Source file src/go/types/api_test.go

     1  // Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package types_test
     7  import (
     8  	"errors"
     9  	"fmt"
    10  	"go/ast"
    11  	"go/importer"
    12  	"go/parser"
    13  	"go/token"
    14  	"internal/goversion"
    15  	"internal/testenv"
    16  	"slices"
    17  	"strings"
    18  	"sync"
    19  	"testing"
    21  	. "go/types"
    22  	"runtime"
    23  )
    25  // nopos indicates an unknown position
    26  var nopos token.Pos
    28  func defaultImporter(fset *token.FileSet) Importer {
    29  	return importer.ForCompiler(fset, runtime.Compiler, nil)
    30  }
    32  func mustParse(fset *token.FileSet, src string) *ast.File {
    33  	f, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, pkgName(src), src, parser.ParseComments)
    34  	if err != nil {
    35  		panic(err) // so we don't need to pass *testing.T
    36  	}
    37  	return f
    38  }
    40  func typecheck(src string, conf *Config, info *Info) (*Package, error) {
    41  	// TODO(adonovan): plumb this from caller.
    42  	fset := token.NewFileSet()
    43  	f := mustParse(fset, src)
    44  	if conf == nil {
    45  		conf = &Config{
    46  			Error:    func(err error) {}, // collect all errors
    47  			Importer: defaultImporter(fset),
    48  		}
    49  	}
    50  	return conf.Check(f.Name.Name, fset, []*ast.File{f}, info)
    51  }
    53  func mustTypecheck(src string, conf *Config, info *Info) *Package {
    54  	pkg, err := typecheck(src, conf, info)
    55  	if err != nil {
    56  		panic(err) // so we don't need to pass *testing.T
    57  	}
    58  	return pkg
    59  }
    61  // pkgName extracts the package name from src, which must contain a package header.
    62  func pkgName(src string) string {
    63  	const kw = "package "
    64  	if i := strings.Index(src, kw); i >= 0 {
    65  		after := src[i+len(kw):]
    66  		n := len(after)
    67  		if i := strings.IndexAny(after, "\n\t ;/"); i >= 0 {
    68  			n = i
    69  		}
    70  		return after[:n]
    71  	}
    72  	panic("missing package header: " + src)
    73  }
    75  func TestValuesInfo(t *testing.T) {
    76  	var tests = []struct {
    77  		src  string
    78  		expr string // constant expression
    79  		typ  string // constant type
    80  		val  string // constant value
    81  	}{
    82  		{`package a0; const _ = false`, `false`, `untyped bool`, `false`},
    83  		{`package a1; const _ = 0`, `0`, `untyped int`, `0`},
    84  		{`package a2; const _ = 'A'`, `'A'`, `untyped rune`, `65`},
    85  		{`package a3; const _ = 0.`, `0.`, `untyped float`, `0`},
    86  		{`package a4; const _ = 0i`, `0i`, `untyped complex`, `(0 + 0i)`},
    87  		{`package a5; const _ = "foo"`, `"foo"`, `untyped string`, `"foo"`},
    89  		{`package b0; var _ = false`, `false`, `bool`, `false`},
    90  		{`package b1; var _ = 0`, `0`, `int`, `0`},
    91  		{`package b2; var _ = 'A'`, `'A'`, `rune`, `65`},
    92  		{`package b3; var _ = 0.`, `0.`, `float64`, `0`},
    93  		{`package b4; var _ = 0i`, `0i`, `complex128`, `(0 + 0i)`},
    94  		{`package b5; var _ = "foo"`, `"foo"`, `string`, `"foo"`},
    96  		{`package c0a; var _ = bool(false)`, `false`, `bool`, `false`},
    97  		{`package c0b; var _ = bool(false)`, `bool(false)`, `bool`, `false`},
    98  		{`package c0c; type T bool; var _ = T(false)`, `T(false)`, `c0c.T`, `false`},
   100  		{`package c1a; var _ = int(0)`, `0`, `int`, `0`},
   101  		{`package c1b; var _ = int(0)`, `int(0)`, `int`, `0`},
   102  		{`package c1c; type T int; var _ = T(0)`, `T(0)`, `c1c.T`, `0`},
   104  		{`package c2a; var _ = rune('A')`, `'A'`, `rune`, `65`},
   105  		{`package c2b; var _ = rune('A')`, `rune('A')`, `rune`, `65`},
   106  		{`package c2c; type T rune; var _ = T('A')`, `T('A')`, `c2c.T`, `65`},
   108  		{`package c3a; var _ = float32(0.)`, `0.`, `float32`, `0`},
   109  		{`package c3b; var _ = float32(0.)`, `float32(0.)`, `float32`, `0`},
   110  		{`package c3c; type T float32; var _ = T(0.)`, `T(0.)`, `c3c.T`, `0`},
   112  		{`package c4a; var _ = complex64(0i)`, `0i`, `complex64`, `(0 + 0i)`},
   113  		{`package c4b; var _ = complex64(0i)`, `complex64(0i)`, `complex64`, `(0 + 0i)`},
   114  		{`package c4c; type T complex64; var _ = T(0i)`, `T(0i)`, `c4c.T`, `(0 + 0i)`},
   116  		{`package c5a; var _ = string("foo")`, `"foo"`, `string`, `"foo"`},
   117  		{`package c5b; var _ = string("foo")`, `string("foo")`, `string`, `"foo"`},
   118  		{`package c5c; type T string; var _ = T("foo")`, `T("foo")`, `c5c.T`, `"foo"`},
   119  		{`package c5d; var _ = string(65)`, `65`, `untyped int`, `65`},
   120  		{`package c5e; var _ = string('A')`, `'A'`, `untyped rune`, `65`},
   121  		{`package c5f; type T string; var _ = T('A')`, `'A'`, `untyped rune`, `65`},
   123  		{`package d0; var _ = []byte("foo")`, `"foo"`, `string`, `"foo"`},
   124  		{`package d1; var _ = []byte(string("foo"))`, `"foo"`, `string`, `"foo"`},
   125  		{`package d2; var _ = []byte(string("foo"))`, `string("foo")`, `string`, `"foo"`},
   126  		{`package d3; type T []byte; var _ = T("foo")`, `"foo"`, `string`, `"foo"`},
   128  		{`package e0; const _ = float32( 1e-200)`, `float32(1e-200)`, `float32`, `0`},
   129  		{`package e1; const _ = float32(-1e-200)`, `float32(-1e-200)`, `float32`, `0`},
   130  		{`package e2; const _ = float64( 1e-2000)`, `float64(1e-2000)`, `float64`, `0`},
   131  		{`package e3; const _ = float64(-1e-2000)`, `float64(-1e-2000)`, `float64`, `0`},
   132  		{`package e4; const _ = complex64( 1e-200)`, `complex64(1e-200)`, `complex64`, `(0 + 0i)`},
   133  		{`package e5; const _ = complex64(-1e-200)`, `complex64(-1e-200)`, `complex64`, `(0 + 0i)`},
   134  		{`package e6; const _ = complex128( 1e-2000)`, `complex128(1e-2000)`, `complex128`, `(0 + 0i)`},
   135  		{`package e7; const _ = complex128(-1e-2000)`, `complex128(-1e-2000)`, `complex128`, `(0 + 0i)`},
   137  		{`package f0 ; var _ float32 =  1e-200`, `1e-200`, `float32`, `0`},
   138  		{`package f1 ; var _ float32 = -1e-200`, `-1e-200`, `float32`, `0`},
   139  		{`package f2a; var _ float64 =  1e-2000`, `1e-2000`, `float64`, `0`},
   140  		{`package f3a; var _ float64 = -1e-2000`, `-1e-2000`, `float64`, `0`},
   141  		{`package f2b; var _         =  1e-2000`, `1e-2000`, `float64`, `0`},
   142  		{`package f3b; var _         = -1e-2000`, `-1e-2000`, `float64`, `0`},
   143  		{`package f4 ; var _ complex64  =  1e-200 `, `1e-200`, `complex64`, `(0 + 0i)`},
   144  		{`package f5 ; var _ complex64  = -1e-200 `, `-1e-200`, `complex64`, `(0 + 0i)`},
   145  		{`package f6a; var _ complex128 =  1e-2000i`, `1e-2000i`, `complex128`, `(0 + 0i)`},
   146  		{`package f7a; var _ complex128 = -1e-2000i`, `-1e-2000i`, `complex128`, `(0 + 0i)`},
   147  		{`package f6b; var _            =  1e-2000i`, `1e-2000i`, `complex128`, `(0 + 0i)`},
   148  		{`package f7b; var _            = -1e-2000i`, `-1e-2000i`, `complex128`, `(0 + 0i)`},
   150  		{`package g0; const (a = len([iota]int{}); b; c); const _ = c`, `c`, `int`, `2`}, //
   151  		{`package g1; var(j int32; s int; n = 1.0<<s == j)`, `1.0`, `int32`, `1`},        //
   152  	}
   154  	for _, test := range tests {
   155  		info := Info{
   156  			Types: make(map[ast.Expr]TypeAndValue),
   157  		}
   158  		name := mustTypecheck(test.src, nil, &info).Name()
   160  		// look for expression
   161  		var expr ast.Expr
   162  		for e := range info.Types {
   163  			if ExprString(e) == test.expr {
   164  				expr = e
   165  				break
   166  			}
   167  		}
   168  		if expr == nil {
   169  			t.Errorf("package %s: no expression found for %s", name, test.expr)
   170  			continue
   171  		}
   172  		tv := info.Types[expr]
   174  		// check that type is correct
   175  		if got := tv.Type.String(); got != test.typ {
   176  			t.Errorf("package %s: got type %s; want %s", name, got, test.typ)
   177  			continue
   178  		}
   180  		// if we have a constant, check that value is correct
   181  		if tv.Value != nil {
   182  			if got := tv.Value.ExactString(); got != test.val {
   183  				t.Errorf("package %s: got value %s; want %s", name, got, test.val)
   184  			}
   185  		} else {
   186  			if test.val != "" {
   187  				t.Errorf("package %s: no constant found; want %s", name, test.val)
   188  			}
   189  		}
   190  	}
   191  }
   193  func TestTypesInfo(t *testing.T) {
   194  	// Test sources that are not expected to typecheck must start with the broken prefix.
   195  	const broken = "package broken_"
   197  	var tests = []struct {
   198  		src  string
   199  		expr string // expression
   200  		typ  string // value type
   201  	}{
   202  		// single-valued expressions of untyped constants
   203  		{`package b0; var x interface{} = false`, `false`, `bool`},
   204  		{`package b1; var x interface{} = 0`, `0`, `int`},
   205  		{`package b2; var x interface{} = 0.`, `0.`, `float64`},
   206  		{`package b3; var x interface{} = 0i`, `0i`, `complex128`},
   207  		{`package b4; var x interface{} = "foo"`, `"foo"`, `string`},
   209  		// uses of nil
   210  		{`package n0; var _ *int = nil`, `nil`, `untyped nil`},
   211  		{`package n1; var _ func() = nil`, `nil`, `untyped nil`},
   212  		{`package n2; var _ []byte = nil`, `nil`, `untyped nil`},
   213  		{`package n3; var _ map[int]int = nil`, `nil`, `untyped nil`},
   214  		{`package n4; var _ chan int = nil`, `nil`, `untyped nil`},
   215  		{`package n5; var _ interface{} = nil`, `nil`, `untyped nil`},
   216  		{`package n6; import "unsafe"; var _ unsafe.Pointer = nil`, `nil`, `untyped nil`},
   218  		{`package n10; var (x *int; _ = x == nil)`, `nil`, `untyped nil`},
   219  		{`package n11; var (x func(); _ = x == nil)`, `nil`, `untyped nil`},
   220  		{`package n12; var (x []byte; _ = x == nil)`, `nil`, `untyped nil`},
   221  		{`package n13; var (x map[int]int; _ = x == nil)`, `nil`, `untyped nil`},
   222  		{`package n14; var (x chan int; _ = x == nil)`, `nil`, `untyped nil`},
   223  		{`package n15; var (x interface{}; _ = x == nil)`, `nil`, `untyped nil`},
   224  		{`package n15; import "unsafe"; var (x unsafe.Pointer; _ = x == nil)`, `nil`, `untyped nil`},
   226  		{`package n20; var _ = (*int)(nil)`, `nil`, `untyped nil`},
   227  		{`package n21; var _ = (func())(nil)`, `nil`, `untyped nil`},
   228  		{`package n22; var _ = ([]byte)(nil)`, `nil`, `untyped nil`},
   229  		{`package n23; var _ = (map[int]int)(nil)`, `nil`, `untyped nil`},
   230  		{`package n24; var _ = (chan int)(nil)`, `nil`, `untyped nil`},
   231  		{`package n25; var _ = (interface{})(nil)`, `nil`, `untyped nil`},
   232  		{`package n26; import "unsafe"; var _ = unsafe.Pointer(nil)`, `nil`, `untyped nil`},
   234  		{`package n30; func f(*int) { f(nil) }`, `nil`, `untyped nil`},
   235  		{`package n31; func f(func()) { f(nil) }`, `nil`, `untyped nil`},
   236  		{`package n32; func f([]byte) { f(nil) }`, `nil`, `untyped nil`},
   237  		{`package n33; func f(map[int]int) { f(nil) }`, `nil`, `untyped nil`},
   238  		{`package n34; func f(chan int) { f(nil) }`, `nil`, `untyped nil`},
   239  		{`package n35; func f(interface{}) { f(nil) }`, `nil`, `untyped nil`},
   240  		{`package n35; import "unsafe"; func f(unsafe.Pointer) { f(nil) }`, `nil`, `untyped nil`},
   242  		// comma-ok expressions
   243  		{`package p0; var x interface{}; var _, _ = x.(int)`,
   244  			`x.(int)`,
   245  			`(int, bool)`,
   246  		},
   247  		{`package p1; var x interface{}; func _() { _, _ = x.(int) }`,
   248  			`x.(int)`,
   249  			`(int, bool)`,
   250  		},
   251  		{`package p2a; type mybool bool; var m map[string]complex128; var b mybool; func _() { _, b = m["foo"] }`,
   252  			`m["foo"]`,
   253  			`(complex128, p2a.mybool)`,
   254  		},
   255  		{`package p2b; var m map[string]complex128; var b bool; func _() { _, b = m["foo"] }`,
   256  			`m["foo"]`,
   257  			`(complex128, bool)`,
   258  		},
   259  		{`package p3; var c chan string; var _, _ = <-c`,
   260  			`<-c`,
   261  			`(string, bool)`,
   262  		},
   264  		//
   265  		{`package issue6796_a; var x interface{}; var _, _ = (x.(int))`,
   266  			`x.(int)`,
   267  			`(int, bool)`,
   268  		},
   269  		{`package issue6796_b; var c chan string; var _, _ = (<-c)`,
   270  			`(<-c)`,
   271  			`(string, bool)`,
   272  		},
   273  		{`package issue6796_c; var c chan string; var _, _ = (<-c)`,
   274  			`<-c`,
   275  			`(string, bool)`,
   276  		},
   277  		{`package issue6796_d; var c chan string; var _, _ = ((<-c))`,
   278  			`(<-c)`,
   279  			`(string, bool)`,
   280  		},
   281  		{`package issue6796_e; func f(c chan string) { _, _ = ((<-c)) }`,
   282  			`(<-c)`,
   283  			`(string, bool)`,
   284  		},
   286  		//
   287  		{`package issue7060_a; var ( m map[int]string; x, ok = m[0] )`,
   288  			`m[0]`,
   289  			`(string, bool)`,
   290  		},
   291  		{`package issue7060_b; var ( m map[int]string; x, ok interface{} = m[0] )`,
   292  			`m[0]`,
   293  			`(string, bool)`,
   294  		},
   295  		{`package issue7060_c; func f(x interface{}, ok bool, m map[int]string) { x, ok = m[0] }`,
   296  			`m[0]`,
   297  			`(string, bool)`,
   298  		},
   299  		{`package issue7060_d; var ( ch chan string; x, ok = <-ch )`,
   300  			`<-ch`,
   301  			`(string, bool)`,
   302  		},
   303  		{`package issue7060_e; var ( ch chan string; x, ok interface{} = <-ch )`,
   304  			`<-ch`,
   305  			`(string, bool)`,
   306  		},
   307  		{`package issue7060_f; func f(x interface{}, ok bool, ch chan string) { x, ok = <-ch }`,
   308  			`<-ch`,
   309  			`(string, bool)`,
   310  		},
   312  		//
   313  		{`package issue28277_a; func f(`,
   314  			``,
   315  			`[]int`,
   316  		},
   317  		{`package issue28277_b; func f(a, b int, c ...[]struct{})`,
   318  			`...[]struct{}`,
   319  			`[][]struct{}`,
   320  		},
   322  		//
   323  		{`package issue47243_a; var x int32; var _ = x << 3`, `3`, `untyped int`},
   324  		{`package issue47243_b; var x int32; var _ = x << 3.`, `3.`, `untyped float`},
   325  		{`package issue47243_c; var x int32; var _ = 1 << x`, `1 << x`, `int`},
   326  		{`package issue47243_d; var x int32; var _ = 1 << x`, `1`, `int`},
   327  		{`package issue47243_e; var x int32; var _ = 1 << 2`, `1`, `untyped int`},
   328  		{`package issue47243_f; var x int32; var _ = 1 << 2`, `2`, `untyped int`},
   329  		{`package issue47243_g; var x int32; var _ = int(1) << 2`, `2`, `untyped int`},
   330  		{`package issue47243_h; var x int32; var _ = 1 << (2 << x)`, `1`, `int`},
   331  		{`package issue47243_i; var x int32; var _ = 1 << (2 << x)`, `(2 << x)`, `untyped int`},
   332  		{`package issue47243_j; var x int32; var _ = 1 << (2 << x)`, `2`, `untyped int`},
   334  		// tests for broken code that doesn't type-check
   335  		{broken + `x0; func _() { var x struct {f string}; x.f := 0 }`, `x.f`, `string`},
   336  		{broken + `x1; func _() { var z string; type x struct {f string}; y := &x{q: z}}`, `z`, `string`},
   337  		{broken + `x2; func _() { var a, b string; type x struct {f string}; z := &x{f: a, f: b,}}`, `b`, `string`},
   338  		{broken + `x3; var x = panic("");`, `panic`, `func(interface{})`},
   339  		{`package x4; func _() { panic("") }`, `panic`, `func(interface{})`},
   340  		{broken + `x5; func _() { var x map[string][...]int; x = map[string][...]int{"": {1,2,3}} }`, `x`, `map[string]invalid type`},
   342  		// parameterized functions
   343  		{`package p0; func f[T any](T) {}; var _ = f[int]`, `f`, `func[T any](T)`},
   344  		{`package p1; func f[T any](T) {}; var _ = f[int]`, `f[int]`, `func(int)`},
   345  		{`package p2; func f[T any](T) {}; func _() { f(42) }`, `f`, `func(int)`},
   346  		{`package p3; func f[T any](T) {}; func _() { f[int](42) }`, `f[int]`, `func(int)`},
   347  		{`package p4; func f[T any](T) {}; func _() { f[int](42) }`, `f`, `func[T any](T)`},
   348  		{`package p5; func f[T any](T) {}; func _() { f(42) }`, `f(42)`, `()`},
   350  		// type parameters
   351  		{`package t0; type t[] int; var _ t`, `t`, `t0.t`}, // t[] is a syntax error that is ignored in this test in favor of t
   352  		{`package t1; type t[P any] int; var _ t[int]`, `t`, `t1.t[P any]`},
   353  		{`package t2; type t[P interface{}] int; var _ t[int]`, `t`, `t2.t[P interface{}]`},
   354  		{`package t3; type t[P, Q interface{}] int; var _ t[int, int]`, `t`, `t3.t[P, Q interface{}]`},
   355  		{broken + `t4; type t[P, Q interface{ m() }] int; var _ t[int, int]`, `t`, `broken_t4.t[P, Q interface{m()}]`},
   357  		// instantiated types must be sanitized
   358  		{`package g0; type t[P any] int; var x struct{ f t[int] }; var _ = x.f`, `x.f`, `g0.t[int]`},
   360  		//
   361  		{`package issue45096; func _[T interface{ ~int8 | ~int16 | ~int32  }](x T) { _ = x < 0 }`, `0`, `T`},
   363  		//
   364  		{`package p; import "unsafe"; type S struct { f int }; var s S; var _ = unsafe.Offsetof(s.f)`, `s.f`, `int`},
   366  		//
   367  		{`package u0a; func _[_ interface{int}]() {}`, `int`, `int`},
   368  		{`package u1a; func _[_ interface{~int}]() {}`, `~int`, `~int`},
   369  		{`package u2a; func _[_ interface{int | string}]() {}`, `int | string`, `int | string`},
   370  		{`package u3a; func _[_ interface{int | string | ~bool}]() {}`, `int | string | ~bool`, `int | string | ~bool`},
   371  		{`package u3a; func _[_ interface{int | string | ~bool}]() {}`, `int | string`, `int | string`},
   372  		{`package u3a; func _[_ interface{int | string | ~bool}]() {}`, `~bool`, `~bool`},
   373  		{`package u3a; func _[_ interface{int | string | ~float64|~bool}]() {}`, `int | string | ~float64`, `int | string | ~float64`},
   375  		{`package u0b; func _[_ int]() {}`, `int`, `int`},
   376  		{`package u1b; func _[_ ~int]() {}`, `~int`, `~int`},
   377  		{`package u2b; func _[_ int | string]() {}`, `int | string`, `int | string`},
   378  		{`package u3b; func _[_ int | string | ~bool]() {}`, `int | string | ~bool`, `int | string | ~bool`},
   379  		{`package u3b; func _[_ int | string | ~bool]() {}`, `int | string`, `int | string`},
   380  		{`package u3b; func _[_ int | string | ~bool]() {}`, `~bool`, `~bool`},
   381  		{`package u3b; func _[_ int | string | ~float64|~bool]() {}`, `int | string | ~float64`, `int | string | ~float64`},
   383  		{`package u0c; type _ interface{int}`, `int`, `int`},
   384  		{`package u1c; type _ interface{~int}`, `~int`, `~int`},
   385  		{`package u2c; type _ interface{int | string}`, `int | string`, `int | string`},
   386  		{`package u3c; type _ interface{int | string | ~bool}`, `int | string | ~bool`, `int | string | ~bool`},
   387  		{`package u3c; type _ interface{int | string | ~bool}`, `int | string`, `int | string`},
   388  		{`package u3c; type _ interface{int | string | ~bool}`, `~bool`, `~bool`},
   389  		{`package u3c; type _ interface{int | string | ~float64|~bool}`, `int | string | ~float64`, `int | string | ~float64`},
   391  		// reverse type inference
   392  		{`package r1; var _ func(int) = g; func g[P any](P) {}`, `g`, `func(int)`},
   393  		{`package r2; var _ func(int) = g[int]; func g[P any](P) {}`, `g`, `func[P any](P)`}, //
   394  		{`package r3; var _ func(int) = g[int]; func g[P any](P) {}`, `g[int]`, `func(int)`},
   395  		{`package r4; var _ func(int, string) = g; func g[P, Q any](P, Q) {}`, `g`, `func(int, string)`},
   396  		{`package r5; var _ func(int, string) = g[int]; func g[P, Q any](P, Q) {}`, `g`, `func[P, Q any](P, Q)`}, //
   397  		{`package r6; var _ func(int, string) = g[int]; func g[P, Q any](P, Q) {}`, `g[int]`, `func(int, string)`},
   399  		{`package s1; func _() { f(g) }; func f(func(int)) {}; func g[P any](P) {}`, `g`, `func(int)`},
   400  		{`package s2; func _() { f(g[int]) }; func f(func(int)) {}; func g[P any](P) {}`, `g`, `func[P any](P)`}, //
   401  		{`package s3; func _() { f(g[int]) }; func f(func(int)) {}; func g[P any](P) {}`, `g[int]`, `func(int)`},
   402  		{`package s4; func _() { f(g) }; func f(func(int, string)) {}; func g[P, Q any](P, Q) {}`, `g`, `func(int, string)`},
   403  		{`package s5; func _() { f(g[int]) }; func f(func(int, string)) {}; func g[P, Q any](P, Q) {}`, `g`, `func[P, Q any](P, Q)`}, //
   404  		{`package s6; func _() { f(g[int]) }; func f(func(int, string)) {}; func g[P, Q any](P, Q) {}`, `g[int]`, `func(int, string)`},
   406  		{`package s7; func _() { f(g, h) }; func f[P any](func(int, P), func(P, string)) {}; func g[P any](P, P) {}; func h[P, Q any](P, Q) {}`, `g`, `func(int, int)`},
   407  		{`package s8; func _() { f(g, h) }; func f[P any](func(int, P), func(P, string)) {}; func g[P any](P, P) {}; func h[P, Q any](P, Q) {}`, `h`, `func(int, string)`},
   408  		{`package s9; func _() { f(g, h[int]) }; func f[P any](func(int, P), func(P, string)) {}; func g[P any](P, P) {}; func h[P, Q any](P, Q) {}`, `h`, `func[P, Q any](P, Q)`}, //
   409  		{`package s10; func _() { f(g, h[int]) }; func f[P any](func(int, P), func(P, string)) {}; func g[P any](P, P) {}; func h[P, Q any](P, Q) {}`, `h[int]`, `func(int, string)`},
   411  		//
   412  		// parenthesized and pointer type expressions in various positions
   413  		// - as variable type, not generic
   414  		{`package qa1; type T int; var x T`, `T`, `qa1.T`},
   415  		{`package qa2; type T int; var x (T)`, `T`, `qa2.T`},
   416  		{`package qa3; type T int; var x (T)`, `(T)`, `qa3.T`},
   417  		{`package qa4; type T int; var x ((T))`, `T`, `qa4.T`},
   418  		{`package qa5; type T int; var x ((T))`, `(T)`, `qa5.T`},
   419  		{`package qa6; type T int; var x ((T))`, `((T))`, `qa6.T`},
   420  		{`package qa7; type T int; var x *T`, `T`, `qa7.T`},
   421  		{`package qa8; type T int; var x *T`, `*T`, `*qa8.T`},
   422  		{`package qa9; type T int; var x (*T)`, `T`, `qa9.T`},
   423  		{`package qa10; type T int; var x (*T)`, `*T`, `*qa10.T`},
   424  		{`package qa11; type T int; var x *(T)`, `T`, `qa11.T`},
   425  		{`package qa12; type T int; var x *(T)`, `(T)`, `qa12.T`},
   426  		{`package qa13; type T int; var x *(T)`, `*(T)`, `*qa13.T`},
   427  		{`package qa14; type T int; var x (*(T))`, `(T)`, `qa14.T`},
   428  		{`package qa15; type T int; var x (*(T))`, `*(T)`, `*qa15.T`},
   429  		{`package qa16; type T int; var x (*(T))`, `(*(T))`, `*qa16.T`},
   431  		// - as ordinary function parameter, not generic
   432  		{`package qb1; type T int; func _(T)`, `T`, `qb1.T`},
   433  		{`package qb2; type T int; func _((T))`, `T`, `qb2.T`},
   434  		{`package qb3; type T int; func _((T))`, `(T)`, `qb3.T`},
   435  		{`package qb4; type T int; func _(((T)))`, `T`, `qb4.T`},
   436  		{`package qb5; type T int; func _(((T)))`, `(T)`, `qb5.T`},
   437  		{`package qb6; type T int; func _(((T)))`, `((T))`, `qb6.T`},
   438  		{`package qb7; type T int; func _(*T)`, `T`, `qb7.T`},
   439  		{`package qb8; type T int; func _(*T)`, `*T`, `*qb8.T`},
   440  		{`package qb9; type T int; func _((*T))`, `T`, `qb9.T`},
   441  		{`package qb10; type T int; func _((*T))`, `*T`, `*qb10.T`},
   442  		{`package qb11; type T int; func _(*(T))`, `T`, `qb11.T`},
   443  		{`package qb12; type T int; func _(*(T))`, `(T)`, `qb12.T`},
   444  		{`package qb13; type T int; func _(*(T))`, `*(T)`, `*qb13.T`},
   445  		{`package qb14; type T int; func _((*(T)))`, `(T)`, `qb14.T`},
   446  		{`package qb15; type T int; func _((*(T)))`, `*(T)`, `*qb15.T`},
   447  		{`package qb16; type T int; func _((*(T)))`, `(*(T))`, `*qb16.T`},
   449  		// - as method receiver, not generic
   450  		{`package qc1; type T int; func (T) _() {}`, `T`, `qc1.T`},
   451  		{`package qc2; type T int; func ((T)) _() {}`, `T`, `qc2.T`},
   452  		{`package qc3; type T int; func ((T)) _() {}`, `(T)`, `qc3.T`},
   453  		{`package qc4; type T int; func (((T))) _() {}`, `T`, `qc4.T`},
   454  		{`package qc5; type T int; func (((T))) _() {}`, `(T)`, `qc5.T`},
   455  		{`package qc6; type T int; func (((T))) _() {}`, `((T))`, `qc6.T`},
   456  		{`package qc7; type T int; func (*T) _() {}`, `T`, `qc7.T`},
   457  		{`package qc8; type T int; func (*T) _() {}`, `*T`, `*qc8.T`},
   458  		{`package qc9; type T int; func ((*T)) _() {}`, `T`, `qc9.T`},
   459  		{`package qc10; type T int; func ((*T)) _() {}`, `*T`, `*qc10.T`},
   460  		{`package qc11; type T int; func (*(T)) _() {}`, `T`, `qc11.T`},
   461  		{`package qc12; type T int; func (*(T)) _() {}`, `(T)`, `qc12.T`},
   462  		{`package qc13; type T int; func (*(T)) _() {}`, `*(T)`, `*qc13.T`},
   463  		{`package qc14; type T int; func ((*(T))) _() {}`, `(T)`, `qc14.T`},
   464  		{`package qc15; type T int; func ((*(T))) _() {}`, `*(T)`, `*qc15.T`},
   465  		{`package qc16; type T int; func ((*(T))) _() {}`, `(*(T))`, `*qc16.T`},
   467  		// - as variable type, generic
   468  		{`package qd1; type T[_ any] int; var x T[int]`, `T`, `qd1.T[_ any]`},
   469  		{`package qd2; type T[_ any] int; var x (T[int])`, `T[int]`, `qd2.T[int]`},
   470  		{`package qd3; type T[_ any] int; var x (T[int])`, `(T[int])`, `qd3.T[int]`},
   471  		{`package qd4; type T[_ any] int; var x ((T[int]))`, `T`, `qd4.T[_ any]`},
   472  		{`package qd5; type T[_ any] int; var x ((T[int]))`, `(T[int])`, `qd5.T[int]`},
   473  		{`package qd6; type T[_ any] int; var x ((T[int]))`, `((T[int]))`, `qd6.T[int]`},
   474  		{`package qd7; type T[_ any] int; var x *T[int]`, `T`, `qd7.T[_ any]`},
   475  		{`package qd8; type T[_ any] int; var x *T[int]`, `*T[int]`, `*qd8.T[int]`},
   476  		{`package qd9; type T[_ any] int; var x (*T[int])`, `T`, `qd9.T[_ any]`},
   477  		{`package qd10; type T[_ any] int; var x (*T[int])`, `*T[int]`, `*qd10.T[int]`},
   478  		{`package qd11; type T[_ any] int; var x *(T[int])`, `T[int]`, `qd11.T[int]`},
   479  		{`package qd12; type T[_ any] int; var x *(T[int])`, `(T[int])`, `qd12.T[int]`},
   480  		{`package qd13; type T[_ any] int; var x *(T[int])`, `*(T[int])`, `*qd13.T[int]`},
   481  		{`package qd14; type T[_ any] int; var x (*(T[int]))`, `(T[int])`, `qd14.T[int]`},
   482  		{`package qd15; type T[_ any] int; var x (*(T[int]))`, `*(T[int])`, `*qd15.T[int]`},
   483  		{`package qd16; type T[_ any] int; var x (*(T[int]))`, `(*(T[int]))`, `*qd16.T[int]`},
   485  		// - as ordinary function parameter, generic
   486  		{`package qe1; type T[_ any] int; func _(T[int])`, `T`, `qe1.T[_ any]`},
   487  		{`package qe2; type T[_ any] int; func _((T[int]))`, `T[int]`, `qe2.T[int]`},
   488  		{`package qe3; type T[_ any] int; func _((T[int]))`, `(T[int])`, `qe3.T[int]`},
   489  		{`package qe4; type T[_ any] int; func _(((T[int])))`, `T`, `qe4.T[_ any]`},
   490  		{`package qe5; type T[_ any] int; func _(((T[int])))`, `(T[int])`, `qe5.T[int]`},
   491  		{`package qe6; type T[_ any] int; func _(((T[int])))`, `((T[int]))`, `qe6.T[int]`},
   492  		{`package qe7; type T[_ any] int; func _(*T[int])`, `T`, `qe7.T[_ any]`},
   493  		{`package qe8; type T[_ any] int; func _(*T[int])`, `*T[int]`, `*qe8.T[int]`},
   494  		{`package qe9; type T[_ any] int; func _((*T[int]))`, `T`, `qe9.T[_ any]`},
   495  		{`package qe10; type T[_ any] int; func _((*T[int]))`, `*T[int]`, `*qe10.T[int]`},
   496  		{`package qe11; type T[_ any] int; func _(*(T[int]))`, `T[int]`, `qe11.T[int]`},
   497  		{`package qe12; type T[_ any] int; func _(*(T[int]))`, `(T[int])`, `qe12.T[int]`},
   498  		{`package qe13; type T[_ any] int; func _(*(T[int]))`, `*(T[int])`, `*qe13.T[int]`},
   499  		{`package qe14; type T[_ any] int; func _((*(T[int])))`, `(T[int])`, `qe14.T[int]`},
   500  		{`package qe15; type T[_ any] int; func _((*(T[int])))`, `*(T[int])`, `*qe15.T[int]`},
   501  		{`package qe16; type T[_ any] int; func _((*(T[int])))`, `(*(T[int]))`, `*qe16.T[int]`},
   503  		// - as method receiver, generic
   504  		{`package qf1; type T[_ any] int; func (T[_]) _() {}`, `T`, `qf1.T[_ any]`},
   505  		{`package qf2; type T[_ any] int; func ((T[_])) _() {}`, `T[_]`, `qf2.T[_]`},
   506  		{`package qf3; type T[_ any] int; func ((T[_])) _() {}`, `(T[_])`, `qf3.T[_]`},
   507  		{`package qf4; type T[_ any] int; func (((T[_]))) _() {}`, `T`, `qf4.T[_ any]`},
   508  		{`package qf5; type T[_ any] int; func (((T[_]))) _() {}`, `(T[_])`, `qf5.T[_]`},
   509  		{`package qf6; type T[_ any] int; func (((T[_]))) _() {}`, `((T[_]))`, `qf6.T[_]`},
   510  		{`package qf7; type T[_ any] int; func (*T[_]) _() {}`, `T`, `qf7.T[_ any]`},
   511  		{`package qf8; type T[_ any] int; func (*T[_]) _() {}`, `*T[_]`, `*qf8.T[_]`},
   512  		{`package qf9; type T[_ any] int; func ((*T[_])) _() {}`, `T`, `qf9.T[_ any]`},
   513  		{`package qf10; type T[_ any] int; func ((*T[_])) _() {}`, `*T[_]`, `*qf10.T[_]`},
   514  		{`package qf11; type T[_ any] int; func (*(T[_])) _() {}`, `T[_]`, `qf11.T[_]`},
   515  		{`package qf12; type T[_ any] int; func (*(T[_])) _() {}`, `(T[_])`, `qf12.T[_]`},
   516  		{`package qf13; type T[_ any] int; func (*(T[_])) _() {}`, `*(T[_])`, `*qf13.T[_]`},
   517  		{`package qf14; type T[_ any] int; func ((*(T[_]))) _() {}`, `(T[_])`, `qf14.T[_]`},
   518  		{`package qf15; type T[_ any] int; func ((*(T[_]))) _() {}`, `*(T[_])`, `*qf15.T[_]`},
   519  		{`package qf16; type T[_ any] int; func ((*(T[_]))) _() {}`, `(*(T[_]))`, `*qf16.T[_]`},
   521  		// For historic reasons, type parameters in receiver type expressions
   522  		// are considered both definitions and uses and thus also show up in
   523  		// the Info.Types map (see
   524  		{`package t1; type T[_ any] int; func (T[P]) _() {}`, `P`, `P`},
   525  		{`package t2; type T[_, _ any] int; func (T[P, Q]) _() {}`, `P`, `P`},
   526  		{`package t3; type T[_, _ any] int; func (T[P, Q]) _() {}`, `Q`, `Q`},
   527  	}
   529  	for _, test := range tests {
   530  		info := Info{Types: make(map[ast.Expr]TypeAndValue)}
   531  		var name string
   532  		if strings.HasPrefix(test.src, broken) {
   533  			pkg, err := typecheck(test.src, nil, &info)
   534  			if err == nil {
   535  				t.Errorf("package %s: expected to fail but passed", pkg.Name())
   536  				continue
   537  			}
   538  			if pkg != nil {
   539  				name = pkg.Name()
   540  			}
   541  		} else {
   542  			name = mustTypecheck(test.src, nil, &info).Name()
   543  		}
   545  		// look for expression type
   546  		var typ Type
   547  		for e, tv := range info.Types {
   548  			if ExprString(e) == test.expr {
   549  				typ = tv.Type
   550  				break
   551  			}
   552  		}
   553  		if typ == nil {
   554  			t.Errorf("package %s: no type found for %s", name, test.expr)
   555  			continue
   556  		}
   558  		// check that type is correct
   559  		if got := typ.String(); got != test.typ {
   560  			t.Errorf("package %s: expr = %s: got %s; want %s", name, test.expr, got, test.typ)
   561  		}
   562  	}
   563  }
   565  func TestInstanceInfo(t *testing.T) {
   566  	const lib = `package lib
   568  func F[P any](P) {}
   570  type T[P any] []P
   571  `
   573  	type testInst struct {
   574  		name  string
   575  		targs []string
   576  		typ   string
   577  	}
   579  	var tests = []struct {
   580  		src       string
   581  		instances []testInst // recorded instances in source order
   582  	}{
   583  		{`package p0; func f[T any](T) {}; func _() { f(42) }`,
   584  			[]testInst{{`f`, []string{`int`}, `func(int)`}},
   585  		},
   586  		{`package p1; func f[T any](T) T { panic(0) }; func _() { f('@') }`,
   587  			[]testInst{{`f`, []string{`rune`}, `func(rune) rune`}},
   588  		},
   589  		{`package p2; func f[T any](...T) T { panic(0) }; func _() { f(0i) }`,
   590  			[]testInst{{`f`, []string{`complex128`}, `func(...complex128) complex128`}},
   591  		},
   592  		{`package p3; func f[A, B, C any](A, *B, []C) {}; func _() { f(1.2, new(string), []byte{}) }`,
   593  			[]testInst{{`f`, []string{`float64`, `string`, `byte`}, `func(float64, *string, []byte)`}},
   594  		},
   595  		{`package p4; func f[A, B any](A, *B, ...[]B) {}; func _() { f(1.2, new(byte)) }`,
   596  			[]testInst{{`f`, []string{`float64`, `byte`}, `func(float64, *byte, ...[]byte)`}},
   597  		},
   599  		{`package s1; func f[T any, P interface{*T}](x T) {}; func _(x string) { f(x) }`,
   600  			[]testInst{{`f`, []string{`string`, `*string`}, `func(x string)`}},
   601  		},
   602  		{`package s2; func f[T any, P interface{*T}](x []T) {}; func _(x []int) { f(x) }`,
   603  			[]testInst{{`f`, []string{`int`, `*int`}, `func(x []int)`}},
   604  		},
   605  		{`package s3; type C[T any] interface{chan<- T}; func f[T any, P C[T]](x []T) {}; func _(x []int) { f(x) }`,
   606  			[]testInst{
   607  				{`C`, []string{`T`}, `interface{chan<- T}`},
   608  				{`f`, []string{`int`, `chan<- int`}, `func(x []int)`},
   609  			},
   610  		},
   611  		{`package s4; type C[T any] interface{chan<- T}; func f[T any, P C[T], Q C[[]*P]](x []T) {}; func _(x []int) { f(x) }`,
   612  			[]testInst{
   613  				{`C`, []string{`T`}, `interface{chan<- T}`},
   614  				{`C`, []string{`[]*P`}, `interface{chan<- []*P}`},
   615  				{`f`, []string{`int`, `chan<- int`, `chan<- []*chan<- int`}, `func(x []int)`},
   616  			},
   617  		},
   619  		{`package t1; func f[T any, P interface{*T}]() T { panic(0) }; func _() { _ = f[string] }`,
   620  			[]testInst{{`f`, []string{`string`, `*string`}, `func() string`}},
   621  		},
   622  		{`package t2; func f[T any, P interface{*T}]() T { panic(0) }; func _() { _ = (f[string]) }`,
   623  			[]testInst{{`f`, []string{`string`, `*string`}, `func() string`}},
   624  		},
   625  		{`package t3; type C[T any] interface{chan<- T}; func f[T any, P C[T], Q C[[]*P]]() []T { return nil }; func _() { _ = f[int] }`,
   626  			[]testInst{
   627  				{`C`, []string{`T`}, `interface{chan<- T}`},
   628  				{`C`, []string{`[]*P`}, `interface{chan<- []*P}`},
   629  				{`f`, []string{`int`, `chan<- int`, `chan<- []*chan<- int`}, `func() []int`},
   630  			},
   631  		},
   632  		{`package t4; type C[T any] interface{chan<- T}; func f[T any, P C[T], Q C[[]*P]]() []T { return nil }; func _() { _ = (f[int]) }`,
   633  			[]testInst{
   634  				{`C`, []string{`T`}, `interface{chan<- T}`},
   635  				{`C`, []string{`[]*P`}, `interface{chan<- []*P}`},
   636  				{`f`, []string{`int`, `chan<- int`, `chan<- []*chan<- int`}, `func() []int`},
   637  			},
   638  		},
   639  		{`package i0; import "lib"; func _() { lib.F(42) }`,
   640  			[]testInst{{`F`, []string{`int`}, `func(int)`}},
   641  		},
   643  		{`package duplfunc0; func f[T any](T) {}; func _() { f(42); f("foo"); f[int](3) }`,
   644  			[]testInst{
   645  				{`f`, []string{`int`}, `func(int)`},
   646  				{`f`, []string{`string`}, `func(string)`},
   647  				{`f`, []string{`int`}, `func(int)`},
   648  			},
   649  		},
   650  		{`package duplfunc1; import "lib"; func _() { lib.F(42); lib.F("foo"); lib.F(3) }`,
   651  			[]testInst{
   652  				{`F`, []string{`int`}, `func(int)`},
   653  				{`F`, []string{`string`}, `func(string)`},
   654  				{`F`, []string{`int`}, `func(int)`},
   655  			},
   656  		},
   658  		{`package type0; type T[P interface{~int}] struct{ x P }; var _ T[int]`,
   659  			[]testInst{{`T`, []string{`int`}, `struct{x int}`}},
   660  		},
   661  		{`package type1; type T[P interface{~int}] struct{ x P }; var _ (T[int])`,
   662  			[]testInst{{`T`, []string{`int`}, `struct{x int}`}},
   663  		},
   664  		{`package type2; type T[P interface{~int}] struct{ x P }; var _ T[(int)]`,
   665  			[]testInst{{`T`, []string{`int`}, `struct{x int}`}},
   666  		},
   667  		{`package type3; type T[P1 interface{~[]P2}, P2 any] struct{ x P1; y P2 }; var _ T[[]int, int]`,
   668  			[]testInst{{`T`, []string{`[]int`, `int`}, `struct{x []int; y int}`}},
   669  		},
   670  		{`package type4; import "lib"; var _ lib.T[int]`,
   671  			[]testInst{{`T`, []string{`int`}, `[]int`}},
   672  		},
   674  		{`package dupltype0; type T[P interface{~int}] struct{ x P }; var x T[int]; var y T[int]`,
   675  			[]testInst{
   676  				{`T`, []string{`int`}, `struct{x int}`},
   677  				{`T`, []string{`int`}, `struct{x int}`},
   678  			},
   679  		},
   680  		{`package dupltype1; type T[P ~int] struct{ x P }; func (r *T[Q]) add(z T[Q]) { r.x += z.x }`,
   681  			[]testInst{
   682  				{`T`, []string{`Q`}, `struct{x Q}`},
   683  				{`T`, []string{`Q`}, `struct{x Q}`},
   684  			},
   685  		},
   686  		{`package dupltype1; import "lib"; var x lib.T[int]; var y lib.T[int]; var z lib.T[string]`,
   687  			[]testInst{
   688  				{`T`, []string{`int`}, `[]int`},
   689  				{`T`, []string{`int`}, `[]int`},
   690  				{`T`, []string{`string`}, `[]string`},
   691  			},
   692  		},
   693  		{`package issue51803; func foo[T any](T) {}; func _() { foo[int]( /* leave arg away on purpose */ ) }`,
   694  			[]testInst{{`foo`, []string{`int`}, `func(int)`}},
   695  		},
   697  		// reverse type inference
   698  		{`package reverse1a; var f func(int) = g; func g[P any](P) {}`,
   699  			[]testInst{{`g`, []string{`int`}, `func(int)`}},
   700  		},
   701  		{`package reverse1b; func f(func(int)) {}; func g[P any](P) {}; func _() { f(g) }`,
   702  			[]testInst{{`g`, []string{`int`}, `func(int)`}},
   703  		},
   704  		{`package reverse2a; var f func(int, string) = g; func g[P, Q any](P, Q) {}`,
   705  			[]testInst{{`g`, []string{`int`, `string`}, `func(int, string)`}},
   706  		},
   707  		{`package reverse2b; func f(func(int, string)) {}; func g[P, Q any](P, Q) {}; func _() { f(g) }`,
   708  			[]testInst{{`g`, []string{`int`, `string`}, `func(int, string)`}},
   709  		},
   710  		{`package reverse2c; func f(func(int, string)) {}; func g[P, Q any](P, Q) {}; func _() { f(g[int]) }`,
   711  			[]testInst{{`g`, []string{`int`, `string`}, `func(int, string)`}},
   712  		},
   713  		// reverse3a not possible (cannot assign to generic function outside of argument passing)
   714  		{`package reverse3b; func f[R any](func(int) R) {}; func g[P any](P) string { return "" }; func _() { f(g) }`,
   715  			[]testInst{
   716  				{`f`, []string{`string`}, `func(func(int) string)`},
   717  				{`g`, []string{`int`}, `func(int) string`},
   718  			},
   719  		},
   720  		{`package reverse4a; var _, _ func([]int, *float32) = g, h; func g[P, Q any]([]P, *Q) {}; func h[R any]([]R, *float32) {}`,
   721  			[]testInst{
   722  				{`g`, []string{`int`, `float32`}, `func([]int, *float32)`},
   723  				{`h`, []string{`int`}, `func([]int, *float32)`},
   724  			},
   725  		},
   726  		{`package reverse4b; func f(_, _ func([]int, *float32)) {}; func g[P, Q any]([]P, *Q) {}; func h[R any]([]R, *float32) {}; func _() { f(g, h) }`,
   727  			[]testInst{
   728  				{`g`, []string{`int`, `float32`}, `func([]int, *float32)`},
   729  				{`h`, []string{`int`}, `func([]int, *float32)`},
   730  			},
   731  		},
   732  		{`package issue59956; func f(func(int), func(string), func(bool)) {}; func g[P any](P) {}; func _() { f(g, g, g) }`,
   733  			[]testInst{
   734  				{`g`, []string{`int`}, `func(int)`},
   735  				{`g`, []string{`string`}, `func(string)`},
   736  				{`g`, []string{`bool`}, `func(bool)`},
   737  			},
   738  		},
   739  	}
   741  	for _, test := range tests {
   742  		imports := make(testImporter)
   743  		conf := Config{Importer: imports}
   744  		instMap := make(map[*ast.Ident]Instance)
   745  		useMap := make(map[*ast.Ident]Object)
   746  		makePkg := func(src string) *Package {
   747  			pkg, err := typecheck(src, &conf, &Info{Instances: instMap, Uses: useMap})
   748  			// allow error for issue51803
   749  			if err != nil && (pkg == nil || pkg.Name() != "issue51803") {
   750  				t.Fatal(err)
   751  			}
   752  			imports[pkg.Name()] = pkg
   753  			return pkg
   754  		}
   755  		makePkg(lib)
   756  		pkg := makePkg(test.src)
   758  		t.Run(pkg.Name(), func(t *testing.T) {
   759  			// Sort instances in source order for stability.
   760  			instances := sortedInstances(instMap)
   761  			if got, want := len(instances), len(test.instances); got != want {
   762  				t.Fatalf("got %d instances, want %d", got, want)
   763  			}
   765  			// Pairwise compare with the expected instances.
   766  			for ii, inst := range instances {
   767  				var targs []Type
   768  				for i := 0; i < inst.Inst.TypeArgs.Len(); i++ {
   769  					targs = append(targs, inst.Inst.TypeArgs.At(i))
   770  				}
   771  				typ := inst.Inst.Type
   773  				testInst := test.instances[ii]
   774  				if got := inst.Ident.Name; got != {
   775  					t.Fatalf("got name %s, want %s", got,
   776  				}
   777  				if len(targs) != len(testInst.targs) {
   778  					t.Fatalf("got %d type arguments; want %d", len(targs), len(testInst.targs))
   779  				}
   780  				for i, targ := range targs {
   781  					if got := targ.String(); got != testInst.targs[i] {
   782  						t.Errorf("type argument %d: got %s; want %s", i, got, testInst.targs[i])
   783  					}
   784  				}
   785  				if got := typ.Underlying().String(); got != testInst.typ {
   786  					t.Errorf("package %s: got %s; want %s", pkg.Name(), got, testInst.typ)
   787  				}
   789  				// Verify the invariant that re-instantiating the corresponding generic
   790  				// type with TypeArgs results in an identical instance.
   791  				ptype := useMap[inst.Ident].Type()
   792  				lister, _ := ptype.(interface{ TypeParams() *TypeParamList })
   793  				if lister == nil || lister.TypeParams().Len() == 0 {
   794  					t.Fatalf("info.Types[%v] = %v, want parameterized type", inst.Ident, ptype)
   795  				}
   796  				inst2, err := Instantiate(nil, ptype, targs, true)
   797  				if err != nil {
   798  					t.Errorf("Instantiate(%v, %v) failed: %v", ptype, targs, err)
   799  				}
   800  				if !Identical(inst.Inst.Type, inst2) {
   801  					t.Errorf("%v and %v are not identical", inst.Inst.Type, inst2)
   802  				}
   803  			}
   804  		})
   805  	}
   806  }
   808  type recordedInstance struct {
   809  	Ident *ast.Ident
   810  	Inst  Instance
   811  }
   813  func sortedInstances(m map[*ast.Ident]Instance) (instances []recordedInstance) {
   814  	for id, inst := range m {
   815  		instances = append(instances, recordedInstance{id, inst})
   816  	}
   817  	slices.SortFunc(instances, func(a, b recordedInstance) int {
   818  		return CmpPos(a.Ident.Pos(), b.Ident.Pos())
   819  	})
   820  	return instances
   821  }
   823  func TestDefsInfo(t *testing.T) {
   824  	var tests = []struct {
   825  		src  string
   826  		obj  string
   827  		want string
   828  	}{
   829  		{`package p0; const x = 42`, `x`, `const p0.x untyped int`},
   830  		{`package p1; const x int = 42`, `x`, `const p1.x int`},
   831  		{`package p2; var x int`, `x`, `var p2.x int`},
   832  		{`package p3; type x int`, `x`, `type p3.x int`},
   833  		{`package p4; func f()`, `f`, `func p4.f()`},
   834  		{`package p5; func f() int { x, _ := 1, 2; return x }`, `_`, `var _ int`},
   836  		// Tests using generics.
   837  		{`package g0; type x[T any] int`, `x`, `type g0.x[T any] int`},
   838  		{`package g1; func f[T any]() {}`, `f`, `func g1.f[T any]()`},
   839  		{`package g2; type x[T any] int; func (*x[_]) m() {}`, `m`, `func (*g2.x[_]).m()`},
   841  		// Type parameters in receiver type expressions are definitions.
   842  		{`package r0; type T[_ any] int; func (T[P]) _() {}`, `P`, `type parameter P any`},
   843  		{`package r1; type T[_, _ any] int; func (T[P, Q]) _() {}`, `P`, `type parameter P any`},
   844  		{`package r2; type T[_, _ any] int; func (T[P, Q]) _() {}`, `Q`, `type parameter Q any`},
   845  	}
   847  	for _, test := range tests {
   848  		info := Info{
   849  			Defs: make(map[*ast.Ident]Object),
   850  		}
   851  		name := mustTypecheck(test.src, nil, &info).Name()
   853  		// find object
   854  		var def Object
   855  		for id, obj := range info.Defs {
   856  			if id.Name == test.obj {
   857  				def = obj
   858  				break
   859  			}
   860  		}
   861  		if def == nil {
   862  			t.Errorf("package %s: %s not found", name, test.obj)
   863  			continue
   864  		}
   866  		if got := def.String(); got != test.want {
   867  			t.Errorf("package %s: got %s; want %s", name, got, test.want)
   868  		}
   869  	}
   870  }
   872  func TestUsesInfo(t *testing.T) {
   873  	var tests = []struct {
   874  		src  string
   875  		obj  string
   876  		want string
   877  	}{
   878  		{`package p0; func _() { _ = x }; const x = 42`, `x`, `const p0.x untyped int`},
   879  		{`package p1; func _() { _ = x }; const x int = 42`, `x`, `const p1.x int`},
   880  		{`package p2; func _() { _ = x }; var x int`, `x`, `var p2.x int`},
   881  		{`package p3; func _() { type _ x }; type x int`, `x`, `type p3.x int`},
   882  		{`package p4; func _() { _ = f }; func f()`, `f`, `func p4.f()`},
   884  		// Tests using generics.
   885  		{`package g0; func _[T any]() { _ = x }; const x = 42`, `x`, `const g0.x untyped int`},
   886  		{`package g1; func _[T any](x T) { }`, `T`, `type parameter T any`},
   887  		{`package g2; type N[A any] int; var _ N[int]`, `N`, `type g2.N[A any] int`},
   888  		{`package g3; type N[A any] int; func (N[_]) m() {}`, `N`, `type g3.N[A any] int`},
   890  		// Uses of fields are instantiated.
   891  		{`package s1; type N[A any] struct{ a A }; var f = N[int]{}.a`, `a`, `field a int`},
   892  		{`package s2; type N[A any] struct{ a A }; func (r N[B]) m(b B) { r.a = b }`, `a`, `field a B`},
   894  		// Uses of methods are uses of the instantiated method.
   895  		{`package m0; type N[A any] int; func (r N[B]) m() { r.n() }; func (N[C]) n() {}`, `n`, `func (m0.N[B]).n()`},
   896  		{`package m1; type N[A any] int; func (r N[B]) m() { }; var f = N[int].m`, `m`, `func (m1.N[int]).m()`},
   897  		{`package m2; func _[A any](v interface{ m() A }) { v.m() }`, `m`, `func (interface).m() A`},
   898  		{`package m3; func f[A any]() interface{ m() A } { return nil }; var _ = f[int]().m()`, `m`, `func (interface).m() int`},
   899  		{`package m4; type T[A any] func() interface{ m() A }; var x T[int]; var y = x().m`, `m`, `func (interface).m() int`},
   900  		{`package m5; type T[A any] interface{ m() A }; func _[B any](t T[B]) { t.m() }`, `m`, `func (m5.T[B]).m() B`},
   901  		{`package m6; type T[A any] interface{ m() }; func _[B any](t T[B]) { t.m() }`, `m`, `func (m6.T[B]).m()`},
   902  		{`package m7; type T[A any] interface{ m() A }; func _(t T[int]) { t.m() }`, `m`, `func (m7.T[int]).m() int`},
   903  		{`package m8; type T[A any] interface{ m() }; func _(t T[int]) { t.m() }`, `m`, `func (m8.T[int]).m()`},
   904  		{`package m9; type T[A any] interface{ m() }; func _(t T[int]) { _ = t.m }`, `m`, `func (m9.T[int]).m()`},
   905  		{
   906  			`package m10; type E[A any] interface{ m() }; type T[B any] interface{ E[B]; n() }; func _(t T[int]) { t.m() }`,
   907  			`m`,
   908  			`func (m10.E[int]).m()`,
   909  		},
   910  		{`package m11; type T[A any] interface{ m(); n() }; func _(t1 T[int], t2 T[string]) { t1.m(); t2.n() }`, `m`, `func (m11.T[int]).m()`},
   911  		{`package m12; type T[A any] interface{ m(); n() }; func _(t1 T[int], t2 T[string]) { t1.m(); t2.n() }`, `n`, `func (m12.T[string]).n()`},
   913  		// For historic reasons, type parameters in receiver type expressions
   914  		// are considered both definitions and uses (see
   915  		{`package r0; type T[_ any] int; func (T[P]) _() {}`, `P`, `type parameter P any`},
   916  		{`package r1; type T[_, _ any] int; func (T[P, Q]) _() {}`, `P`, `type parameter P any`},
   917  		{`package r2; type T[_, _ any] int; func (T[P, Q]) _() {}`, `Q`, `type parameter Q any`},
   918  	}
   920  	for _, test := range tests {
   921  		info := Info{
   922  			Uses: make(map[*ast.Ident]Object),
   923  		}
   924  		name := mustTypecheck(test.src, nil, &info).Name()
   926  		// find object
   927  		var use Object
   928  		for id, obj := range info.Uses {
   929  			if id.Name == test.obj {
   930  				if use != nil {
   931  					panic(fmt.Sprintf("multiple uses of %q", id.Name))
   932  				}
   933  				use = obj
   934  			}
   935  		}
   936  		if use == nil {
   937  			t.Errorf("package %s: %s not found", name, test.obj)
   938  			continue
   939  		}
   941  		if got := use.String(); got != test.want {
   942  			t.Errorf("package %s: got %s; want %s", name, got, test.want)
   943  		}
   944  	}
   945  }
   947  func TestGenericMethodInfo(t *testing.T) {
   948  	src := `package p
   950  type N[A any] int
   952  func (r N[B]) m() { r.m(); r.n() }
   954  func (r *N[C]) n() {  }
   955  `
   956  	fset := token.NewFileSet()
   957  	f := mustParse(fset, src)
   958  	info := Info{
   959  		Defs:       make(map[*ast.Ident]Object),
   960  		Uses:       make(map[*ast.Ident]Object),
   961  		Selections: make(map[*ast.SelectorExpr]*Selection),
   962  	}
   963  	var conf Config
   964  	pkg, err := conf.Check("p", fset, []*ast.File{f}, &info)
   965  	if err != nil {
   966  		t.Fatal(err)
   967  	}
   969  	N := pkg.Scope().Lookup("N").Type().(*Named)
   971  	// Find the generic methods stored on N.
   972  	gm, gn := N.Method(0), N.Method(1)
   973  	if gm.Name() == "n" {
   974  		gm, gn = gn, gm
   975  	}
   977  	// Collect objects from info.
   978  	var dm, dn *Func   // the declared methods
   979  	var dmm, dmn *Func // the methods used in the body of m
   980  	for _, decl := range f.Decls {
   981  		fdecl, ok := decl.(*ast.FuncDecl)
   982  		if !ok {
   983  			continue
   984  		}
   985  		def := info.Defs[fdecl.Name].(*Func)
   986  		switch fdecl.Name.Name {
   987  		case "m":
   988  			dm = def
   989  			ast.Inspect(fdecl.Body, func(n ast.Node) bool {
   990  				if call, ok := n.(*ast.CallExpr); ok {
   991  					sel := call.Fun.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
   992  					use := info.Uses[sel.Sel].(*Func)
   993  					selection := info.Selections[sel]
   994  					if selection.Kind() != MethodVal {
   995  						t.Errorf("Selection kind = %v, want %v", selection.Kind(), MethodVal)
   996  					}
   997  					if selection.Obj() != use {
   998  						t.Errorf("info.Selections contains %v, want %v", selection.Obj(), use)
   999  					}
  1000  					switch sel.Sel.Name {
  1001  					case "m":
  1002  						dmm = use
  1003  					case "n":
  1004  						dmn = use
  1005  					}
  1006  				}
  1007  				return true
  1008  			})
  1009  		case "n":
  1010  			dn = def
  1011  		}
  1012  	}
  1014  	if gm != dm {
  1015  		t.Errorf(`N.Method(...) returns %v for "m", but Info.Defs has %v`, gm, dm)
  1016  	}
  1017  	if gn != dn {
  1018  		t.Errorf(`N.Method(...) returns %v for "m", but Info.Defs has %v`, gm, dm)
  1019  	}
  1020  	if dmm != dm {
  1021  		t.Errorf(`Inside "m", r.m uses %v, want the defined func %v`, dmm, dm)
  1022  	}
  1023  	if dmn == dn {
  1024  		t.Errorf(`Inside "m", r.n uses %v, want a func distinct from %v`, dmm, dm)
  1025  	}
  1026  }
  1028  func TestImplicitsInfo(t *testing.T) {
  1029  	testenv.MustHaveGoBuild(t)
  1031  	var tests = []struct {
  1032  		src  string
  1033  		want string
  1034  	}{
  1035  		{`package p2; import . "fmt"; var _ = Println`, ""},           // no Implicits entry
  1036  		{`package p0; import local "fmt"; var _ = local.Println`, ""}, // no Implicits entry
  1037  		{`package p1; import "fmt"; var _ = fmt.Println`, "importSpec: package fmt"},
  1039  		{`package p3; func f(x interface{}) { switch x.(type) { case int: } }`, ""}, // no Implicits entry
  1040  		{`package p4; func f(x interface{}) { switch t := x.(type) { case int: _ = t } }`, "caseClause: var t int"},
  1041  		{`package p5; func f(x interface{}) { switch t := x.(type) { case int, uint: _ = t } }`, "caseClause: var t interface{}"},
  1042  		{`package p6; func f(x interface{}) { switch t := x.(type) { default: _ = t } }`, "caseClause: var t interface{}"},
  1044  		{`package p7; func f(x int) {}`, ""}, // no Implicits entry
  1045  		{`package p8; func f(int) {}`, "field: var  int"},
  1046  		{`package p9; func f() (complex64) { return 0 }`, "field: var  complex64"},
  1047  		{`package p10; type T struct{}; func (*T) f() {}`, "field: var  *p10.T"},
  1049  		// Tests using generics.
  1050  		{`package f0; func f[T any](x int) {}`, ""}, // no Implicits entry
  1051  		{`package f1; func f[T any](int) {}`, "field: var  int"},
  1052  		{`package f2; func f[T any](T) {}`, "field: var  T"},
  1053  		{`package f3; func f[T any]() (complex64) { return 0 }`, "field: var  complex64"},
  1054  		{`package f4; func f[T any](t T) (T) { return t }`, "field: var  T"},
  1055  		{`package t0; type T[A any] struct{}; func (*T[_]) f() {}`, "field: var  *t0.T[_]"},
  1056  		{`package t1; type T[A any] struct{}; func _(x interface{}) { switch t := x.(type) { case T[int]: _ = t } }`, "caseClause: var t t1.T[int]"},
  1057  		{`package t2; type T[A any] struct{}; func _[P any](x interface{}) { switch t := x.(type) { case T[P]: _ = t } }`, "caseClause: var t t2.T[P]"},
  1058  		{`package t3; func _[P any](x interface{}) { switch t := x.(type) { case P: _ = t } }`, "caseClause: var t P"},
  1059  	}
  1061  	for _, test := range tests {
  1062  		info := Info{
  1063  			Implicits: make(map[ast.Node]Object),
  1064  		}
  1065  		name := mustTypecheck(test.src, nil, &info).Name()
  1067  		// the test cases expect at most one Implicits entry
  1068  		if len(info.Implicits) > 1 {
  1069  			t.Errorf("package %s: %d Implicits entries found", name, len(info.Implicits))
  1070  			continue
  1071  		}
  1073  		// extract Implicits entry, if any
  1074  		var got string
  1075  		for n, obj := range info.Implicits {
  1076  			switch x := n.(type) {
  1077  			case *ast.ImportSpec:
  1078  				got = "importSpec"
  1079  			case *ast.CaseClause:
  1080  				got = "caseClause"
  1081  			case *ast.Field:
  1082  				got = "field"
  1083  			default:
  1084  				t.Fatalf("package %s: unexpected %T", name, x)
  1085  			}
  1086  			got += ": " + obj.String()
  1087  		}
  1089  		// verify entry
  1090  		if got != test.want {
  1091  			t.Errorf("package %s: got %q; want %q", name, got, test.want)
  1092  		}
  1093  	}
  1094  }
  1096  func TestPkgNameOf(t *testing.T) {
  1097  	testenv.MustHaveGoBuild(t)
  1099  	const src = `
  1100  package p
  1102  import (
  1103  	. "os"
  1104  	_ "io"
  1105  	"math"
  1106  	"path/filepath"
  1107  	snort "sort"
  1108  )
  1110  // avoid imported and not used errors
  1111  var (
  1112  	_ = Open // os.Open
  1113  	_ = math.Sin
  1114  	_ = filepath.Abs
  1115  	_ = snort.Ints
  1116  )
  1117  `
  1119  	var tests = []struct {
  1120  		path string // path string enclosed in "'s
  1121  		want string
  1122  	}{
  1123  		{`"os"`, "."},
  1124  		{`"io"`, "_"},
  1125  		{`"math"`, "math"},
  1126  		{`"path/filepath"`, "filepath"},
  1127  		{`"sort"`, "snort"},
  1128  	}
  1130  	fset := token.NewFileSet()
  1131  	f := mustParse(fset, src)
  1132  	info := Info{
  1133  		Defs:      make(map[*ast.Ident]Object),
  1134  		Implicits: make(map[ast.Node]Object),
  1135  	}
  1136  	var conf Config
  1137  	conf.Importer = defaultImporter(fset)
  1138  	_, err := conf.Check("p", fset, []*ast.File{f}, &info)
  1139  	if err != nil {
  1140  		t.Fatal(err)
  1141  	}
  1143  	// map import paths to importDecl
  1144  	imports := make(map[string]*ast.ImportSpec)
  1145  	for _, s := range f.Decls[0].(*ast.GenDecl).Specs {
  1146  		if imp, _ := s.(*ast.ImportSpec); imp != nil {
  1147  			imports[imp.Path.Value] = imp
  1148  		}
  1149  	}
  1151  	for _, test := range tests {
  1152  		imp := imports[test.path]
  1153  		if imp == nil {
  1154  			t.Fatalf("invalid test case: import path %s not found", test.path)
  1155  		}
  1156  		got := info.PkgNameOf(imp)
  1157  		if got == nil {
  1158  			t.Fatalf("import %s: package name not found", test.path)
  1159  		}
  1160  		if got.Name() != test.want {
  1161  			t.Errorf("import %s: got %s; want %s", test.path, got.Name(), test.want)
  1162  		}
  1163  	}
  1165  	// test non-existing importDecl
  1166  	if got := info.PkgNameOf(new(ast.ImportSpec)); got != nil {
  1167  		t.Errorf("got %s for non-existing import declaration", got.Name())
  1168  	}
  1169  }
  1171  func predString(tv TypeAndValue) string {
  1172  	var buf strings.Builder
  1173  	pred := func(b bool, s string) {
  1174  		if b {
  1175  			if buf.Len() > 0 {
  1176  				buf.WriteString(", ")
  1177  			}
  1178  			buf.WriteString(s)
  1179  		}
  1180  	}
  1182  	pred(tv.IsVoid(), "void")
  1183  	pred(tv.IsType(), "type")
  1184  	pred(tv.IsBuiltin(), "builtin")
  1185  	pred(tv.IsValue() && tv.Value != nil, "const")
  1186  	pred(tv.IsValue() && tv.Value == nil, "value")
  1187  	pred(tv.IsNil(), "nil")
  1188  	pred(tv.Addressable(), "addressable")
  1189  	pred(tv.Assignable(), "assignable")
  1190  	pred(tv.HasOk(), "hasOk")
  1192  	if buf.Len() == 0 {
  1193  		return "invalid"
  1194  	}
  1195  	return buf.String()
  1196  }
  1198  func TestPredicatesInfo(t *testing.T) {
  1199  	testenv.MustHaveGoBuild(t)
  1201  	var tests = []struct {
  1202  		src  string
  1203  		expr string
  1204  		pred string
  1205  	}{
  1206  		// void
  1207  		{`package n0; func f() { f() }`, `f()`, `void`},
  1209  		// types
  1210  		{`package t0; type _ int`, `int`, `type`},
  1211  		{`package t1; type _ []int`, `[]int`, `type`},
  1212  		{`package t2; type _ func()`, `func()`, `type`},
  1213  		{`package t3; type _ func(int)`, `int`, `type`},
  1214  		{`package t3; type _ func(`, ``, `type`},
  1216  		// built-ins
  1217  		{`package b0; var _ = len("")`, `len`, `builtin`},
  1218  		{`package b1; var _ = (len)("")`, `(len)`, `builtin`},
  1220  		// constants
  1221  		{`package c0; var _ = 42`, `42`, `const`},
  1222  		{`package c1; var _ = "foo" + "bar"`, `"foo" + "bar"`, `const`},
  1223  		{`package c2; const (i = 1i; _ = i)`, `i`, `const`},
  1225  		// values
  1226  		{`package v0; var (a, b int; _ = a + b)`, `a + b`, `value`},
  1227  		{`package v1; var _ = &[]int{1}`, `[]int{…}`, `value`},
  1228  		{`package v2; var _ = func(){}`, `(func() literal)`, `value`},
  1229  		{`package v4; func f() { _ = f }`, `f`, `value`},
  1230  		{`package v3; var _ *int = nil`, `nil`, `value, nil`},
  1231  		{`package v3; var _ *int = (nil)`, `(nil)`, `value, nil`},
  1233  		// addressable (and thus assignable) operands
  1234  		{`package a0; var (x int; _ = x)`, `x`, `value, addressable, assignable`},
  1235  		{`package a1; var (p *int; _ = *p)`, `*p`, `value, addressable, assignable`},
  1236  		{`package a2; var (s []int; _ = s[0])`, `s[0]`, `value, addressable, assignable`},
  1237  		{`package a3; var (s struct{f int}; _ = s.f)`, `s.f`, `value, addressable, assignable`},
  1238  		{`package a4; var (a [10]int; _ = a[0])`, `a[0]`, `value, addressable, assignable`},
  1239  		{`package a5; func _(x int) { _ = x }`, `x`, `value, addressable, assignable`},
  1240  		{`package a6; func _()(x int) { _ = x; return }`, `x`, `value, addressable, assignable`},
  1241  		{`package a7; type T int; func (x T) _() { _ = x }`, `x`, `value, addressable, assignable`},
  1242  		// composite literals are not addressable
  1244  		// assignable but not addressable values
  1245  		{`package s0; var (m map[int]int; _ = m[0])`, `m[0]`, `value, assignable, hasOk`},
  1246  		{`package s1; var (m map[int]int; _, _ = m[0])`, `m[0]`, `value, assignable, hasOk`},
  1248  		// hasOk expressions
  1249  		{`package k0; var (ch chan int; _ = <-ch)`, `<-ch`, `value, hasOk`},
  1250  		{`package k1; var (ch chan int; _, _ = <-ch)`, `<-ch`, `value, hasOk`},
  1252  		// missing entries
  1253  		// - package names are collected in the Uses map
  1254  		// - identifiers being declared are collected in the Defs map
  1255  		{`package m0; import "os"; func _() { _ = os.Stdout }`, `os`, `<missing>`},
  1256  		{`package m1; import p "os"; func _() { _ = p.Stdout }`, `p`, `<missing>`},
  1257  		{`package m2; const c = 0`, `c`, `<missing>`},
  1258  		{`package m3; type T int`, `T`, `<missing>`},
  1259  		{`package m4; var v int`, `v`, `<missing>`},
  1260  		{`package m5; func f() {}`, `f`, `<missing>`},
  1261  		{`package m6; func _(x int) {}`, `x`, `<missing>`},
  1262  		{`package m6; func _()(x int) { return }`, `x`, `<missing>`},
  1263  		{`package m6; type T int; func (x T) _() {}`, `x`, `<missing>`},
  1264  	}
  1266  	for _, test := range tests {
  1267  		info := Info{Types: make(map[ast.Expr]TypeAndValue)}
  1268  		name := mustTypecheck(test.src, nil, &info).Name()
  1270  		// look for expression predicates
  1271  		got := "<missing>"
  1272  		for e, tv := range info.Types {
  1273  			//println(name, ExprString(e))
  1274  			if ExprString(e) == test.expr {
  1275  				got = predString(tv)
  1276  				break
  1277  			}
  1278  		}
  1280  		if got != test.pred {
  1281  			t.Errorf("package %s: got %s; want %s", name, got, test.pred)
  1282  		}
  1283  	}
  1284  }
  1286  func TestScopesInfo(t *testing.T) {
  1287  	testenv.MustHaveGoBuild(t)
  1289  	var tests = []struct {
  1290  		src    string
  1291  		scopes []string // list of scope descriptors of the form kind:varlist
  1292  	}{
  1293  		{`package p0`, []string{
  1294  			"file:",
  1295  		}},
  1296  		{`package p1; import ( "fmt"; m "math"; _ "os" ); var ( _ = fmt.Println; _ = m.Pi )`, []string{
  1297  			"file:fmt m",
  1298  		}},
  1299  		{`package p2; func _() {}`, []string{
  1300  			"file:", "func:",
  1301  		}},
  1302  		{`package p3; func _(x, y int) {}`, []string{
  1303  			"file:", "func:x y",
  1304  		}},
  1305  		{`package p4; func _(x, y int) { x, z := 1, 2; _ = z }`, []string{
  1306  			"file:", "func:x y z", // redeclaration of x
  1307  		}},
  1308  		{`package p5; func _(x, y int) (u, _ int) { return }`, []string{
  1309  			"file:", "func:u x y",
  1310  		}},
  1311  		{`package p6; func _() { { var x int; _ = x } }`, []string{
  1312  			"file:", "func:", "block:x",
  1313  		}},
  1314  		{`package p7; func _() { if true {} }`, []string{
  1315  			"file:", "func:", "if:", "block:",
  1316  		}},
  1317  		{`package p8; func _() { if x := 0; x < 0 { y := x; _ = y } }`, []string{
  1318  			"file:", "func:", "if:x", "block:y",
  1319  		}},
  1320  		{`package p9; func _() { switch x := 0; x {} }`, []string{
  1321  			"file:", "func:", "switch:x",
  1322  		}},
  1323  		{`package p10; func _() { switch x := 0; x { case 1: y := x; _ = y; default: }}`, []string{
  1324  			"file:", "func:", "switch:x", "case:y", "case:",
  1325  		}},
  1326  		{`package p11; func _(t interface{}) { switch t.(type) {} }`, []string{
  1327  			"file:", "func:t", "type switch:",
  1328  		}},
  1329  		{`package p12; func _(t interface{}) { switch t := t; t.(type) {} }`, []string{
  1330  			"file:", "func:t", "type switch:t",
  1331  		}},
  1332  		{`package p13; func _(t interface{}) { switch x := t.(type) { case int: _ = x } }`, []string{
  1333  			"file:", "func:t", "type switch:", "case:x", // x implicitly declared
  1334  		}},
  1335  		{`package p14; func _() { select{} }`, []string{
  1336  			"file:", "func:",
  1337  		}},
  1338  		{`package p15; func _(c chan int) { select{ case <-c: } }`, []string{
  1339  			"file:", "func:c", "comm:",
  1340  		}},
  1341  		{`package p16; func _(c chan int) { select{ case i := <-c: x := i; _ = x} }`, []string{
  1342  			"file:", "func:c", "comm:i x",
  1343  		}},
  1344  		{`package p17; func _() { for{} }`, []string{
  1345  			"file:", "func:", "for:", "block:",
  1346  		}},
  1347  		{`package p18; func _(n int) { for i := 0; i < n; i++ { _ = i } }`, []string{
  1348  			"file:", "func:n", "for:i", "block:",
  1349  		}},
  1350  		{`package p19; func _(a []int) { for i := range a { _ = i} }`, []string{
  1351  			"file:", "func:a", "range:i", "block:",
  1352  		}},
  1353  		{`package p20; var s int; func _(a []int) { for i, x := range a { s += x; _ = i } }`, []string{
  1354  			"file:", "func:a", "range:i x", "block:",
  1355  		}},
  1356  	}
  1358  	for _, test := range tests {
  1359  		info := Info{Scopes: make(map[ast.Node]*Scope)}
  1360  		name := mustTypecheck(test.src, nil, &info).Name()
  1362  		// number of scopes must match
  1363  		if len(info.Scopes) != len(test.scopes) {
  1364  			t.Errorf("package %s: got %d scopes; want %d", name, len(info.Scopes), len(test.scopes))
  1365  		}
  1367  		// scope descriptions must match
  1368  		for node, scope := range info.Scopes {
  1369  			kind := "<unknown node kind>"
  1370  			switch node.(type) {
  1371  			case *ast.File:
  1372  				kind = "file"
  1373  			case *ast.FuncType:
  1374  				kind = "func"
  1375  			case *ast.BlockStmt:
  1376  				kind = "block"
  1377  			case *ast.IfStmt:
  1378  				kind = "if"
  1379  			case *ast.SwitchStmt:
  1380  				kind = "switch"
  1381  			case *ast.TypeSwitchStmt:
  1382  				kind = "type switch"
  1383  			case *ast.CaseClause:
  1384  				kind = "case"
  1385  			case *ast.CommClause:
  1386  				kind = "comm"
  1387  			case *ast.ForStmt:
  1388  				kind = "for"
  1389  			case *ast.RangeStmt:
  1390  				kind = "range"
  1391  			}
  1393  			// look for matching scope description
  1394  			desc := kind + ":" + strings.Join(scope.Names(), " ")
  1395  			if !slices.Contains(test.scopes, desc) {
  1396  				t.Errorf("package %s: no matching scope found for %s", name, desc)
  1397  			}
  1398  		}
  1399  	}
  1400  }
  1402  func TestInitOrderInfo(t *testing.T) {
  1403  	var tests = []struct {
  1404  		src   string
  1405  		inits []string
  1406  	}{
  1407  		{`package p0; var (x = 1; y = x)`, []string{
  1408  			"x = 1", "y = x",
  1409  		}},
  1410  		{`package p1; var (a = 1; b = 2; c = 3)`, []string{
  1411  			"a = 1", "b = 2", "c = 3",
  1412  		}},
  1413  		{`package p2; var (a, b, c = 1, 2, 3)`, []string{
  1414  			"a = 1", "b = 2", "c = 3",
  1415  		}},
  1416  		{`package p3; var _ = f(); func f() int { return 1 }`, []string{
  1417  			"_ = f()", // blank var
  1418  		}},
  1419  		{`package p4; var (a = 0; x = y; y = z; z = 0)`, []string{
  1420  			"a = 0", "z = 0", "y = z", "x = y",
  1421  		}},
  1422  		{`package p5; var (a, _ = m[0]; m map[int]string)`, []string{
  1423  			"a, _ = m[0]", // blank var
  1424  		}},
  1425  		{`package p6; var a, b = f(); func f() (_, _ int) { return z, z }; var z = 0`, []string{
  1426  			"z = 0", "a, b = f()",
  1427  		}},
  1428  		{`package p7; var (a = func() int { return b }(); b = 1)`, []string{
  1429  			"b = 1", "a = (func() int literal)()",
  1430  		}},
  1431  		{`package p8; var (a, b = func() (_, _ int) { return c, c }(); c = 1)`, []string{
  1432  			"c = 1", "a, b = (func() (_, _ int) literal)()",
  1433  		}},
  1434  		{`package p9; type T struct{}; func (T) m() int { _ = y; return 0 }; var x, y = T.m, 1`, []string{
  1435  			"y = 1", "x = T.m",
  1436  		}},
  1437  		{`package p10; var (d = c + b; a = 0; b = 0; c = 0)`, []string{
  1438  			"a = 0", "b = 0", "c = 0", "d = c + b",
  1439  		}},
  1440  		{`package p11; var (a = e + c; b = d + c; c = 0; d = 0; e = 0)`, []string{
  1441  			"c = 0", "d = 0", "b = d + c", "e = 0", "a = e + c",
  1442  		}},
  1443  		// emit an initializer for n:1 initializations only once (not for each node
  1444  		// on the lhs which may appear in different order in the dependency graph)
  1445  		{`package p12; var (a = x; b = 0; x, y = m[0]; m map[int]int)`, []string{
  1446  			"b = 0", "x, y = m[0]", "a = x",
  1447  		}},
  1448  		// test case from spec section on package initialization
  1449  		{`package p12
  1451  		var (
  1452  			a = c + b
  1453  			b = f()
  1454  			c = f()
  1455  			d = 3
  1456  		)
  1458  		func f() int {
  1459  			d++
  1460  			return d
  1461  		}`, []string{
  1462  			"d = 3", "b = f()", "c = f()", "a = c + b",
  1463  		}},
  1464  		// test case for
  1465  		{`package main
  1467  		var counter int
  1468  		func next() int { counter++; return counter }
  1470  		var _ = makeOrder()
  1471  		func makeOrder() []int { return []int{f, b, d, e, c, a} }
  1473  		var a       = next()
  1474  		var b, c    = next(), next()
  1475  		var d, e, f = next(), next(), next()
  1476  		`, []string{
  1477  			"a = next()", "b = next()", "c = next()", "d = next()", "e = next()", "f = next()", "_ = makeOrder()",
  1478  		}},
  1479  		// test case for
  1480  		{`package p13
  1482  		var (
  1483  		    v = t.m()
  1484  		    t = makeT(0)
  1485  		)
  1487  		type T struct{}
  1489  		func (T) m() int { return 0 }
  1491  		func makeT(n int) T {
  1492  		    if n > 0 {
  1493  		        return makeT(n-1)
  1494  		    }
  1495  		    return T{}
  1496  		}`, []string{
  1497  			"t = makeT(0)", "v = t.m()",
  1498  		}},
  1499  		// test case for same as test before, but variable decls swapped
  1500  		{`package p14
  1502  		var (
  1503  		    t = makeT(0)
  1504  		    v = t.m()
  1505  		)
  1507  		type T struct{}
  1509  		func (T) m() int { return 0 }
  1511  		func makeT(n int) T {
  1512  		    if n > 0 {
  1513  		        return makeT(n-1)
  1514  		    }
  1515  		    return T{}
  1516  		}`, []string{
  1517  			"t = makeT(0)", "v = t.m()",
  1518  		}},
  1519  		// another candidate possibly causing problems with
  1520  		{`package p15
  1522  		var y1 = f1()
  1524  		func f1() int { return g1() }
  1525  		func g1() int { f1(); return x1 }
  1527  		var x1 = 0
  1529  		var y2 = f2()
  1531  		func f2() int { return g2() }
  1532  		func g2() int { return x2 }
  1534  		var x2 = 0`, []string{
  1535  			"x1 = 0", "y1 = f1()", "x2 = 0", "y2 = f2()",
  1536  		}},
  1537  	}
  1539  	for _, test := range tests {
  1540  		info := Info{}
  1541  		name := mustTypecheck(test.src, nil, &info).Name()
  1543  		// number of initializers must match
  1544  		if len(info.InitOrder) != len(test.inits) {
  1545  			t.Errorf("package %s: got %d initializers; want %d", name, len(info.InitOrder), len(test.inits))
  1546  			continue
  1547  		}
  1549  		// initializers must match
  1550  		for i, want := range test.inits {
  1551  			got := info.InitOrder[i].String()
  1552  			if got != want {
  1553  				t.Errorf("package %s, init %d: got %s; want %s", name, i, got, want)
  1554  				continue
  1555  			}
  1556  		}
  1557  	}
  1558  }
  1560  func TestMultiFileInitOrder(t *testing.T) {
  1561  	fset := token.NewFileSet()
  1562  	fileA := mustParse(fset, `package main; var a = 1`)
  1563  	fileB := mustParse(fset, `package main; var b = 2`)
  1565  	// The initialization order must not depend on the parse
  1566  	// order of the files, only on the presentation order to
  1567  	// the type-checker.
  1568  	for _, test := range []struct {
  1569  		files []*ast.File
  1570  		want  string
  1571  	}{
  1572  		{[]*ast.File{fileA, fileB}, "[a = 1 b = 2]"},
  1573  		{[]*ast.File{fileB, fileA}, "[b = 2 a = 1]"},
  1574  	} {
  1575  		var info Info
  1576  		if _, err := new(Config).Check("main", fset, test.files, &info); err != nil {
  1577  			t.Fatal(err)
  1578  		}
  1579  		if got := fmt.Sprint(info.InitOrder); got != test.want {
  1580  			t.Fatalf("got %s; want %s", got, test.want)
  1581  		}
  1582  	}
  1583  }
  1585  func TestFiles(t *testing.T) {
  1586  	var sources = []string{
  1587  		"package p; type T struct{}; func (T) m1() {}",
  1588  		"package p; func (T) m2() {}; var x interface{ m1(); m2() } = T{}",
  1589  		"package p; func (T) m3() {}; var y interface{ m1(); m2(); m3() } = T{}",
  1590  		"package p",
  1591  	}
  1593  	var conf Config
  1594  	fset := token.NewFileSet()
  1595  	pkg := NewPackage("p", "p")
  1596  	var info Info
  1597  	check := NewChecker(&conf, fset, pkg, &info)
  1599  	for _, src := range sources {
  1600  		if err := check.Files([]*ast.File{mustParse(fset, src)}); err != nil {
  1601  			t.Error(err)
  1602  		}
  1603  	}
  1605  	// check InitOrder is [x y]
  1606  	var vars []string
  1607  	for _, init := range info.InitOrder {
  1608  		for _, v := range init.Lhs {
  1609  			vars = append(vars, v.Name())
  1610  		}
  1611  	}
  1612  	if got, want := fmt.Sprint(vars), "[x y]"; got != want {
  1613  		t.Errorf("InitOrder == %s, want %s", got, want)
  1614  	}
  1615  }
  1617  type testImporter map[string]*Package
  1619  func (m testImporter) Import(path string) (*Package, error) {
  1620  	if pkg := m[path]; pkg != nil {
  1621  		return pkg, nil
  1622  	}
  1623  	return nil, fmt.Errorf("package %q not found", path)
  1624  }
  1626  func TestSelection(t *testing.T) {
  1627  	selections := make(map[*ast.SelectorExpr]*Selection)
  1629  	// We need a specific fileset in this test below for positions.
  1630  	// Cannot use typecheck helper.
  1631  	fset := token.NewFileSet()
  1632  	imports := make(testImporter)
  1633  	conf := Config{Importer: imports}
  1634  	makePkg := func(path, src string) {
  1635  		pkg, err := conf.Check(path, fset, []*ast.File{mustParse(fset, src)}, &Info{Selections: selections})
  1636  		if err != nil {
  1637  			t.Fatal(err)
  1638  		}
  1639  		imports[path] = pkg
  1640  	}
  1642  	const libSrc = `
  1643  package lib
  1644  type T float64
  1645  const C T = 3
  1646  var V T
  1647  func F() {}
  1648  func (T) M() {}
  1649  `
  1650  	const mainSrc = `
  1651  package main
  1652  import "lib"
  1654  type A struct {
  1655  	*B
  1656  	C
  1657  }
  1659  type B struct {
  1660  	b int
  1661  }
  1663  func (B) f(int)
  1665  type C struct {
  1666  	c int
  1667  }
  1669  type G[P any] struct {
  1670  	p P
  1671  }
  1673  func (G[P]) m(P) {}
  1675  var Inst G[int]
  1677  func (C) g()
  1678  func (*C) h()
  1680  func main() {
  1681  	// qualified identifiers
  1682  	var _ lib.T
  1683  	_ = lib.C
  1684  	_ = lib.F
  1685  	_ = lib.V
  1686  	_ = lib.T.M
  1688  	// fields
  1689  	_ = A{}.B
  1690  	_ = new(A).B
  1692  	_ = A{}.C
  1693  	_ = new(A).C
  1695  	_ = A{}.b
  1696  	_ = new(A).b
  1698  	_ = A{}.c
  1699  	_ = new(A).c
  1701  	_ = Inst.p
  1702  	_ = G[string]{}.p
  1704  	// methods
  1705  	_ = A{}.f
  1706  	_ = new(A).f
  1707  	_ = A{}.g
  1708  	_ = new(A).g
  1709  	_ = new(A).h
  1711  	_ = B{}.f
  1712  	_ = new(B).f
  1714  	_ = C{}.g
  1715  	_ = new(C).g
  1716  	_ = new(C).h
  1717  	_ = Inst.m
  1719  	// method expressions
  1720  	_ = A.f
  1721  	_ = (*A).f
  1722  	_ = B.f
  1723  	_ = (*B).f
  1724  	_ = G[string].m
  1725  }`
  1727  	wantOut := map[string][2]string{
  1728  		"lib.T.M": {"method expr (lib.T) M(lib.T)", ".[0]"},
  1730  		"A{}.B":    {"field (main.A) B *main.B", ".[0]"},
  1731  		"new(A).B": {"field (*main.A) B *main.B", "->[0]"},
  1732  		"A{}.C":    {"field (main.A) C main.C", ".[1]"},
  1733  		"new(A).C": {"field (*main.A) C main.C", "->[1]"},
  1734  		"A{}.b":    {"field (main.A) b int", "->[0 0]"},
  1735  		"new(A).b": {"field (*main.A) b int", "->[0 0]"},
  1736  		"A{}.c":    {"field (main.A) c int", ".[1 0]"},
  1737  		"new(A).c": {"field (*main.A) c int", "->[1 0]"},
  1738  		"Inst.p":   {"field (main.G[int]) p int", ".[0]"},
  1740  		"A{}.f":    {"method (main.A) f(int)", "->[0 0]"},
  1741  		"new(A).f": {"method (*main.A) f(int)", "->[0 0]"},
  1742  		"A{}.g":    {"method (main.A) g()", ".[1 0]"},
  1743  		"new(A).g": {"method (*main.A) g()", "->[1 0]"},
  1744  		"new(A).h": {"method (*main.A) h()", "->[1 1]"}, // TODO(gri) should this report .[1 1] ?
  1745  		"B{}.f":    {"method (main.B) f(int)", ".[0]"},
  1746  		"new(B).f": {"method (*main.B) f(int)", "->[0]"},
  1747  		"C{}.g":    {"method (main.C) g()", ".[0]"},
  1748  		"new(C).g": {"method (*main.C) g()", "->[0]"},
  1749  		"new(C).h": {"method (*main.C) h()", "->[1]"}, // TODO(gri) should this report .[1] ?
  1750  		"Inst.m":   {"method (main.G[int]) m(int)", ".[0]"},
  1752  		"A.f":           {"method expr (main.A) f(main.A, int)", "->[0 0]"},
  1753  		"(*A).f":        {"method expr (*main.A) f(*main.A, int)", "->[0 0]"},
  1754  		"B.f":           {"method expr (main.B) f(main.B, int)", ".[0]"},
  1755  		"(*B).f":        {"method expr (*main.B) f(*main.B, int)", "->[0]"},
  1756  		"G[string].m":   {"method expr (main.G[string]) m(main.G[string], string)", ".[0]"},
  1757  		"G[string]{}.p": {"field (main.G[string]) p string", ".[0]"},
  1758  	}
  1760  	makePkg("lib", libSrc)
  1761  	makePkg("main", mainSrc)
  1763  	for e, sel := range selections {
  1764  		_ = sel.String() // assertion: must not panic
  1766  		start := fset.Position(e.Pos()).Offset
  1767  		end := fset.Position(e.End()).Offset
  1768  		syntax := mainSrc[start:end] // (all SelectorExprs are in main, not lib)
  1770  		direct := "."
  1771  		if sel.Indirect() {
  1772  			direct = "->"
  1773  		}
  1774  		got := [2]string{
  1775  			sel.String(),
  1776  			fmt.Sprintf("%s%v", direct, sel.Index()),
  1777  		}
  1778  		want := wantOut[syntax]
  1779  		if want != got {
  1780  			t.Errorf("%s: got %q; want %q", syntax, got, want)
  1781  		}
  1782  		delete(wantOut, syntax)
  1784  		// We must explicitly assert properties of the
  1785  		// Signature's receiver since it doesn't participate
  1786  		// in Identical() or String().
  1787  		sig, _ := sel.Type().(*Signature)
  1788  		if sel.Kind() == MethodVal {
  1789  			got := sig.Recv().Type()
  1790  			want := sel.Recv()
  1791  			if !Identical(got, want) {
  1792  				t.Errorf("%s: Recv() = %s, want %s", syntax, got, want)
  1793  			}
  1794  		} else if sig != nil && sig.Recv() != nil {
  1795  			t.Errorf("%s: signature has receiver %s", sig, sig.Recv().Type())
  1796  		}
  1797  	}
  1798  	// Assert that all wantOut entries were used exactly once.
  1799  	for syntax := range wantOut {
  1800  		t.Errorf("no ast.Selection found with syntax %q", syntax)
  1801  	}
  1802  }
  1804  func TestIssue8518(t *testing.T) {
  1805  	fset := token.NewFileSet()
  1806  	imports := make(testImporter)
  1807  	conf := Config{
  1808  		Error:    func(err error) { t.Log(err) }, // don't exit after first error
  1809  		Importer: imports,
  1810  	}
  1811  	makePkg := func(path, src string) {
  1812  		imports[path], _ = conf.Check(path, fset, []*ast.File{mustParse(fset, src)}, nil) // errors logged via conf.Error
  1813  	}
  1815  	const libSrc = `
  1816  package a
  1817  import "missing"
  1818  const C1 = foo
  1819  const C2 = missing.C
  1820  `
  1822  	const mainSrc = `
  1823  package main
  1824  import "a"
  1825  var _ = a.C1
  1826  var _ = a.C2
  1827  `
  1829  	makePkg("a", libSrc)
  1830  	makePkg("main", mainSrc) // don't crash when type-checking this package
  1831  }
  1833  func TestIssue59603(t *testing.T) {
  1834  	fset := token.NewFileSet()
  1835  	imports := make(testImporter)
  1836  	conf := Config{
  1837  		Error:    func(err error) { t.Log(err) }, // don't exit after first error
  1838  		Importer: imports,
  1839  	}
  1840  	makePkg := func(path, src string) {
  1841  		imports[path], _ = conf.Check(path, fset, []*ast.File{mustParse(fset, src)}, nil) // errors logged via conf.Error
  1842  	}
  1844  	const libSrc = `
  1845  package a
  1846  const C = foo
  1847  `
  1849  	const mainSrc = `
  1850  package main
  1851  import "a"
  1852  const _ = a.C
  1853  `
  1855  	makePkg("a", libSrc)
  1856  	makePkg("main", mainSrc) // don't crash when type-checking this package
  1857  }
  1859  func TestLookupFieldOrMethodOnNil(t *testing.T) {
  1860  	// LookupFieldOrMethod on a nil type is expected to produce a run-time panic.
  1861  	defer func() {
  1862  		const want = "LookupFieldOrMethod on nil type"
  1863  		p := recover()
  1864  		if s, ok := p.(string); !ok || s != want {
  1865  			t.Fatalf("got %v, want %s", p, want)
  1866  		}
  1867  	}()
  1868  	LookupFieldOrMethod(nil, false, nil, "")
  1869  }
  1871  func TestLookupFieldOrMethod(t *testing.T) {
  1872  	// Test cases assume a lookup of the form a.f or x.f, where a stands for an
  1873  	// addressable value, and x for a non-addressable value (even though a variable
  1874  	// for ease of test case writing).
  1875  	//
  1876  	// Should be kept in sync with TestMethodSet.
  1877  	var tests = []struct {
  1878  		src      string
  1879  		found    bool
  1880  		index    []int
  1881  		indirect bool
  1882  	}{
  1883  		// field lookups
  1884  		{"var x T; type T struct{}", false, nil, false},
  1885  		{"var x T; type T struct{ f int }", true, []int{0}, false},
  1886  		{"var x T; type T struct{ a, b, f, c int }", true, []int{2}, false},
  1888  		// field lookups on a generic type
  1889  		{"var x T[int]; type T[P any] struct{}", false, nil, false},
  1890  		{"var x T[int]; type T[P any] struct{ f P }", true, []int{0}, false},
  1891  		{"var x T[int]; type T[P any] struct{ a, b, f, c P }", true, []int{2}, false},
  1893  		// method lookups
  1894  		{"var a T; type T struct{}; func (T) f() {}", true, []int{0}, false},
  1895  		{"var a *T; type T struct{}; func (T) f() {}", true, []int{0}, true},
  1896  		{"var a T; type T struct{}; func (*T) f() {}", true, []int{0}, false},
  1897  		{"var a *T; type T struct{}; func (*T) f() {}", true, []int{0}, true}, // TODO(gri) should this report indirect = false?
  1899  		// method lookups on a generic type
  1900  		{"var a T[int]; type T[P any] struct{}; func (T[P]) f() {}", true, []int{0}, false},
  1901  		{"var a *T[int]; type T[P any] struct{}; func (T[P]) f() {}", true, []int{0}, true},
  1902  		{"var a T[int]; type T[P any] struct{}; func (*T[P]) f() {}", true, []int{0}, false},
  1903  		{"var a *T[int]; type T[P any] struct{}; func (*T[P]) f() {}", true, []int{0}, true}, // TODO(gri) should this report indirect = false?
  1905  		// collisions
  1906  		{"type ( E1 struct{ f int }; E2 struct{ f int }; x struct{ E1; *E2 })", false, []int{1, 0}, false},
  1907  		{"type ( E1 struct{ f int }; E2 struct{}; x struct{ E1; *E2 }); func (E2) f() {}", false, []int{1, 0}, false},
  1909  		// collisions on a generic type
  1910  		{"type ( E1[P any] struct{ f P }; E2[P any] struct{ f P }; x struct{ E1[int]; *E2[int] })", false, []int{1, 0}, false},
  1911  		{"type ( E1[P any] struct{ f P }; E2[P any] struct{}; x struct{ E1[int]; *E2[int] }); func (E2[P]) f() {}", false, []int{1, 0}, false},
  1913  		// outside methodset
  1914  		// (*T).f method exists, but value of type T is not addressable
  1915  		{"var x T; type T struct{}; func (*T) f() {}", false, nil, true},
  1917  		// outside method set of a generic type
  1918  		{"var x T[int]; type T[P any] struct{}; func (*T[P]) f() {}", false, nil, true},
  1920  		// recursive generic types; see
  1921  		{"var a T[int]; type ( T[P any] struct { *N[P] }; N[P any] struct { *T[P] } ); func (N[P]) f() {}", true, []int{0, 0}, true},
  1922  		{"var a T[int]; type ( T[P any] struct { *N[P] }; N[P any] struct { *T[P] } ); func (T[P]) f() {}", true, []int{0}, false},
  1923  	}
  1925  	for _, test := range tests {
  1926  		pkg := mustTypecheck("package p;"+test.src, nil, nil)
  1928  		obj := pkg.Scope().Lookup("a")
  1929  		if obj == nil {
  1930  			if obj = pkg.Scope().Lookup("x"); obj == nil {
  1931  				t.Errorf("%s: incorrect test case - no object a or x", test.src)
  1932  				continue
  1933  			}
  1934  		}
  1936  		f, index, indirect := LookupFieldOrMethod(obj.Type(), obj.Name() == "a", pkg, "f")
  1937  		if (f != nil) != test.found {
  1938  			if f == nil {
  1939  				t.Errorf("%s: got no object; want one", test.src)
  1940  			} else {
  1941  				t.Errorf("%s: got object = %v; want none", test.src, f)
  1942  			}
  1943  		}
  1944  		if !slices.Equal(index, test.index) {
  1945  			t.Errorf("%s: got index = %v; want %v", test.src, index, test.index)
  1946  		}
  1947  		if indirect != test.indirect {
  1948  			t.Errorf("%s: got indirect = %v; want %v", test.src, indirect, test.indirect)
  1949  		}
  1950  	}
  1951  }
  1953  // Test for
  1954  func TestLookupFieldOrMethod_RecursiveGeneric(t *testing.T) {
  1955  	const src = `
  1956  package pkg
  1958  type Tree[T any] struct {
  1959  	*Node[T]
  1960  }
  1962  func (*Tree[R]) N(r R) R { return r }
  1964  type Node[T any] struct {
  1965  	*Tree[T]
  1966  }
  1968  type Instance = *Tree[int]
  1969  `
  1971  	fset := token.NewFileSet()
  1972  	f := mustParse(fset, src)
  1973  	pkg := NewPackage("pkg", f.Name.Name)
  1974  	if err := NewChecker(nil, fset, pkg, nil).Files([]*ast.File{f}); err != nil {
  1975  		panic(err)
  1976  	}
  1978  	T := pkg.Scope().Lookup("Instance").Type()
  1979  	_, _, _ = LookupFieldOrMethod(T, false, pkg, "M") // verify that LookupFieldOrMethod terminates
  1980  }
  1982  // newDefined creates a new defined type named T with the given underlying type.
  1983  // Helper function for use with TestIncompleteInterfaces only.
  1984  func newDefined(underlying Type) *Named {
  1985  	tname := NewTypeName(nopos, nil, "T", nil)
  1986  	return NewNamed(tname, underlying, nil)
  1987  }
  1989  func TestConvertibleTo(t *testing.T) {
  1990  	for _, test := range []struct {
  1991  		v, t Type
  1992  		want bool
  1993  	}{
  1994  		{Typ[Int], Typ[Int], true},
  1995  		{Typ[Int], Typ[Float32], true},
  1996  		{Typ[Int], Typ[String], true},
  1997  		{newDefined(Typ[Int]), Typ[Int], true},
  1998  		{newDefined(new(Struct)), new(Struct), true},
  1999  		{newDefined(Typ[Int]), new(Struct), false},
  2000  		{Typ[UntypedInt], Typ[Int], true},
  2001  		{NewSlice(Typ[Int]), NewArray(Typ[Int], 10), true},
  2002  		{NewSlice(Typ[Int]), NewArray(Typ[Uint], 10), false},
  2003  		{NewSlice(Typ[Int]), NewPointer(NewArray(Typ[Int], 10)), true},
  2004  		{NewSlice(Typ[Int]), NewPointer(NewArray(Typ[Uint], 10)), false},
  2005  		// Untyped string values are not permitted by the spec, so the behavior below is undefined.
  2006  		{Typ[UntypedString], Typ[String], true},
  2007  	} {
  2008  		if got := ConvertibleTo(test.v, test.t); got != test.want {
  2009  			t.Errorf("ConvertibleTo(%v, %v) = %t, want %t", test.v, test.t, got, test.want)
  2010  		}
  2011  	}
  2012  }
  2014  func TestAssignableTo(t *testing.T) {
  2015  	for _, test := range []struct {
  2016  		v, t Type
  2017  		want bool
  2018  	}{
  2019  		{Typ[Int], Typ[Int], true},
  2020  		{Typ[Int], Typ[Float32], false},
  2021  		{newDefined(Typ[Int]), Typ[Int], false},
  2022  		{newDefined(new(Struct)), new(Struct), true},
  2023  		{Typ[UntypedBool], Typ[Bool], true},
  2024  		{Typ[UntypedString], Typ[Bool], false},
  2025  		// Neither untyped string nor untyped numeric assignments arise during
  2026  		// normal type checking, so the below behavior is technically undefined by
  2027  		// the spec.
  2028  		{Typ[UntypedString], Typ[String], true},
  2029  		{Typ[UntypedInt], Typ[Int], true},
  2030  	} {
  2031  		if got := AssignableTo(test.v, test.t); got != test.want {
  2032  			t.Errorf("AssignableTo(%v, %v) = %t, want %t", test.v, test.t, got, test.want)
  2033  		}
  2034  	}
  2035  }
  2037  func TestIdentical(t *testing.T) {
  2038  	// For each test, we compare the types of objects X and Y in the source.
  2039  	tests := []struct {
  2040  		src  string
  2041  		want bool
  2042  	}{
  2043  		// Basic types.
  2044  		{"var X int; var Y int", true},
  2045  		{"var X int; var Y string", false},
  2047  		// TODO: add more tests for complex types.
  2049  		// Named types.
  2050  		{"type X int; type Y int", false},
  2052  		// Aliases.
  2053  		{"type X = int; type Y = int", true},
  2055  		// Functions.
  2056  		{`func X(int) string { return "" }; func Y(int) string { return "" }`, true},
  2057  		{`func X() string { return "" }; func Y(int) string { return "" }`, false},
  2058  		{`func X(int) string { return "" }; func Y(int) {}`, false},
  2060  		// Generic functions. Type parameters should be considered identical modulo
  2061  		// renaming. See also
  2062  		{`func X[P ~int](){}; func Y[Q ~int]() {}`, true},
  2063  		{`func X[P1 any, P2 ~*P1](){}; func Y[Q1 any, Q2 ~*Q1]() {}`, true},
  2064  		{`func X[P1 any, P2 ~[]P1](){}; func Y[Q1 any, Q2 ~*Q1]() {}`, false},
  2065  		{`func X[P ~int](P){}; func Y[Q ~int](Q) {}`, true},
  2066  		{`func X[P ~string](P){}; func Y[Q ~int](Q) {}`, false},
  2067  		{`func X[P ~int]([]P){}; func Y[Q ~int]([]Q) {}`, true},
  2068  	}
  2070  	for _, test := range tests {
  2071  		pkg := mustTypecheck("package p;"+test.src, nil, nil)
  2072  		X := pkg.Scope().Lookup("X")
  2073  		Y := pkg.Scope().Lookup("Y")
  2074  		if X == nil || Y == nil {
  2075  			t.Fatal("test must declare both X and Y")
  2076  		}
  2077  		if got := Identical(X.Type(), Y.Type()); got != test.want {
  2078  			t.Errorf("Identical(%s, %s) = %t, want %t", X.Type(), Y.Type(), got, test.want)
  2079  		}
  2080  	}
  2081  }
  2083  func TestIdentical_issue15173(t *testing.T) {
  2084  	// Identical should allow nil arguments and be symmetric.
  2085  	for _, test := range []struct {
  2086  		x, y Type
  2087  		want bool
  2088  	}{
  2089  		{Typ[Int], Typ[Int], true},
  2090  		{Typ[Int], nil, false},
  2091  		{nil, Typ[Int], false},
  2092  		{nil, nil, true},
  2093  	} {
  2094  		if got := Identical(test.x, test.y); got != test.want {
  2095  			t.Errorf("Identical(%v, %v) = %t", test.x, test.y, got)
  2096  		}
  2097  	}
  2098  }
  2100  func TestIdenticalUnions(t *testing.T) {
  2101  	tname := NewTypeName(nopos, nil, "myInt", nil)
  2102  	myInt := NewNamed(tname, Typ[Int], nil)
  2103  	tmap := map[string]*Term{
  2104  		"int":     NewTerm(false, Typ[Int]),
  2105  		"~int":    NewTerm(true, Typ[Int]),
  2106  		"string":  NewTerm(false, Typ[String]),
  2107  		"~string": NewTerm(true, Typ[String]),
  2108  		"myInt":   NewTerm(false, myInt),
  2109  	}
  2110  	makeUnion := func(s string) *Union {
  2111  		parts := strings.Split(s, "|")
  2112  		var terms []*Term
  2113  		for _, p := range parts {
  2114  			term := tmap[p]
  2115  			if term == nil {
  2116  				t.Fatalf("missing term %q", p)
  2117  			}
  2118  			terms = append(terms, term)
  2119  		}
  2120  		return NewUnion(terms)
  2121  	}
  2122  	for _, test := range []struct {
  2123  		x, y string
  2124  		want bool
  2125  	}{
  2126  		// These tests are just sanity checks. The tests for type sets and
  2127  		// interfaces provide much more test coverage.
  2128  		{"int|~int", "~int", true},
  2129  		{"myInt|~int", "~int", true},
  2130  		{"int|string", "string|int", true},
  2131  		{"int|int|string", "string|int", true},
  2132  		{"myInt|string", "int|string", false},
  2133  	} {
  2134  		x := makeUnion(test.x)
  2135  		y := makeUnion(test.y)
  2136  		if got := Identical(x, y); got != test.want {
  2137  			t.Errorf("Identical(%v, %v) = %t", test.x, test.y, got)
  2138  		}
  2139  	}
  2140  }
  2142  func TestIssue61737(t *testing.T) {
  2143  	// This test verifies that it is possible to construct invalid interfaces
  2144  	// containing duplicate methods using the go/types API.
  2145  	//
  2146  	// It must be possible for importers to construct such invalid interfaces.
  2147  	// Previously, this panicked.
  2149  	sig1 := NewSignatureType(nil, nil, nil, NewTuple(NewParam(nopos, nil, "", Typ[Int])), nil, false)
  2150  	sig2 := NewSignatureType(nil, nil, nil, NewTuple(NewParam(nopos, nil, "", Typ[String])), nil, false)
  2152  	methods := []*Func{
  2153  		NewFunc(nopos, nil, "M", sig1),
  2154  		NewFunc(nopos, nil, "M", sig2),
  2155  	}
  2157  	embeddedMethods := []*Func{
  2158  		NewFunc(nopos, nil, "M", sig2),
  2159  	}
  2160  	embedded := NewInterfaceType(embeddedMethods, nil)
  2161  	iface := NewInterfaceType(methods, []Type{embedded})
  2162  	iface.Complete()
  2163  }
  2165  func TestNewAlias_Issue65455(t *testing.T) {
  2166  	obj := NewTypeName(nopos, nil, "A", nil)
  2167  	alias := NewAlias(obj, Typ[Int])
  2168  	alias.Underlying() // must not panic
  2169  }
  2171  func TestIssue15305(t *testing.T) {
  2172  	const src = "package p; func f() int16; var _ = f(undef)"
  2173  	fset := token.NewFileSet()
  2174  	f := mustParse(fset, src)
  2175  	conf := Config{
  2176  		Error: func(err error) {}, // allow errors
  2177  	}
  2178  	info := &Info{
  2179  		Types: make(map[ast.Expr]TypeAndValue),
  2180  	}
  2181  	conf.Check("p", fset, []*ast.File{f}, info) // ignore result
  2182  	for e, tv := range info.Types {
  2183  		if _, ok := e.(*ast.CallExpr); ok {
  2184  			if tv.Type != Typ[Int16] {
  2185  				t.Errorf("CallExpr has type %v, want int16", tv.Type)
  2186  			}
  2187  			return
  2188  		}
  2189  	}
  2190  	t.Errorf("CallExpr has no type")
  2191  }
  2193  // TestCompositeLitTypes verifies that Info.Types registers the correct
  2194  // types for composite literal expressions and composite literal type
  2195  // expressions.
  2196  func TestCompositeLitTypes(t *testing.T) {
  2197  	for i, test := range []struct {
  2198  		lit, typ string
  2199  	}{
  2200  		{`[16]byte{}`, `[16]byte`},
  2201  		{`[...]byte{}`, `[0]byte`},                // test for
  2202  		{`[...]int{1, 2, 3}`, `[3]int`},           // test for
  2203  		{`[...]int{90: 0, 98: 1, 2}`, `[100]int`}, // test for
  2204  		{`[]int{}`, `[]int`},
  2205  		{`map[string]bool{"foo": true}`, `map[string]bool`},
  2206  		{`struct{}{}`, `struct{}`},
  2207  		{`struct{x, y int; z complex128}{}`, `struct{x int; y int; z complex128}`},
  2208  	} {
  2209  		fset := token.NewFileSet()
  2210  		f := mustParse(fset, fmt.Sprintf("package p%d; var _ = %s", i, test.lit))
  2211  		types := make(map[ast.Expr]TypeAndValue)
  2212  		if _, err := new(Config).Check("p", fset, []*ast.File{f}, &Info{Types: types}); err != nil {
  2213  			t.Fatalf("%s: %v", test.lit, err)
  2214  		}
  2216  		cmptype := func(x ast.Expr, want string) {
  2217  			tv, ok := types[x]
  2218  			if !ok {
  2219  				t.Errorf("%s: no Types entry found", test.lit)
  2220  				return
  2221  			}
  2222  			if tv.Type == nil {
  2223  				t.Errorf("%s: type is nil", test.lit)
  2224  				return
  2225  			}
  2226  			if got := tv.Type.String(); got != want {
  2227  				t.Errorf("%s: got %v, want %s", test.lit, got, want)
  2228  			}
  2229  		}
  2231  		// test type of composite literal expression
  2232  		rhs := f.Decls[0].(*ast.GenDecl).Specs[0].(*ast.ValueSpec).Values[0]
  2233  		cmptype(rhs, test.typ)
  2235  		// test type of composite literal type expression
  2236  		cmptype(rhs.(*ast.CompositeLit).Type, test.typ)
  2237  	}
  2238  }
  2240  // TestObjectParents verifies that objects have parent scopes or not
  2241  // as specified by the Object interface.
  2242  func TestObjectParents(t *testing.T) {
  2243  	const src = `
  2244  package p
  2246  const C = 0
  2248  type T1 struct {
  2249  	a, b int
  2250  	T2
  2251  }
  2253  type T2 interface {
  2254  	im1()
  2255  	im2()
  2256  }
  2258  func (T1) m1() {}
  2259  func (*T1) m2() {}
  2261  func f(x int) { y := x; print(y) }
  2262  `
  2264  	fset := token.NewFileSet()
  2265  	f := mustParse(fset, src)
  2267  	info := &Info{
  2268  		Defs: make(map[*ast.Ident]Object),
  2269  	}
  2270  	if _, err := new(Config).Check("p", fset, []*ast.File{f}, info); err != nil {
  2271  		t.Fatal(err)
  2272  	}
  2274  	for ident, obj := range info.Defs {
  2275  		if obj == nil {
  2276  			// only package names and implicit vars have a nil object
  2277  			// (in this test we only need to handle the package name)
  2278  			if ident.Name != "p" {
  2279  				t.Errorf("%v has nil object", ident)
  2280  			}
  2281  			continue
  2282  		}
  2284  		// struct fields, type-associated and interface methods
  2285  		// have no parent scope
  2286  		wantParent := true
  2287  		switch obj := obj.(type) {
  2288  		case *Var:
  2289  			if obj.IsField() {
  2290  				wantParent = false
  2291  			}
  2292  		case *Func:
  2293  			if obj.Signature().Recv() != nil { // method
  2294  				wantParent = false
  2295  			}
  2296  		}
  2298  		gotParent := obj.Parent() != nil
  2299  		switch {
  2300  		case gotParent && !wantParent:
  2301  			t.Errorf("%v: want no parent, got %s", ident, obj.Parent())
  2302  		case !gotParent && wantParent:
  2303  			t.Errorf("%v: no parent found", ident)
  2304  		}
  2305  	}
  2306  }
  2308  // TestFailedImport tests that we don't get follow-on errors
  2309  // elsewhere in a package due to failing to import a package.
  2310  func TestFailedImport(t *testing.T) {
  2311  	testenv.MustHaveGoBuild(t)
  2313  	const src = `
  2314  package p
  2316  import foo "go/types/thisdirectorymustnotexistotherwisethistestmayfail/foo" // should only see an error here
  2318  const c = foo.C
  2319  type T = foo.T
  2320  var v T = c
  2321  func f(x T) T { return foo.F(x) }
  2322  `
  2323  	fset := token.NewFileSet()
  2324  	f := mustParse(fset, src)
  2325  	files := []*ast.File{f}
  2327  	// type-check using all possible importers
  2328  	for _, compiler := range []string{"gc", "gccgo", "source"} {
  2329  		errcount := 0
  2330  		conf := Config{
  2331  			Error: func(err error) {
  2332  				// we should only see the import error
  2333  				if errcount > 0 || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "could not import") {
  2334  					t.Errorf("for %s importer, got unexpected error: %v", compiler, err)
  2335  				}
  2336  				errcount++
  2337  			},
  2338  			Importer: importer.For(compiler, nil),
  2339  		}
  2341  		info := &Info{
  2342  			Uses: make(map[*ast.Ident]Object),
  2343  		}
  2344  		pkg, _ := conf.Check("p", fset, files, info)
  2345  		if pkg == nil {
  2346  			t.Errorf("for %s importer, type-checking failed to return a package", compiler)
  2347  			continue
  2348  		}
  2350  		imports := pkg.Imports()
  2351  		if len(imports) != 1 {
  2352  			t.Errorf("for %s importer, got %d imports, want 1", compiler, len(imports))
  2353  			continue
  2354  		}
  2355  		imp := imports[0]
  2356  		if imp.Name() != "foo" {
  2357  			t.Errorf(`for %s importer, got %q, want "foo"`, compiler, imp.Name())
  2358  			continue
  2359  		}
  2361  		// verify that all uses of foo refer to the imported package foo (imp)
  2362  		for ident, obj := range info.Uses {
  2363  			if ident.Name == "foo" {
  2364  				if obj, ok := obj.(*PkgName); ok {
  2365  					if obj.Imported() != imp {
  2366  						t.Errorf("%s resolved to %v; want %v", ident, obj.Imported(), imp)
  2367  					}
  2368  				} else {
  2369  					t.Errorf("%s resolved to %v; want package name", ident, obj)
  2370  				}
  2371  			}
  2372  		}
  2373  	}
  2374  }
  2376  func TestInstantiate(t *testing.T) {
  2377  	// eventually we like more tests but this is a start
  2378  	const src = "package p; type T[P any] *T[P]"
  2379  	pkg := mustTypecheck(src, nil, nil)
  2381  	// type T should have one type parameter
  2382  	T := pkg.Scope().Lookup("T").Type().(*Named)
  2383  	if n := T.TypeParams().Len(); n != 1 {
  2384  		t.Fatalf("expected 1 type parameter; found %d", n)
  2385  	}
  2387  	// instantiation should succeed (no endless recursion)
  2388  	// even with a nil *Checker
  2389  	res, err := Instantiate(nil, T, []Type{Typ[Int]}, false)
  2390  	if err != nil {
  2391  		t.Fatal(err)
  2392  	}
  2394  	// instantiated type should point to itself
  2395  	if p := res.Underlying().(*Pointer).Elem(); p != res {
  2396  		t.Fatalf("unexpected result type: %s points to %s", res, p)
  2397  	}
  2398  }
  2400  func TestInstantiateConcurrent(t *testing.T) {
  2401  	const src = `package p
  2403  type I[P any] interface {
  2404  	m(P)
  2405  	n() P
  2406  }
  2408  type J = I[int]
  2410  type Nested[P any] *interface{b(P)}
  2412  type K = Nested[string]
  2413  `
  2414  	pkg := mustTypecheck(src, nil, nil)
  2416  	insts := []*Interface{
  2417  		pkg.Scope().Lookup("J").Type().Underlying().(*Interface),
  2418  		pkg.Scope().Lookup("K").Type().Underlying().(*Pointer).Elem().(*Interface),
  2419  	}
  2421  	// Use the interface instances concurrently.
  2422  	for _, inst := range insts {
  2423  		var (
  2424  			counts  [2]int      // method counts
  2425  			methods [2][]string // method strings
  2426  		)
  2427  		var wg sync.WaitGroup
  2428  		for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
  2429  			i := i
  2430  			wg.Add(1)
  2431  			go func() {
  2432  				defer wg.Done()
  2434  				counts[i] = inst.NumMethods()
  2435  				for mi := 0; mi < counts[i]; mi++ {
  2436  					methods[i] = append(methods[i], inst.Method(mi).String())
  2437  				}
  2438  			}()
  2439  		}
  2440  		wg.Wait()
  2442  		if counts[0] != counts[1] {
  2443  			t.Errorf("mismatching method counts for %s: %d vs %d", inst, counts[0], counts[1])
  2444  			continue
  2445  		}
  2446  		for i := 0; i < counts[0]; i++ {
  2447  			if m0, m1 := methods[0][i], methods[1][i]; m0 != m1 {
  2448  				t.Errorf("mismatching methods for %s: %s vs %s", inst, m0, m1)
  2449  			}
  2450  		}
  2451  	}
  2452  }
  2454  func TestInstantiateErrors(t *testing.T) {
  2455  	tests := []struct {
  2456  		src    string // by convention, T must be the type being instantiated
  2457  		targs  []Type
  2458  		wantAt int // -1 indicates no error
  2459  	}{
  2460  		{"type T[P interface{~string}] int", []Type{Typ[Int]}, 0},
  2461  		{"type T[P1 interface{int}, P2 interface{~string}] int", []Type{Typ[Int], Typ[Int]}, 1},
  2462  		{"type T[P1 any, P2 interface{~[]P1}] int", []Type{Typ[Int], NewSlice(Typ[String])}, 1},
  2463  		{"type T[P1 interface{~[]P2}, P2 any] int", []Type{NewSlice(Typ[String]), Typ[Int]}, 0},
  2464  	}
  2466  	for _, test := range tests {
  2467  		src := "package p; " + test.src
  2468  		pkg := mustTypecheck(src, nil, nil)
  2470  		T := pkg.Scope().Lookup("T").Type().(*Named)
  2472  		_, err := Instantiate(nil, T, test.targs, true)
  2473  		if err == nil {
  2474  			t.Fatalf("Instantiate(%v, %v) returned nil error, want non-nil", T, test.targs)
  2475  		}
  2477  		var argErr *ArgumentError
  2478  		if !errors.As(err, &argErr) {
  2479  			t.Fatalf("Instantiate(%v, %v): error is not an *ArgumentError", T, test.targs)
  2480  		}
  2482  		if argErr.Index != test.wantAt {
  2483  			t.Errorf("Instantiate(%v, %v): error at index %d, want index %d", T, test.targs, argErr.Index, test.wantAt)
  2484  		}
  2485  	}
  2486  }
  2488  func TestArgumentErrorUnwrapping(t *testing.T) {
  2489  	var err error = &ArgumentError{
  2490  		Index: 1,
  2491  		Err:   Error{Msg: "test"},
  2492  	}
  2493  	var e Error
  2494  	if !errors.As(err, &e) {
  2495  		t.Fatalf("error %v does not wrap types.Error", err)
  2496  	}
  2497  	if e.Msg != "test" {
  2498  		t.Errorf("e.Msg = %q, want %q", e.Msg, "test")
  2499  	}
  2500  }
  2502  func TestInstanceIdentity(t *testing.T) {
  2503  	imports := make(testImporter)
  2504  	conf := Config{Importer: imports}
  2505  	makePkg := func(src string) {
  2506  		fset := token.NewFileSet()
  2507  		f := mustParse(fset, src)
  2508  		name := f.Name.Name
  2509  		pkg, err := conf.Check(name, fset, []*ast.File{f}, nil)
  2510  		if err != nil {
  2511  			t.Fatal(err)
  2512  		}
  2513  		imports[name] = pkg
  2514  	}
  2515  	makePkg(`package lib; type T[P any] struct{}`)
  2516  	makePkg(`package a; import "lib"; var A lib.T[int]`)
  2517  	makePkg(`package b; import "lib"; var B lib.T[int]`)
  2518  	a := imports["a"].Scope().Lookup("A")
  2519  	b := imports["b"].Scope().Lookup("B")
  2520  	if !Identical(a.Type(), b.Type()) {
  2521  		t.Errorf("mismatching types: a.A: %s, b.B: %s", a.Type(), b.Type())
  2522  	}
  2523  }
  2525  // TestInstantiatedObjects verifies properties of instantiated objects.
  2526  func TestInstantiatedObjects(t *testing.T) {
  2527  	const src = `
  2528  package p
  2530  type T[P any] struct {
  2531  	field P
  2532  }
  2534  func (recv *T[Q]) concreteMethod(mParam Q) (mResult Q) { return }
  2536  type FT[P any] func(ftParam P) (ftResult P)
  2538  func F[P any](fParam P) (fResult P){ return }
  2540  type I[P any] interface {
  2541  	interfaceMethod(P)
  2542  }
  2544  type R[P any] T[P]
  2546  func (R[P]) m() {} // having a method triggers expansion of R
  2548  var (
  2549  	t T[int]
  2550  	ft FT[int]
  2551  	f = F[int]
  2552  	i I[int]
  2553  )
  2555  func fn() {
  2556  	var r R[int]
  2557  	_ = r
  2558  }
  2559  `
  2560  	info := &Info{
  2561  		Defs: make(map[*ast.Ident]Object),
  2562  	}
  2563  	fset := token.NewFileSet()
  2564  	f := mustParse(fset, src)
  2565  	conf := Config{}
  2566  	pkg, err := conf.Check(f.Name.Name, fset, []*ast.File{f}, info)
  2567  	if err != nil {
  2568  		t.Fatal(err)
  2569  	}
  2571  	lookup := func(name string) Type { return pkg.Scope().Lookup(name).Type() }
  2572  	fnScope := pkg.Scope().Lookup("fn").(*Func).Scope()
  2574  	tests := []struct {
  2575  		name string
  2576  		obj  Object
  2577  	}{
  2578  		// Struct fields
  2579  		{"field", lookup("t").Underlying().(*Struct).Field(0)},
  2580  		{"field", fnScope.Lookup("r").Type().Underlying().(*Struct).Field(0)},
  2582  		// Methods and method fields
  2583  		{"concreteMethod", lookup("t").(*Named).Method(0)},
  2584  		{"recv", lookup("t").(*Named).Method(0).Signature().Recv()},
  2585  		{"mParam", lookup("t").(*Named).Method(0).Signature().Params().At(0)},
  2586  		{"mResult", lookup("t").(*Named).Method(0).Signature().Results().At(0)},
  2588  		// Interface methods
  2589  		{"interfaceMethod", lookup("i").Underlying().(*Interface).Method(0)},
  2591  		// Function type fields
  2592  		{"ftParam", lookup("ft").Underlying().(*Signature).Params().At(0)},
  2593  		{"ftResult", lookup("ft").Underlying().(*Signature).Results().At(0)},
  2595  		// Function fields
  2596  		{"fParam", lookup("f").(*Signature).Params().At(0)},
  2597  		{"fResult", lookup("f").(*Signature).Results().At(0)},
  2598  	}
  2600  	// Collect all identifiers by name.
  2601  	idents := make(map[string][]*ast.Ident)
  2602  	ast.Inspect(f, func(n ast.Node) bool {
  2603  		if id, ok := n.(*ast.Ident); ok {
  2604  			idents[id.Name] = append(idents[id.Name], id)
  2605  		}
  2606  		return true
  2607  	})
  2609  	for _, test := range tests {
  2610  		test := test
  2611  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
  2612  			if got := len(idents[]); got != 1 {
  2613  				t.Fatalf("found %d identifiers named %s, want 1", got,
  2614  			}
  2615  			ident := idents[][0]
  2616  			def := info.Defs[ident]
  2617  			if def == test.obj {
  2618  				t.Fatalf("info.Defs[%s] contains the test object",
  2619  			}
  2620  			if orig := originObject(test.obj); def != orig {
  2621  				t.Errorf("info.Defs[%s] does not match obj.Origin()",
  2622  			}
  2623  			if def.Pkg() != test.obj.Pkg() {
  2624  				t.Errorf("Pkg() = %v, want %v", def.Pkg(), test.obj.Pkg())
  2625  			}
  2626  			if def.Name() != test.obj.Name() {
  2627  				t.Errorf("Name() = %v, want %v", def.Name(), test.obj.Name())
  2628  			}
  2629  			if def.Pos() != test.obj.Pos() {
  2630  				t.Errorf("Pos() = %v, want %v", def.Pos(), test.obj.Pos())
  2631  			}
  2632  			if def.Parent() != test.obj.Parent() {
  2633  				t.Fatalf("Parent() = %v, want %v", def.Parent(), test.obj.Parent())
  2634  			}
  2635  			if def.Exported() != test.obj.Exported() {
  2636  				t.Fatalf("Exported() = %v, want %v", def.Exported(), test.obj.Exported())
  2637  			}
  2638  			if def.Id() != test.obj.Id() {
  2639  				t.Fatalf("Id() = %v, want %v", def.Id(), test.obj.Id())
  2640  			}
  2641  			// String and Type are expected to differ.
  2642  		})
  2643  	}
  2644  }
  2646  func originObject(obj Object) Object {
  2647  	switch obj := obj.(type) {
  2648  	case *Var:
  2649  		return obj.Origin()
  2650  	case *Func:
  2651  		return obj.Origin()
  2652  	}
  2653  	return obj
  2654  }
  2656  func TestImplements(t *testing.T) {
  2657  	const src = `
  2658  package p
  2660  type EmptyIface interface{}
  2662  type I interface {
  2663  	m()
  2664  }
  2666  type C interface {
  2667  	m()
  2668  	~int
  2669  }
  2671  type Integer interface{
  2672  	int8 | int16 | int32 | int64
  2673  }
  2675  type EmptyTypeSet interface{
  2676  	Integer
  2677  	~string
  2678  }
  2680  type N1 int
  2681  func (N1) m() {}
  2683  type N2 int
  2684  func (*N2) m() {}
  2686  type N3 int
  2687  func (N3) m(int) {}
  2689  type N4 string
  2690  func (N4) m()
  2692  type Bad Bad // invalid type
  2693  `
  2695  	fset := token.NewFileSet()
  2696  	f := mustParse(fset, src)
  2697  	conf := Config{Error: func(error) {}}
  2698  	pkg, _ := conf.Check(f.Name.Name, fset, []*ast.File{f}, nil)
  2700  	lookup := func(tname string) Type { return pkg.Scope().Lookup(tname).Type() }
  2701  	var (
  2702  		EmptyIface   = lookup("EmptyIface").Underlying().(*Interface)
  2703  		I            = lookup("I").(*Named)
  2704  		II           = I.Underlying().(*Interface)
  2705  		C            = lookup("C").(*Named)
  2706  		CI           = C.Underlying().(*Interface)
  2707  		Integer      = lookup("Integer").Underlying().(*Interface)
  2708  		EmptyTypeSet = lookup("EmptyTypeSet").Underlying().(*Interface)
  2709  		N1           = lookup("N1")
  2710  		N1p          = NewPointer(N1)
  2711  		N2           = lookup("N2")
  2712  		N2p          = NewPointer(N2)
  2713  		N3           = lookup("N3")
  2714  		N4           = lookup("N4")
  2715  		Bad          = lookup("Bad")
  2716  	)
  2718  	tests := []struct {
  2719  		V    Type
  2720  		T    *Interface
  2721  		want bool
  2722  	}{
  2723  		{I, II, true},
  2724  		{I, CI, false},
  2725  		{C, II, true},
  2726  		{C, CI, true},
  2727  		{Typ[Int8], Integer, true},
  2728  		{Typ[Int64], Integer, true},
  2729  		{Typ[String], Integer, false},
  2730  		{EmptyTypeSet, II, true},
  2731  		{EmptyTypeSet, EmptyTypeSet, true},
  2732  		{Typ[Int], EmptyTypeSet, false},
  2733  		{N1, II, true},
  2734  		{N1, CI, true},
  2735  		{N1p, II, true},
  2736  		{N1p, CI, false},
  2737  		{N2, II, false},
  2738  		{N2, CI, false},
  2739  		{N2p, II, true},
  2740  		{N2p, CI, false},
  2741  		{N3, II, false},
  2742  		{N3, CI, false},
  2743  		{N4, II, true},
  2744  		{N4, CI, false},
  2745  		{Bad, II, false},
  2746  		{Bad, CI, false},
  2747  		{Bad, EmptyIface, true},
  2748  	}
  2750  	for _, test := range tests {
  2751  		if got := Implements(test.V, test.T); got != test.want {
  2752  			t.Errorf("Implements(%s, %s) = %t, want %t", test.V, test.T, got, test.want)
  2753  		}
  2755  		// The type assertion x.(T) is valid if T is an interface or if T implements the type of x.
  2756  		// The assertion is never valid if T is a bad type.
  2757  		V := test.T
  2758  		T := test.V
  2759  		want := false
  2760  		if _, ok := T.Underlying().(*Interface); (ok || Implements(T, V)) && T != Bad {
  2761  			want = true
  2762  		}
  2763  		if got := AssertableTo(V, T); got != want {
  2764  			t.Errorf("AssertableTo(%s, %s) = %t, want %t", V, T, got, want)
  2765  		}
  2766  	}
  2767  }
  2769  func TestMissingMethodAlternative(t *testing.T) {
  2770  	const src = `
  2771  package p
  2772  type T interface {
  2773  	m()
  2774  }
  2776  type V0 struct{}
  2777  func (V0) m() {}
  2779  type V1 struct{}
  2781  type V2 struct{}
  2782  func (V2) m() int
  2784  type V3 struct{}
  2785  func (*V3) m()
  2787  type V4 struct{}
  2788  func (V4) M()
  2789  `
  2791  	pkg := mustTypecheck(src, nil, nil)
  2793  	T := pkg.Scope().Lookup("T").Type().Underlying().(*Interface)
  2794  	lookup := func(name string) (*Func, bool) {
  2795  		return MissingMethod(pkg.Scope().Lookup(name).Type(), T, true)
  2796  	}
  2798  	// V0 has method m with correct signature. Should not report wrongType.
  2799  	method, wrongType := lookup("V0")
  2800  	if method != nil || wrongType {
  2801  		t.Fatalf("V0: got method = %v, wrongType = %v", method, wrongType)
  2802  	}
  2804  	checkMissingMethod := func(tname string, reportWrongType bool) {
  2805  		method, wrongType := lookup(tname)
  2806  		if method == nil || method.Name() != "m" || wrongType != reportWrongType {
  2807  			t.Fatalf("%s: got method = %v, wrongType = %v", tname, method, wrongType)
  2808  		}
  2809  	}
  2811  	// V1 has no method m. Should not report wrongType.
  2812  	checkMissingMethod("V1", false)
  2814  	// V2 has method m with wrong signature type (ignoring receiver). Should report wrongType.
  2815  	checkMissingMethod("V2", true)
  2817  	// V3 has no method m but it exists on *V3. Should report wrongType.
  2818  	checkMissingMethod("V3", true)
  2820  	// V4 has no method m but has M. Should not report wrongType.
  2821  	checkMissingMethod("V4", false)
  2822  }
  2824  func TestErrorURL(t *testing.T) {
  2825  	var conf Config
  2826  	*stringFieldAddr(&conf, "_ErrorURL") = " []"
  2828  	// test case for a one-line error
  2829  	const src1 = `
  2830  package p
  2831  var _ T
  2832  `
  2833  	_, err := typecheck(src1, &conf, nil)
  2834  	if err == nil || !strings.HasSuffix(err.Error(), " []") {
  2835  		t.Errorf("src1: unexpected error: got %v", err)
  2836  	}
  2838  	// test case for a multi-line error
  2839  	const src2 = `
  2840  package p
  2841  func f() int { return 0 }
  2842  var _ = f(1, 2)
  2843  `
  2844  	_, err = typecheck(src2, &conf, nil)
  2845  	if err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), " []\n") {
  2846  		t.Errorf("src1: unexpected error: got %v", err)
  2847  	}
  2848  }
  2850  func TestModuleVersion(t *testing.T) {
  2851  	// version go1.dd must be able to typecheck go1.dd.0, go1.dd.1, etc.
  2852  	goversion := fmt.Sprintf("go1.%d", goversion.Version)
  2853  	for _, v := range []string{
  2854  		goversion,
  2855  		goversion + ".0",
  2856  		goversion + ".1",
  2857  		goversion + ".rc",
  2858  	} {
  2859  		conf := Config{GoVersion: v}
  2860  		pkg := mustTypecheck("package p", &conf, nil)
  2861  		if pkg.GoVersion() != conf.GoVersion {
  2862  			t.Errorf("got %s; want %s", pkg.GoVersion(), conf.GoVersion)
  2863  		}
  2864  	}
  2865  }
  2867  func TestFileVersions(t *testing.T) {
  2868  	for _, test := range []struct {
  2869  		goVersion   string
  2870  		fileVersion string
  2871  		wantVersion string
  2872  	}{
  2873  		{"", "", ""},                    // no versions specified
  2874  		{"go1.19", "", "go1.19"},        // module version specified
  2875  		{"", "go1.20", "go1.21"},        // file version specified below minimum of 1.21
  2876  		{"go1", "", "go1"},              // no file version specified
  2877  		{"go1", "goo1.22", "go1"},       // invalid file version specified
  2878  		{"go1", "go1.19", "go1.21"},     // file version specified below minimum of 1.21
  2879  		{"go1", "go1.20", "go1.21"},     // file version specified below minimum of 1.21
  2880  		{"go1", "go1.21", "go1.21"},     // file version specified at 1.21
  2881  		{"go1", "go1.22", "go1.22"},     // file version specified above 1.21
  2882  		{"go1.19", "", "go1.19"},        // no file version specified
  2883  		{"go1.19", "goo1.22", "go1.19"}, // invalid file version specified
  2884  		{"go1.19", "go1.20", "go1.21"},  // file version specified below minimum of 1.21
  2885  		{"go1.19", "go1.21", "go1.21"},  // file version specified at 1.21
  2886  		{"go1.19", "go1.22", "go1.22"},  // file version specified above 1.21
  2887  		{"go1.20", "", "go1.20"},        // no file version specified
  2888  		{"go1.20", "goo1.22", "go1.20"}, // invalid file version specified
  2889  		{"go1.20", "go1.19", "go1.21"},  // file version specified below minimum of 1.21
  2890  		{"go1.20", "go1.20", "go1.21"},  // file version specified below minimum of 1.21
  2891  		{"go1.20", "go1.21", "go1.21"},  // file version specified at 1.21
  2892  		{"go1.20", "go1.22", "go1.22"},  // file version specified above 1.21
  2893  		{"go1.21", "", "go1.21"},        // no file version specified
  2894  		{"go1.21", "goo1.22", "go1.21"}, // invalid file version specified
  2895  		{"go1.21", "go1.19", "go1.21"},  // file version specified below minimum of 1.21
  2896  		{"go1.21", "go1.20", "go1.21"},  // file version specified below minimum of 1.21
  2897  		{"go1.21", "go1.21", "go1.21"},  // file version specified at 1.21
  2898  		{"go1.21", "go1.22", "go1.22"},  // file version specified above 1.21
  2899  		{"go1.22", "", "go1.22"},        // no file version specified
  2900  		{"go1.22", "goo1.22", "go1.22"}, // invalid file version specified
  2901  		{"go1.22", "go1.19", "go1.21"},  // file version specified below minimum of 1.21
  2902  		{"go1.22", "go1.20", "go1.21"},  // file version specified below minimum of 1.21
  2903  		{"go1.22", "go1.21", "go1.21"},  // file version specified at 1.21
  2904  		{"go1.22", "go1.22", "go1.22"},  // file version specified above 1.21
  2906  		// versions containing release numbers
  2907  		// (file versions containing release numbers are considered invalid)
  2908  		{"go1.19.0", "", "go1.19.0"},         // no file version specified
  2909  		{"go1.20.1", "go1.19.1", "go1.20.1"}, // invalid file version
  2910  		{"go1.20.1", "go1.21.1", "go1.20.1"}, // invalid file version
  2911  		{"go1.21.1", "go1.19.1", "go1.21.1"}, // invalid file version
  2912  		{"go1.21.1", "go1.21.1", "go1.21.1"}, // invalid file version
  2913  		{"go1.22.1", "go1.19.1", "go1.22.1"}, // invalid file version
  2914  		{"go1.22.1", "go1.21.1", "go1.22.1"}, // invalid file version
  2915  	} {
  2916  		var src string
  2917  		if test.fileVersion != "" {
  2918  			src = "//go:build " + test.fileVersion + "\n"
  2919  		}
  2920  		src += "package p"
  2922  		conf := Config{GoVersion: test.goVersion}
  2923  		versions := make(map[*ast.File]string)
  2924  		var info Info
  2925  		info.FileVersions = versions
  2926  		mustTypecheck(src, &conf, &info)
  2928  		n := 0
  2929  		for _, v := range versions {
  2930  			want := test.wantVersion
  2931  			if v != want {
  2932  				t.Errorf("%q: unexpected file version: got %q, want %q", src, v, want)
  2933  			}
  2934  			n++
  2935  		}
  2936  		if n != 1 {
  2937  			t.Errorf("%q: incorrect number of map entries: got %d", src, n)
  2938  		}
  2939  	}
  2940  }
  2942  // TestTooNew ensures that "too new" errors are emitted when the file
  2943  // or module is tagged with a newer version of Go than this go/types.
  2944  func TestTooNew(t *testing.T) {
  2945  	for _, test := range []struct {
  2946  		goVersion   string // package's Go version (as if derived from go.mod file)
  2947  		fileVersion string // file's Go version (becomes a build tag)
  2948  		wantErr     string // expected substring of concatenation of all errors
  2949  	}{
  2950  		{"go1.98", "", "package requires newer Go version go1.98"},
  2951  		{"", "go1.99", "p:2:9: file requires newer Go version go1.99"},
  2952  		{"go1.98", "go1.99", "package requires newer Go version go1.98"}, // (two
  2953  		{"go1.98", "go1.99", "file requires newer Go version go1.99"},    // errors)
  2954  	} {
  2955  		var src string
  2956  		if test.fileVersion != "" {
  2957  			src = "//go:build " + test.fileVersion + "\n"
  2958  		}
  2959  		src += "package p; func f()"
  2961  		var errs []error
  2962  		conf := Config{
  2963  			GoVersion: test.goVersion,
  2964  			Error:     func(err error) { errs = append(errs, err) },
  2965  		}
  2966  		info := &Info{Defs: make(map[*ast.Ident]Object)}
  2967  		typecheck(src, &conf, info)
  2968  		got := fmt.Sprint(errs)
  2969  		if !strings.Contains(got, test.wantErr) {
  2970  			t.Errorf("%q: unexpected error: got %q, want substring %q",
  2971  				src, got, test.wantErr)
  2972  		}
  2974  		// Assert that declarations were type checked nonetheless.
  2975  		var gotObjs []string
  2976  		for id, obj := range info.Defs {
  2977  			if obj != nil {
  2978  				objStr := strings.ReplaceAll(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%T", id.Name, obj), "types2", "types")
  2979  				gotObjs = append(gotObjs, objStr)
  2980  			}
  2981  		}
  2982  		wantObjs := "f:*types.Func"
  2983  		if !strings.Contains(fmt.Sprint(gotObjs), wantObjs) {
  2984  			t.Errorf("%q: got %s, want substring %q",
  2985  				src, gotObjs, wantObjs)
  2986  		}
  2987  	}
  2988  }
  2990  // This is a regression test for #66704.
  2991  func TestUnaliasTooSoonInCycle(t *testing.T) {
  2992  	setGotypesalias(t, true)
  2993  	const src = `package a
  2995  var x T[B] // this appears to cause Unalias to be called on B while still Invalid
  2997  type T[_ any] struct{}
  2998  type A T[B]
  2999  type B = T[A]
  3000  `
  3001  	pkg := mustTypecheck(src, nil, nil)
  3002  	B := pkg.Scope().Lookup("B")
  3004  	got, want := Unalias(B.Type()).String(), "a.T[a.A]"
  3005  	if got != want {
  3006  		t.Errorf("Unalias(type B = T[A]) = %q, want %q", got, want)
  3007  	}
  3008  }
  3010  func TestAlias_Rhs(t *testing.T) {
  3011  	setGotypesalias(t, true)
  3012  	const src = `package p
  3014  type A = B
  3015  type B = C
  3016  type C = int
  3017  `
  3019  	pkg := mustTypecheck(src, nil, nil)
  3020  	A := pkg.Scope().Lookup("A")
  3022  	got, want := A.Type().(*Alias).Rhs().String(), "p.B"
  3023  	if got != want {
  3024  		t.Errorf("A.Rhs = %s, want %s", got, want)
  3025  	}
  3026  }
  3028  // Test the hijacking described of "any" described in golang/go#66921, for type
  3029  // checking.
  3030  func TestAnyHijacking_Check(t *testing.T) {
  3031  	for _, enableAlias := range []bool{false, true} {
  3032  		t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("EnableAlias=%t", enableAlias), func(t *testing.T) {
  3033  			setGotypesalias(t, enableAlias)
  3034  			var wg sync.WaitGroup
  3035  			for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
  3036  				wg.Add(1)
  3037  				go func() {
  3038  					defer wg.Done()
  3039  					pkg := mustTypecheck("package p; var x any", nil, nil)
  3040  					x := pkg.Scope().Lookup("x")
  3041  					if _, gotAlias := x.Type().(*Alias); gotAlias != enableAlias {
  3042  						t.Errorf(`Lookup("x").Type() is %T: got Alias: %t, want %t`, x.Type(), gotAlias, enableAlias)
  3043  					}
  3044  				}()
  3045  			}
  3046  			wg.Wait()
  3047  		})
  3048  	}
  3049  }
  3051  // Test the hijacking described of "any" described in golang/go#66921, for
  3052  // Scope.Lookup outside of type checking.
  3053  func TestAnyHijacking_Lookup(t *testing.T) {
  3054  	for _, enableAlias := range []bool{false, true} {
  3055  		t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("EnableAlias=%t", enableAlias), func(t *testing.T) {
  3056  			setGotypesalias(t, enableAlias)
  3057  			a := Universe.Lookup("any")
  3058  			if _, gotAlias := a.Type().(*Alias); gotAlias != enableAlias {
  3059  				t.Errorf(`Lookup("x").Type() is %T: got Alias: %t, want %t`, a.Type(), gotAlias, enableAlias)
  3060  			}
  3061  		})
  3062  	}
  3063  }
  3065  func setGotypesalias(t *testing.T, enable bool) {
  3066  	if enable {
  3067  		t.Setenv("GODEBUG", "gotypesalias=1")
  3068  	} else {
  3069  		t.Setenv("GODEBUG", "gotypesalias=0")
  3070  	}
  3071  }
  3073  // TestVersionIssue69477 is a regression test for issue #69477,
  3074  // in which the type checker would panic while attempting
  3075  // to compute which file it is "in" based on syntax position.
  3076  func TestVersionIssue69477(t *testing.T) {
  3077  	fset := token.NewFileSet()
  3078  	f, _ := parser.ParseFile(fset, "a.go", "package p; const k = 123", 0)
  3080  	// Set an invalid Pos on the BasicLit.
  3081  	ast.Inspect(f, func(n ast.Node) bool {
  3082  		if lit, ok := n.(*ast.BasicLit); ok {
  3083  			lit.ValuePos = 99999
  3084  		}
  3085  		return true
  3086  	})
  3088  	// Type check. The checker will consult the effective
  3089  	// version for the BasicLit 123. This used to panic.
  3090  	pkg := NewPackage("p", "p")
  3091  	check := NewChecker(&Config{}, fset, pkg, nil)
  3092  	if err := check.Files([]*ast.File{f}); err != nil {
  3093  		t.Fatal(err)
  3094  	}
  3095  }
  3097  // TestVersionWithoutPos is a regression test for issue #69477,
  3098  // in which the type checker would use position information
  3099  // to compute which file it is "in" based on syntax position.
  3100  //
  3101  // As a rule the type checker should not depend on position
  3102  // information for correctness, only for error messages and
  3103  // Object.Pos. (Scope.LookupParent was a mistake.)
  3104  //
  3105  // The Checker now holds the effective version in a state variable.
  3106  func TestVersionWithoutPos(t *testing.T) {
  3107  	fset := token.NewFileSet()
  3108  	f, _ := parser.ParseFile(fset, "a.go", "//go:build go1.22\n\npackage p; var _ int", 0)
  3110  	// Splice in a decl from another file. Its pos will be wrong.
  3111  	f2, _ := parser.ParseFile(fset, "a.go", "package q; func _(s func(func() bool)) { for range s {} }", 0)
  3112  	f.Decls[0] = f2.Decls[0]
  3114  	// Type check. The checker will consult the effective
  3115  	// version (1.22) for the for-range stmt to know whether
  3116  	// range-over-func are permitted: they are not.
  3117  	// (Previously, no error was reported.)
  3118  	pkg := NewPackage("p", "p")
  3119  	check := NewChecker(&Config{}, fset, pkg, nil)
  3120  	err := check.Files([]*ast.File{f})
  3121  	got := fmt.Sprint(err)
  3122  	want := "range over s (variable of type func(func() bool)): requires go1.23"
  3123  	if !strings.Contains(got, want) {
  3124  		t.Errorf("check error was %q, want substring %q", got, want)
  3125  	}
  3126  }

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