// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package big_test import ( cryptorand "crypto/rand" "math/big" "math/rand" "reflect" "testing" "testing/quick" ) func equal(z, x *big.Int) bool { return z.Cmp(x) == 0 } type bigInt struct { *big.Int } func generatePositiveInt(rand *rand.Rand, size int) *big.Int { n := big.NewInt(1) n.Lsh(n, uint(rand.Intn(size*8))) n.Rand(rand, n) return n } func (bigInt) Generate(rand *rand.Rand, size int) reflect.Value { n := generatePositiveInt(rand, size) if rand.Intn(4) == 0 { n.Neg(n) } return reflect.ValueOf(bigInt{n}) } type notZeroInt struct { *big.Int } func (notZeroInt) Generate(rand *rand.Rand, size int) reflect.Value { n := generatePositiveInt(rand, size) if rand.Intn(4) == 0 { n.Neg(n) } if n.Sign() == 0 { n.SetInt64(1) } return reflect.ValueOf(notZeroInt{n}) } type positiveInt struct { *big.Int } func (positiveInt) Generate(rand *rand.Rand, size int) reflect.Value { n := generatePositiveInt(rand, size) return reflect.ValueOf(positiveInt{n}) } type prime struct { *big.Int } func (prime) Generate(r *rand.Rand, size int) reflect.Value { n, err := cryptorand.Prime(r, r.Intn(size*8-2)+2) if err != nil { panic(err) } return reflect.ValueOf(prime{n}) } type zeroOrOne struct { uint } func (zeroOrOne) Generate(rand *rand.Rand, size int) reflect.Value { return reflect.ValueOf(zeroOrOne{uint(rand.Intn(2))}) } type smallUint struct { uint } func (smallUint) Generate(rand *rand.Rand, size int) reflect.Value { return reflect.ValueOf(smallUint{uint(rand.Intn(1024))}) } // checkAliasingOneArg checks if f returns a correct result when v and x alias. // // f is a function that takes x as an argument, doesn't modify it, sets v to the // result, and returns v. It is the function signature of unbound methods like // // func (v *big.Int) m(x *big.Int) *big.Int // // v and x are two random Int values. v is randomized even if it will be // overwritten to test for improper buffer reuse. func checkAliasingOneArg(t *testing.T, f func(v, x *big.Int) *big.Int, v, x *big.Int) bool { x1, v1 := new(big.Int).Set(x), new(big.Int).Set(x) // Calculate a reference f(x) without aliasing. if out := f(v, x); out != v { return false } // Test aliasing the argument and the receiver. if out := f(v1, v1); out != v1 || !equal(v1, v) { t.Logf("f(v, x) != f(x, x)") return false } // Ensure the arguments was not modified. return equal(x, x1) } // checkAliasingTwoArgs checks if f returns a correct result when any // combination of v, x and y alias. // // f is a function that takes x and y as arguments, doesn't modify them, sets v // to the result, and returns v. It is the function signature of unbound methods // like // // func (v *big.Int) m(x, y *big.Int) *big.Int // // v, x and y are random Int values. v is randomized even if it will be // overwritten to test for improper buffer reuse. func checkAliasingTwoArgs(t *testing.T, f func(v, x, y *big.Int) *big.Int, v, x, y *big.Int) bool { x1, y1, v1 := new(big.Int).Set(x), new(big.Int).Set(y), new(big.Int).Set(v) // Calculate a reference f(x, y) without aliasing. if out := f(v, x, y); out == nil { // Certain functions like ModInverse return nil for certain inputs. // Check that receiver and arguments were unchanged and move on. return equal(x, x1) && equal(y, y1) && equal(v, v1) } else if out != v { return false } // Test aliasing the first argument and the receiver. v1.Set(x) if out := f(v1, v1, y); out != v1 || !equal(v1, v) { t.Logf("f(v, x, y) != f(x, x, y)") return false } // Test aliasing the second argument and the receiver. v1.Set(y) if out := f(v1, x, v1); out != v1 || !equal(v1, v) { t.Logf("f(v, x, y) != f(y, x, y)") return false } // Calculate a reference f(y, y) without aliasing. // We use y because it's the one that commonly has restrictions // like being prime or non-zero. v1.Set(v) y2 := new(big.Int).Set(y) if out := f(v, y, y2); out == nil { return equal(y, y1) && equal(y2, y1) && equal(v, v1) } else if out != v { return false } // Test aliasing the two arguments. if out := f(v1, y, y); out != v1 || !equal(v1, v) { t.Logf("f(v, y1, y2) != f(v, y, y)") return false } // Test aliasing the two arguments and the receiver. v1.Set(y) if out := f(v1, v1, v1); out != v1 || !equal(v1, v) { t.Logf("f(v, y1, y2) != f(y, y, y)") return false } // Ensure the arguments were not modified. return equal(x, x1) && equal(y, y1) } func TestAliasing(t *testing.T) { for name, f := range map[string]interface{}{ "Abs": func(v, x bigInt) bool { return checkAliasingOneArg(t, (*big.Int).Abs, v.Int, x.Int) }, "Add": func(v, x, y bigInt) bool { return checkAliasingTwoArgs(t, (*big.Int).Add, v.Int, x.Int, y.Int) }, "And": func(v, x, y bigInt) bool { return checkAliasingTwoArgs(t, (*big.Int).And, v.Int, x.Int, y.Int) }, "AndNot": func(v, x, y bigInt) bool { return checkAliasingTwoArgs(t, (*big.Int).AndNot, v.Int, x.Int, y.Int) }, "Div": func(v, x bigInt, y notZeroInt) bool { return checkAliasingTwoArgs(t, (*big.Int).Div, v.Int, x.Int, y.Int) }, "Exp-XY": func(v, x, y bigInt, z notZeroInt) bool { return checkAliasingTwoArgs(t, func(v, x, y *big.Int) *big.Int { return v.Exp(x, y, z.Int) }, v.Int, x.Int, y.Int) }, "Exp-XZ": func(v, x, y bigInt, z notZeroInt) bool { return checkAliasingTwoArgs(t, func(v, x, z *big.Int) *big.Int { return v.Exp(x, y.Int, z) }, v.Int, x.Int, z.Int) }, "Exp-YZ": func(v, x, y bigInt, z notZeroInt) bool { return checkAliasingTwoArgs(t, func(v, y, z *big.Int) *big.Int { return v.Exp(x.Int, y, z) }, v.Int, y.Int, z.Int) }, "GCD": func(v, x, y bigInt) bool { return checkAliasingTwoArgs(t, func(v, x, y *big.Int) *big.Int { return v.GCD(nil, nil, x, y) }, v.Int, x.Int, y.Int) }, "GCD-X": func(v, x, y bigInt) bool { a, b := new(big.Int), new(big.Int) return checkAliasingTwoArgs(t, func(v, x, y *big.Int) *big.Int { a.GCD(v, b, x, y) return v }, v.Int, x.Int, y.Int) }, "GCD-Y": func(v, x, y bigInt) bool { a, b := new(big.Int), new(big.Int) return checkAliasingTwoArgs(t, func(v, x, y *big.Int) *big.Int { a.GCD(b, v, x, y) return v }, v.Int, x.Int, y.Int) }, "Lsh": func(v, x bigInt, n smallUint) bool { return checkAliasingOneArg(t, func(v, x *big.Int) *big.Int { return v.Lsh(x, n.uint) }, v.Int, x.Int) }, "Mod": func(v, x bigInt, y notZeroInt) bool { return checkAliasingTwoArgs(t, (*big.Int).Mod, v.Int, x.Int, y.Int) }, "ModInverse": func(v, x bigInt, y notZeroInt) bool { return checkAliasingTwoArgs(t, (*big.Int).ModInverse, v.Int, x.Int, y.Int) }, "ModSqrt": func(v, x bigInt, p prime) bool { return checkAliasingTwoArgs(t, (*big.Int).ModSqrt, v.Int, x.Int, p.Int) }, "Mul": func(v, x, y bigInt) bool { return checkAliasingTwoArgs(t, (*big.Int).Mul, v.Int, x.Int, y.Int) }, "Neg": func(v, x bigInt) bool { return checkAliasingOneArg(t, (*big.Int).Neg, v.Int, x.Int) }, "Not": func(v, x bigInt) bool { return checkAliasingOneArg(t, (*big.Int).Not, v.Int, x.Int) }, "Or": func(v, x, y bigInt) bool { return checkAliasingTwoArgs(t, (*big.Int).Or, v.Int, x.Int, y.Int) }, "Quo": func(v, x bigInt, y notZeroInt) bool { return checkAliasingTwoArgs(t, (*big.Int).Quo, v.Int, x.Int, y.Int) }, "Rand": func(v, x bigInt, seed int64) bool { return checkAliasingOneArg(t, func(v, x *big.Int) *big.Int { rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed)) return v.Rand(rnd, x) }, v.Int, x.Int) }, "Rem": func(v, x bigInt, y notZeroInt) bool { return checkAliasingTwoArgs(t, (*big.Int).Rem, v.Int, x.Int, y.Int) }, "Rsh": func(v, x bigInt, n smallUint) bool { return checkAliasingOneArg(t, func(v, x *big.Int) *big.Int { return v.Rsh(x, n.uint) }, v.Int, x.Int) }, "Set": func(v, x bigInt) bool { return checkAliasingOneArg(t, (*big.Int).Set, v.Int, x.Int) }, "SetBit": func(v, x bigInt, i smallUint, b zeroOrOne) bool { return checkAliasingOneArg(t, func(v, x *big.Int) *big.Int { return v.SetBit(x, int(i.uint), b.uint) }, v.Int, x.Int) }, "Sqrt": func(v bigInt, x positiveInt) bool { return checkAliasingOneArg(t, (*big.Int).Sqrt, v.Int, x.Int) }, "Sub": func(v, x, y bigInt) bool { return checkAliasingTwoArgs(t, (*big.Int).Sub, v.Int, x.Int, y.Int) }, "Xor": func(v, x, y bigInt) bool { return checkAliasingTwoArgs(t, (*big.Int).Xor, v.Int, x.Int, y.Int) }, } { t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { scale := 1.0 switch name { case "ModInverse", "GCD-Y", "GCD-X": scale /= 5 case "Rand": scale /= 10 case "Exp-XZ", "Exp-XY", "Exp-YZ": scale /= 50 case "ModSqrt": scale /= 500 } if err := quick.Check(f, &quick.Config{ MaxCountScale: scale, }); err != nil { t.Error(err) } }) } }