Source file src/math/rand/v2/chacha8.go

     1  // Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package rand
     7  import (
     8  	"errors"
     9  	"internal/byteorder"
    10  	"internal/chacha8rand"
    11  )
    13  // A ChaCha8 is a ChaCha8-based cryptographically strong
    14  // random number generator.
    15  type ChaCha8 struct {
    16  	state chacha8rand.State
    18  	// The last readLen bytes of readBuf are still to be consumed by Read.
    19  	readBuf [8]byte
    20  	readLen int // 0 <= readLen <= 8
    21  }
    23  // NewChaCha8 returns a new ChaCha8 seeded with the given seed.
    24  func NewChaCha8(seed [32]byte) *ChaCha8 {
    25  	c := new(ChaCha8)
    26  	c.state.Init(seed)
    27  	return c
    28  }
    30  // Seed resets the ChaCha8 to behave the same way as NewChaCha8(seed).
    31  func (c *ChaCha8) Seed(seed [32]byte) {
    32  	c.state.Init(seed)
    33  	c.readLen = 0
    34  	c.readBuf = [8]byte{}
    35  }
    37  // Uint64 returns a uniformly distributed random uint64 value.
    38  func (c *ChaCha8) Uint64() uint64 {
    39  	for {
    40  		x, ok := c.state.Next()
    41  		if ok {
    42  			return x
    43  		}
    44  		c.state.Refill()
    45  	}
    46  }
    48  // Read reads exactly len(p) bytes into p.
    49  // It always returns len(p) and a nil error.
    50  //
    51  // If calls to Read and Uint64 are interleaved, the order in which bits are
    52  // returned by the two is undefined, and Read may return bits generated before
    53  // the last call to Uint64.
    54  func (c *ChaCha8) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
    55  	if c.readLen > 0 {
    56  		n = copy(p, c.readBuf[len(c.readBuf)-c.readLen:])
    57  		c.readLen -= n
    58  		p = p[n:]
    59  	}
    60  	for len(p) >= 8 {
    61  		byteorder.LEPutUint64(p, c.Uint64())
    62  		p = p[8:]
    63  		n += 8
    64  	}
    65  	if len(p) > 0 {
    66  		byteorder.LEPutUint64(c.readBuf[:], c.Uint64())
    67  		n += copy(p, c.readBuf[:])
    68  		c.readLen = 8 - len(p)
    69  	}
    70  	return
    71  }
    73  // UnmarshalBinary implements the [encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler] interface.
    74  func (c *ChaCha8) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
    75  	data, ok := cutPrefix(data, []byte("readbuf:"))
    76  	if ok {
    77  		var buf []byte
    78  		buf, data, ok = readUint8LengthPrefixed(data)
    79  		if !ok {
    80  			return errors.New("invalid ChaCha8 Read buffer encoding")
    81  		}
    82  		c.readLen = copy(c.readBuf[len(c.readBuf)-len(buf):], buf)
    83  	}
    84  	return chacha8rand.Unmarshal(&c.state, data)
    85  }
    87  func cutPrefix(s, prefix []byte) (after []byte, found bool) {
    88  	if len(s) < len(prefix) || string(s[:len(prefix)]) != string(prefix) {
    89  		return s, false
    90  	}
    91  	return s[len(prefix):], true
    92  }
    94  func readUint8LengthPrefixed(b []byte) (buf, rest []byte, ok bool) {
    95  	if len(b) == 0 || len(b) < int(1+b[0]) {
    96  		return nil, nil, false
    97  	}
    98  	return b[1 : 1+b[0]], b[1+b[0]:], true
    99  }
   101  // AppendBinary implements the [encoding.BinaryAppender] interface.
   102  func (c *ChaCha8) AppendBinary(b []byte) ([]byte, error) {
   103  	if c.readLen > 0 {
   104  		b = append(b, "readbuf:"...)
   105  		b = append(b, uint8(c.readLen))
   106  		b = append(b, c.readBuf[len(c.readBuf)-c.readLen:]...)
   107  	}
   108  	return append(b, chacha8rand.Marshal(&c.state)...), nil
   109  }
   111  // MarshalBinary implements the [encoding.BinaryMarshaler] interface.
   112  func (c *ChaCha8) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
   113  	// the maximum length of (chacha8rand.Marshal + c.readBuf + "readbuf:") is 64
   114  	return c.AppendBinary(make([]byte, 0, 64))
   115  }

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