// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

Package macho implements access to Mach-O object files.

# Security

This package is not designed to be hardened against adversarial inputs, and is
outside the scope of https://go.dev/security/policy. In particular, only basic
validation is done when parsing object files. As such, care should be taken when
parsing untrusted inputs, as parsing malformed files may consume significant
resources, or cause panics.
package macho

// High level access to low level data structures.

import (

// A File represents an open Mach-O file.
type File struct {
	ByteOrder binary.ByteOrder
	Loads     []Load
	Sections  []*Section

	Symtab   *Symtab
	Dysymtab *Dysymtab

	closer io.Closer

// A Load represents any Mach-O load command.
type Load interface {
	Raw() []byte

// A LoadBytes is the uninterpreted bytes of a Mach-O load command.
type LoadBytes []byte

func (b LoadBytes) Raw() []byte { return b }

// A SegmentHeader is the header for a Mach-O 32-bit or 64-bit load segment command.
type SegmentHeader struct {
	Cmd     LoadCmd
	Len     uint32
	Name    string
	Addr    uint64
	Memsz   uint64
	Offset  uint64
	Filesz  uint64
	Maxprot uint32
	Prot    uint32
	Nsect   uint32
	Flag    uint32

// A Segment represents a Mach-O 32-bit or 64-bit load segment command.
type Segment struct {

	// Embed ReaderAt for ReadAt method.
	// Do not embed SectionReader directly
	// to avoid having Read and Seek.
	// If a client wants Read and Seek it must use
	// Open() to avoid fighting over the seek offset
	// with other clients.
	sr *io.SectionReader

// Data reads and returns the contents of the segment.
func (s *Segment) Data() ([]byte, error) {
	return saferio.ReadDataAt(s.sr, s.Filesz, 0)

// Open returns a new ReadSeeker reading the segment.
func (s *Segment) Open() io.ReadSeeker { return io.NewSectionReader(s.sr, 0, 1<<63-1) }

type SectionHeader struct {
	Name   string
	Seg    string
	Addr   uint64
	Size   uint64
	Offset uint32
	Align  uint32
	Reloff uint32
	Nreloc uint32
	Flags  uint32

// A Reloc represents a Mach-O relocation.
type Reloc struct {
	Addr  uint32
	Value uint32
	// when Scattered == false && Extern == true, Value is the symbol number.
	// when Scattered == false && Extern == false, Value is the section number.
	// when Scattered == true, Value is the value that this reloc refers to.
	Type      uint8
	Len       uint8 // 0=byte, 1=word, 2=long, 3=quad
	Pcrel     bool
	Extern    bool // valid if Scattered == false
	Scattered bool

type Section struct {
	Relocs []Reloc

	// Embed ReaderAt for ReadAt method.
	// Do not embed SectionReader directly
	// to avoid having Read and Seek.
	// If a client wants Read and Seek it must use
	// Open() to avoid fighting over the seek offset
	// with other clients.
	sr *io.SectionReader

// Data reads and returns the contents of the Mach-O section.
func (s *Section) Data() ([]byte, error) {
	return saferio.ReadDataAt(s.sr, s.Size, 0)

// Open returns a new ReadSeeker reading the Mach-O section.
func (s *Section) Open() io.ReadSeeker { return io.NewSectionReader(s.sr, 0, 1<<63-1) }

// A Dylib represents a Mach-O load dynamic library command.
type Dylib struct {
	Name           string
	Time           uint32
	CurrentVersion uint32
	CompatVersion  uint32

// A Symtab represents a Mach-O symbol table command.
type Symtab struct {
	Syms []Symbol

// A Dysymtab represents a Mach-O dynamic symbol table command.
type Dysymtab struct {
	IndirectSyms []uint32 // indices into Symtab.Syms

// A Rpath represents a Mach-O rpath command.
type Rpath struct {
	Path string

// A Symbol is a Mach-O 32-bit or 64-bit symbol table entry.
type Symbol struct {
	Name  string
	Type  uint8
	Sect  uint8
	Desc  uint16
	Value uint64

 * Mach-O reader

// FormatError is returned by some operations if the data does
// not have the correct format for an object file.
type FormatError struct {
	off int64
	msg string
	val any

func (e *FormatError) Error() string {
	msg := e.msg
	if e.val != nil {
		msg += fmt.Sprintf(" '%v'", e.val)
	msg += fmt.Sprintf(" in record at byte %#x", e.off)
	return msg

// Open opens the named file using [os.Open] and prepares it for use as a Mach-O binary.
func Open(name string) (*File, error) {
	f, err := os.Open(name)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	ff, err := NewFile(f)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	ff.closer = f
	return ff, nil

// Close closes the [File].
// If the [File] was created using [NewFile] directly instead of [Open],
// Close has no effect.
func (f *File) Close() error {
	var err error
	if f.closer != nil {
		err = f.closer.Close()
		f.closer = nil
	return err

// NewFile creates a new [File] for accessing a Mach-O binary in an underlying reader.
// The Mach-O binary is expected to start at position 0 in the ReaderAt.
func NewFile(r io.ReaderAt) (*File, error) {
	f := new(File)
	sr := io.NewSectionReader(r, 0, 1<<63-1)

	// Read and decode Mach magic to determine byte order, size.
	// Magic32 and Magic64 differ only in the bottom bit.
	var ident [4]byte
	if _, err := r.ReadAt(ident[0:], 0); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	be := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(ident[0:])
	le := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(ident[0:])
	switch Magic32 &^ 1 {
	case be &^ 1:
		f.ByteOrder = binary.BigEndian
		f.Magic = be
	case le &^ 1:
		f.ByteOrder = binary.LittleEndian
		f.Magic = le
		return nil, &FormatError{0, "invalid magic number", nil}

	// Read entire file header.
	if err := binary.Read(sr, f.ByteOrder, &f.FileHeader); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Then load commands.
	offset := int64(fileHeaderSize32)
	if f.Magic == Magic64 {
		offset = fileHeaderSize64
	dat, err := saferio.ReadDataAt(r, uint64(f.Cmdsz), offset)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	c := saferio.SliceCap[Load](uint64(f.Ncmd))
	if c < 0 {
		return nil, &FormatError{offset, "too many load commands", nil}
	f.Loads = make([]Load, 0, c)
	bo := f.ByteOrder
	for i := uint32(0); i < f.Ncmd; i++ {
		// Each load command begins with uint32 command and length.
		if len(dat) < 8 {
			return nil, &FormatError{offset, "command block too small", nil}
		cmd, siz := LoadCmd(bo.Uint32(dat[0:4])), bo.Uint32(dat[4:8])
		if siz < 8 || siz > uint32(len(dat)) {
			return nil, &FormatError{offset, "invalid command block size", nil}
		var cmddat []byte
		cmddat, dat = dat[0:siz], dat[siz:]
		offset += int64(siz)
		var s *Segment
		switch cmd {
			f.Loads = append(f.Loads, LoadBytes(cmddat))

		case LoadCmdRpath:
			var hdr RpathCmd
			b := bytes.NewReader(cmddat)
			if err := binary.Read(b, bo, &hdr); err != nil {
				return nil, err
			l := new(Rpath)
			if hdr.Path >= uint32(len(cmddat)) {
				return nil, &FormatError{offset, "invalid path in rpath command", hdr.Path}
			l.Path = cstring(cmddat[hdr.Path:])
			l.LoadBytes = LoadBytes(cmddat)
			f.Loads = append(f.Loads, l)

		case LoadCmdDylib:
			var hdr DylibCmd
			b := bytes.NewReader(cmddat)
			if err := binary.Read(b, bo, &hdr); err != nil {
				return nil, err
			l := new(Dylib)
			if hdr.Name >= uint32(len(cmddat)) {
				return nil, &FormatError{offset, "invalid name in dynamic library command", hdr.Name}
			l.Name = cstring(cmddat[hdr.Name:])
			l.Time = hdr.Time
			l.CurrentVersion = hdr.CurrentVersion
			l.CompatVersion = hdr.CompatVersion
			l.LoadBytes = LoadBytes(cmddat)
			f.Loads = append(f.Loads, l)

		case LoadCmdSymtab:
			var hdr SymtabCmd
			b := bytes.NewReader(cmddat)
			if err := binary.Read(b, bo, &hdr); err != nil {
				return nil, err
			strtab, err := saferio.ReadDataAt(r, uint64(hdr.Strsize), int64(hdr.Stroff))
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			var symsz int
			if f.Magic == Magic64 {
				symsz = 16
			} else {
				symsz = 12
			symdat, err := saferio.ReadDataAt(r, uint64(hdr.Nsyms)*uint64(symsz), int64(hdr.Symoff))
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			st, err := f.parseSymtab(symdat, strtab, cmddat, &hdr, offset)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			f.Loads = append(f.Loads, st)
			f.Symtab = st

		case LoadCmdDysymtab:
			var hdr DysymtabCmd
			b := bytes.NewReader(cmddat)
			if err := binary.Read(b, bo, &hdr); err != nil {
				return nil, err
			if f.Symtab == nil {
				return nil, &FormatError{offset, "dynamic symbol table seen before any ordinary symbol table", nil}
			} else if hdr.Iundefsym > uint32(len(f.Symtab.Syms)) {
				return nil, &FormatError{offset, fmt.Sprintf(
					"undefined symbols index in dynamic symbol table command is greater than symbol table length (%d > %d)",
					hdr.Iundefsym, len(f.Symtab.Syms)), nil}
			} else if hdr.Iundefsym+hdr.Nundefsym > uint32(len(f.Symtab.Syms)) {
				return nil, &FormatError{offset, fmt.Sprintf(
					"number of undefined symbols after index in dynamic symbol table command is greater than symbol table length (%d > %d)",
					hdr.Iundefsym+hdr.Nundefsym, len(f.Symtab.Syms)), nil}
			dat, err := saferio.ReadDataAt(r, uint64(hdr.Nindirectsyms)*4, int64(hdr.Indirectsymoff))
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			x := make([]uint32, hdr.Nindirectsyms)
			if err := binary.Read(bytes.NewReader(dat), bo, x); err != nil {
				return nil, err
			st := new(Dysymtab)
			st.LoadBytes = LoadBytes(cmddat)
			st.DysymtabCmd = hdr
			st.IndirectSyms = x
			f.Loads = append(f.Loads, st)
			f.Dysymtab = st

		case LoadCmdSegment:
			var seg32 Segment32
			b := bytes.NewReader(cmddat)
			if err := binary.Read(b, bo, &seg32); err != nil {
				return nil, err
			s = new(Segment)
			s.LoadBytes = cmddat
			s.Cmd = cmd
			s.Len = siz
			s.Name = cstring(seg32.Name[0:])
			s.Addr = uint64(seg32.Addr)
			s.Memsz = uint64(seg32.Memsz)
			s.Offset = uint64(seg32.Offset)
			s.Filesz = uint64(seg32.Filesz)
			s.Maxprot = seg32.Maxprot
			s.Prot = seg32.Prot
			s.Nsect = seg32.Nsect
			s.Flag = seg32.Flag
			f.Loads = append(f.Loads, s)
			for i := 0; i < int(s.Nsect); i++ {
				var sh32 Section32
				if err := binary.Read(b, bo, &sh32); err != nil {
					return nil, err
				sh := new(Section)
				sh.Name = cstring(sh32.Name[0:])
				sh.Seg = cstring(sh32.Seg[0:])
				sh.Addr = uint64(sh32.Addr)
				sh.Size = uint64(sh32.Size)
				sh.Offset = sh32.Offset
				sh.Align = sh32.Align
				sh.Reloff = sh32.Reloff
				sh.Nreloc = sh32.Nreloc
				sh.Flags = sh32.Flags
				if err := f.pushSection(sh, r); err != nil {
					return nil, err

		case LoadCmdSegment64:
			var seg64 Segment64
			b := bytes.NewReader(cmddat)
			if err := binary.Read(b, bo, &seg64); err != nil {
				return nil, err
			s = new(Segment)
			s.LoadBytes = cmddat
			s.Cmd = cmd
			s.Len = siz
			s.Name = cstring(seg64.Name[0:])
			s.Addr = seg64.Addr
			s.Memsz = seg64.Memsz
			s.Offset = seg64.Offset
			s.Filesz = seg64.Filesz
			s.Maxprot = seg64.Maxprot
			s.Prot = seg64.Prot
			s.Nsect = seg64.Nsect
			s.Flag = seg64.Flag
			f.Loads = append(f.Loads, s)
			for i := 0; i < int(s.Nsect); i++ {
				var sh64 Section64
				if err := binary.Read(b, bo, &sh64); err != nil {
					return nil, err
				sh := new(Section)
				sh.Name = cstring(sh64.Name[0:])
				sh.Seg = cstring(sh64.Seg[0:])
				sh.Addr = sh64.Addr
				sh.Size = sh64.Size
				sh.Offset = sh64.Offset
				sh.Align = sh64.Align
				sh.Reloff = sh64.Reloff
				sh.Nreloc = sh64.Nreloc
				sh.Flags = sh64.Flags
				if err := f.pushSection(sh, r); err != nil {
					return nil, err
		if s != nil {
			if int64(s.Offset) < 0 {
				return nil, &FormatError{offset, "invalid section offset", s.Offset}
			if int64(s.Filesz) < 0 {
				return nil, &FormatError{offset, "invalid section file size", s.Filesz}
			s.sr = io.NewSectionReader(r, int64(s.Offset), int64(s.Filesz))
			s.ReaderAt = s.sr
	return f, nil

func (f *File) parseSymtab(symdat, strtab, cmddat []byte, hdr *SymtabCmd, offset int64) (*Symtab, error) {
	bo := f.ByteOrder
	c := saferio.SliceCap[Symbol](uint64(hdr.Nsyms))
	if c < 0 {
		return nil, &FormatError{offset, "too many symbols", nil}
	symtab := make([]Symbol, 0, c)
	b := bytes.NewReader(symdat)
	for i := 0; i < int(hdr.Nsyms); i++ {
		var n Nlist64
		if f.Magic == Magic64 {
			if err := binary.Read(b, bo, &n); err != nil {
				return nil, err
		} else {
			var n32 Nlist32
			if err := binary.Read(b, bo, &n32); err != nil {
				return nil, err
			n.Name = n32.Name
			n.Type = n32.Type
			n.Sect = n32.Sect
			n.Desc = n32.Desc
			n.Value = uint64(n32.Value)
		if n.Name >= uint32(len(strtab)) {
			return nil, &FormatError{offset, "invalid name in symbol table", n.Name}
		// We add "_" to Go symbols. Strip it here. See issue 33808.
		name := cstring(strtab[n.Name:])
		if strings.Contains(name, ".") && name[0] == '_' {
			name = name[1:]
		symtab = append(symtab, Symbol{
			Name:  name,
			Type:  n.Type,
			Sect:  n.Sect,
			Desc:  n.Desc,
			Value: n.Value,
	st := new(Symtab)
	st.LoadBytes = LoadBytes(cmddat)
	st.Syms = symtab
	return st, nil

type relocInfo struct {
	Addr   uint32
	Symnum uint32

func (f *File) pushSection(sh *Section, r io.ReaderAt) error {
	f.Sections = append(f.Sections, sh)
	sh.sr = io.NewSectionReader(r, int64(sh.Offset), int64(sh.Size))
	sh.ReaderAt = sh.sr

	if sh.Nreloc > 0 {
		reldat, err := saferio.ReadDataAt(r, uint64(sh.Nreloc)*8, int64(sh.Reloff))
		if err != nil {
			return err
		b := bytes.NewReader(reldat)

		bo := f.ByteOrder

		sh.Relocs = make([]Reloc, sh.Nreloc)
		for i := range sh.Relocs {
			rel := &sh.Relocs[i]

			var ri relocInfo
			if err := binary.Read(b, bo, &ri); err != nil {
				return err

			if ri.Addr&(1<<31) != 0 { // scattered
				rel.Addr = ri.Addr & (1<<24 - 1)
				rel.Type = uint8((ri.Addr >> 24) & (1<<4 - 1))
				rel.Len = uint8((ri.Addr >> 28) & (1<<2 - 1))
				rel.Pcrel = ri.Addr&(1<<30) != 0
				rel.Value = ri.Symnum
				rel.Scattered = true
			} else {
				switch bo {
				case binary.LittleEndian:
					rel.Addr = ri.Addr
					rel.Value = ri.Symnum & (1<<24 - 1)
					rel.Pcrel = ri.Symnum&(1<<24) != 0
					rel.Len = uint8((ri.Symnum >> 25) & (1<<2 - 1))
					rel.Extern = ri.Symnum&(1<<27) != 0
					rel.Type = uint8((ri.Symnum >> 28) & (1<<4 - 1))
				case binary.BigEndian:
					rel.Addr = ri.Addr
					rel.Value = ri.Symnum >> 8
					rel.Pcrel = ri.Symnum&(1<<7) != 0
					rel.Len = uint8((ri.Symnum >> 5) & (1<<2 - 1))
					rel.Extern = ri.Symnum&(1<<4) != 0
					rel.Type = uint8(ri.Symnum & (1<<4 - 1))

	return nil

func cstring(b []byte) string {
	i := bytes.IndexByte(b, 0)
	if i == -1 {
		i = len(b)
	return string(b[0:i])

// Segment returns the first Segment with the given name, or nil if no such segment exists.
func (f *File) Segment(name string) *Segment {
	for _, l := range f.Loads {
		if s, ok := l.(*Segment); ok && s.Name == name {
			return s
	return nil

// Section returns the first section with the given name, or nil if no such
// section exists.
func (f *File) Section(name string) *Section {
	for _, s := range f.Sections {
		if s.Name == name {
			return s
	return nil

// DWARF returns the DWARF debug information for the Mach-O file.
func (f *File) DWARF() (*dwarf.Data, error) {
	dwarfSuffix := func(s *Section) string {
		sectname := s.Name
		var pfx int
		switch {
		case strings.HasPrefix(sectname, "__debug_"):
			pfx = 8
		case strings.HasPrefix(sectname, "__zdebug_"):
			pfx = 9
			return ""
		// Mach-O executables truncate section names to 16 characters, mangling some DWARF sections.
		// As of DWARFv5 these are the only problematic section names (see DWARFv5 Appendix G).
		for _, longname := range []string{
		} {
			if sectname == longname[:16] {
				sectname = longname
		return sectname[pfx:]
	sectionData := func(s *Section) ([]byte, error) {
		b, err := s.Data()
		if err != nil && uint64(len(b)) < s.Size {
			return nil, err

		if len(b) >= 12 && string(b[:4]) == "ZLIB" {
			dlen := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(b[4:12])
			dbuf := make([]byte, dlen)
			r, err := zlib.NewReader(bytes.NewBuffer(b[12:]))
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, dbuf); err != nil {
				return nil, err
			if err := r.Close(); err != nil {
				return nil, err
			b = dbuf
		return b, nil

	// There are many other DWARF sections, but these
	// are the ones the debug/dwarf package uses.
	// Don't bother loading others.
	var dat = map[string][]byte{"abbrev": nil, "info": nil, "str": nil, "line": nil, "ranges": nil}
	for _, s := range f.Sections {
		suffix := dwarfSuffix(s)
		if suffix == "" {
		if _, ok := dat[suffix]; !ok {
		b, err := sectionData(s)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		dat[suffix] = b

	d, err := dwarf.New(dat["abbrev"], nil, nil, dat["info"], dat["line"], nil, dat["ranges"], dat["str"])
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Look for DWARF4 .debug_types sections and DWARF5 sections.
	for i, s := range f.Sections {
		suffix := dwarfSuffix(s)
		if suffix == "" {
		if _, ok := dat[suffix]; ok {
			// Already handled.

		b, err := sectionData(s)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		if suffix == "types" {
			err = d.AddTypes(fmt.Sprintf("types-%d", i), b)
		} else {
			err = d.AddSection(".debug_"+suffix, b)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	return d, nil

// ImportedSymbols returns the names of all symbols
// referred to by the binary f that are expected to be
// satisfied by other libraries at dynamic load time.
func (f *File) ImportedSymbols() ([]string, error) {
	if f.Dysymtab == nil || f.Symtab == nil {
		return nil, &FormatError{0, "missing symbol table", nil}

	st := f.Symtab
	dt := f.Dysymtab
	var all []string
	for _, s := range st.Syms[dt.Iundefsym : dt.Iundefsym+dt.Nundefsym] {
		all = append(all, s.Name)
	return all, nil

// ImportedLibraries returns the paths of all libraries
// referred to by the binary f that are expected to be
// linked with the binary at dynamic link time.
func (f *File) ImportedLibraries() ([]string, error) {
	var all []string
	for _, l := range f.Loads {
		if lib, ok := l.(*Dylib); ok {
			all = append(all, lib.Name)
	return all, nil