATA -5 #endif // If nothing else defined EAI_ADDRFAMILY, make sure it has a value. #ifndef EAI_ADDRFAMILY #define EAI_ADDRFAMILY -9 #endif // If nothing else defined EAI_OVERFLOW, make sure it has a value. #ifndef EAI_OVERFLOW #define EAI_OVERFLOW -12 #endif */ import "C" import "unsafe" const ( _C_AF_INET = C.AF_INET _C_AF_INET6 = C.AF_INET6 _C_AF_UNSPEC = C.AF_UNSPEC _C_EAI_ADDRFAMILY = C.EAI_ADDRFAMILY _C_EAI_AGAIN = C.EAI_AGAIN _C_EAI_NODATA = C.EAI_NODATA _C_EAI_NONAME = C.EAI_NONAME _C_EAI_SERVICE = C.EAI_SERVICE _C_EAI_OVERFLOW = C.EAI_OVERFLOW _C_EAI_SYSTEM = C.EAI_SYSTEM _C_IPPROTO_TCP = C.IPPROTO_TCP _C_IPPROTO_UDP = C.IPPROTO_UDP _C_SOCK_DGRAM = C.SOCK_DGRAM _C_SOCK_STREAM = C.SOCK_STREAM ) type ( _C_char = C.char _C_uchar = C.uchar _C_int = C.int _C_uint = C.uint _C_socklen_t = C.socklen_t _C_struct_addrinfo = C.struct_addrinfo _C_struct_sockaddr = C.struct_sockaddr ) func _C_malloc(n uintptr) unsafe.Pointer { return C.malloc(C.size_t(n)) } func _C_free(p unsafe.Pointer) { C.free(p) } func _C_ai_addr(ai *_C_struct_addrinfo) **_C_struct_sockaddr { return &ai.ai_addr } func _C_ai_family(ai *_C_struct_addrinfo) *_C_int { return &ai.ai_family } func _C_ai_flags(ai *_C_struct_addrinfo) *_C_int { return &ai.ai_flags } func _C_ai_next(ai *_C_struct_addrinfo) **_C_struct_addrinfo { return &ai.ai_next } func _C_ai_protocol(ai *_C_struct_addrinfo) *_C_int { return &ai.ai_protocol } func _C_ai_socktype(ai *_C_struct_addrinfo) *_C_int { return &ai.ai_socktype } func _C_freeaddrinfo(ai *_C_struct_addrinfo) { C.freeaddrinfo(ai) } func _C_gai_strerror(eai _C_int) string { return C.GoString(C.gai_strerror(eai)) } func _C_getaddrinfo(hostname, servname *_C_char, hints *_C_struct_addrinfo, res **_C_struct_addrinfo) (int, error) { x, err := C.getaddrinfo(hostname, servname, hints, res) return int(x), err }