// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// Constants

package dwarf

//go:generate stringer -type Attr -trimprefix=Attr

// An Attr identifies the attribute type in a DWARF [Entry.Field].
type Attr uint32

const (
	AttrSibling        Attr = 0x01
	AttrLocation       Attr = 0x02
	AttrName           Attr = 0x03
	AttrOrdering       Attr = 0x09
	AttrByteSize       Attr = 0x0B
	AttrBitOffset      Attr = 0x0C
	AttrBitSize        Attr = 0x0D
	AttrStmtList       Attr = 0x10
	AttrLowpc          Attr = 0x11
	AttrHighpc         Attr = 0x12
	AttrLanguage       Attr = 0x13
	AttrDiscr          Attr = 0x15
	AttrDiscrValue     Attr = 0x16
	AttrVisibility     Attr = 0x17
	AttrImport         Attr = 0x18
	AttrStringLength   Attr = 0x19
	AttrCommonRef      Attr = 0x1A
	AttrCompDir        Attr = 0x1B
	AttrConstValue     Attr = 0x1C
	AttrContainingType Attr = 0x1D
	AttrDefaultValue   Attr = 0x1E
	AttrInline         Attr = 0x20
	AttrIsOptional     Attr = 0x21
	AttrLowerBound     Attr = 0x22
	AttrProducer       Attr = 0x25
	AttrPrototyped     Attr = 0x27
	AttrReturnAddr     Attr = 0x2A
	AttrStartScope     Attr = 0x2C
	AttrStrideSize     Attr = 0x2E
	AttrUpperBound     Attr = 0x2F
	AttrAbstractOrigin Attr = 0x31
	AttrAccessibility  Attr = 0x32
	AttrAddrClass      Attr = 0x33
	AttrArtificial     Attr = 0x34
	AttrBaseTypes      Attr = 0x35
	AttrCalling        Attr = 0x36
	AttrCount          Attr = 0x37
	AttrDataMemberLoc  Attr = 0x38
	AttrDeclColumn     Attr = 0x39
	AttrDeclFile       Attr = 0x3A
	AttrDeclLine       Attr = 0x3B
	AttrDeclaration    Attr = 0x3C
	AttrDiscrList      Attr = 0x3D
	AttrEncoding       Attr = 0x3E
	AttrExternal       Attr = 0x3F
	AttrFrameBase      Attr = 0x40
	AttrFriend         Attr = 0x41
	AttrIdentifierCase Attr = 0x42
	AttrMacroInfo      Attr = 0x43
	AttrNamelistItem   Attr = 0x44
	AttrPriority       Attr = 0x45
	AttrSegment        Attr = 0x46
	AttrSpecification  Attr = 0x47
	AttrStaticLink     Attr = 0x48
	AttrType           Attr = 0x49
	AttrUseLocation    Attr = 0x4A
	AttrVarParam       Attr = 0x4B
	AttrVirtuality     Attr = 0x4C
	AttrVtableElemLoc  Attr = 0x4D
	// The following are new in DWARF 3.
	AttrAllocated     Attr = 0x4E
	AttrAssociated    Attr = 0x4F
	AttrDataLocation  Attr = 0x50
	AttrStride        Attr = 0x51
	AttrEntrypc       Attr = 0x52
	AttrUseUTF8       Attr = 0x53
	AttrExtension     Attr = 0x54
	AttrRanges        Attr = 0x55
	AttrTrampoline    Attr = 0x56
	AttrCallColumn    Attr = 0x57
	AttrCallFile      Attr = 0x58
	AttrCallLine      Attr = 0x59
	AttrDescription   Attr = 0x5A
	AttrBinaryScale   Attr = 0x5B
	AttrDecimalScale  Attr = 0x5C
	AttrSmall         Attr = 0x5D
	AttrDecimalSign   Attr = 0x5E
	AttrDigitCount    Attr = 0x5F
	AttrPictureString Attr = 0x60
	AttrMutable       Attr = 0x61
	AttrThreadsScaled Attr = 0x62
	AttrExplicit      Attr = 0x63
	AttrObjectPointer Attr = 0x64
	AttrEndianity     Attr = 0x65
	AttrElemental     Attr = 0x66
	AttrPure          Attr = 0x67
	AttrRecursive     Attr = 0x68
	// The following are new in DWARF 4.
	AttrSignature      Attr = 0x69
	AttrMainSubprogram Attr = 0x6A
	AttrDataBitOffset  Attr = 0x6B
	AttrConstExpr      Attr = 0x6C
	AttrEnumClass      Attr = 0x6D
	AttrLinkageName    Attr = 0x6E
	// The following are new in DWARF 5.
	AttrStringLengthBitSize  Attr = 0x6F
	AttrStringLengthByteSize Attr = 0x70
	AttrRank                 Attr = 0x71
	AttrStrOffsetsBase       Attr = 0x72
	AttrAddrBase             Attr = 0x73
	AttrRnglistsBase         Attr = 0x74
	AttrDwoName              Attr = 0x76
	AttrReference            Attr = 0x77
	AttrRvalueReference      Attr = 0x78
	AttrMacros               Attr = 0x79
	AttrCallAllCalls         Attr = 0x7A
	AttrCallAllSourceCalls   Attr = 0x7B
	AttrCallAllTailCalls     Attr = 0x7C
	AttrCallReturnPC         Attr = 0x7D
	AttrCallValue            Attr = 0x7E
	AttrCallOrigin           Attr = 0x7F
	AttrCallParameter        Attr = 0x80
	AttrCallPC               Attr = 0x81
	AttrCallTailCall         Attr = 0x82
	AttrCallTarget           Attr = 0x83
	AttrCallTargetClobbered  Attr = 0x84
	AttrCallDataLocation     Attr = 0x85
	AttrCallDataValue        Attr = 0x86
	AttrNoreturn             Attr = 0x87
	AttrAlignment            Attr = 0x88
	AttrExportSymbols        Attr = 0x89
	AttrDeleted              Attr = 0x8A
	AttrDefaulted            Attr = 0x8B
	AttrLoclistsBase         Attr = 0x8C

func (a Attr) GoString() string {
	if str, ok := _Attr_map[a]; ok {
		return "dwarf.Attr" + str
	return "dwarf." + a.String()

// A format is a DWARF data encoding format.
type format uint32

const (
	// value formats
	formAddr        format = 0x01
	formDwarfBlock2 format = 0x03
	formDwarfBlock4 format = 0x04
	formData2       format = 0x05
	formData4       format = 0x06
	formData8       format = 0x07
	formString      format = 0x08
	formDwarfBlock  format = 0x09
	formDwarfBlock1 format = 0x0A
	formData1       format = 0x0B
	formFlag        format = 0x0C
	formSdata       format = 0x0D
	formStrp        format = 0x0E
	formUdata       format = 0x0F
	formRefAddr     format = 0x10
	formRef1        format = 0x11
	formRef2        format = 0x12
	formRef4        format = 0x13
	formRef8        format = 0x14
	formRefUdata    format = 0x15
	formIndirect    format = 0x16
	// The following are new in DWARF 4.
	formSecOffset   format = 0x17
	formExprloc     format = 0x18
	formFlagPresent format = 0x19
	formRefSig8     format = 0x20
	// The following are new in DWARF 5.
	formStrx          format = 0x1A
	formAddrx         format = 0x1B
	formRefSup4       format = 0x1C
	formStrpSup       format = 0x1D
	formData16        format = 0x1E
	formLineStrp      format = 0x1F
	formImplicitConst format = 0x21
	formLoclistx      format = 0x22
	formRnglistx      format = 0x23
	formRefSup8       format = 0x24
	formStrx1         format = 0x25
	formStrx2         format = 0x26
	formStrx3         format = 0x27
	formStrx4         format = 0x28
	formAddrx1        format = 0x29
	formAddrx2        format = 0x2A
	formAddrx3        format = 0x2B
	formAddrx4        format = 0x2C
	// Extensions for multi-file compression (.dwz)
	// http://www.dwarfstd.org/ShowIssue.php?issue=120604.1
	formGnuRefAlt  format = 0x1f20
	formGnuStrpAlt format = 0x1f21

//go:generate stringer -type Tag -trimprefix=Tag

// A Tag is the classification (the type) of an [Entry].
type Tag uint32

const (
	TagArrayType              Tag = 0x01
	TagClassType              Tag = 0x02
	TagEntryPoint             Tag = 0x03
	TagEnumerationType        Tag = 0x04
	TagFormalParameter        Tag = 0x05
	TagImportedDeclaration    Tag = 0x08
	TagLabel                  Tag = 0x0A
	TagLexDwarfBlock          Tag = 0x0B
	TagMember                 Tag = 0x0D
	TagPointerType            Tag = 0x0F
	TagReferenceType          Tag = 0x10
	TagCompileUnit            Tag = 0x11
	TagStringType             Tag = 0x12
	TagStructType             Tag = 0x13
	TagSubroutineType         Tag = 0x15
	TagTypedef                Tag = 0x16
	TagUnionType              Tag = 0x17
	TagUnspecifiedParameters  Tag = 0x18
	TagVariant                Tag = 0x19
	TagCommonDwarfBlock       Tag = 0x1A
	TagCommonInclusion        Tag = 0x1B
	TagInheritance            Tag = 0x1C
	TagInlinedSubroutine      Tag = 0x1D
	TagModule                 Tag = 0x1E
	TagPtrToMemberType        Tag = 0x1F
	TagSetType                Tag = 0x20
	TagSubrangeType           Tag = 0x21
	TagWithStmt               Tag = 0x22
	TagAccessDeclaration      Tag = 0x23
	TagBaseType               Tag = 0x24
	TagCatchDwarfBlock        Tag = 0x25
	TagConstType              Tag = 0x26
	TagConstant               Tag = 0x27
	TagEnumerator             Tag = 0x28
	TagFileType               Tag = 0x29
	TagFriend                 Tag = 0x2A
	TagNamelist               Tag = 0x2B
	TagNamelistItem           Tag = 0x2C
	TagPackedType             Tag = 0x2D
	TagSubprogram             Tag = 0x2E
	TagTemplateTypeParameter  Tag = 0x2F
	TagTemplateValueParameter Tag = 0x30
	TagThrownType             Tag = 0x31
	TagTryDwarfBlock          Tag = 0x32
	TagVariantPart            Tag = 0x33
	TagVariable               Tag = 0x34
	TagVolatileType           Tag = 0x35
	// The following are new in DWARF 3.
	TagDwarfProcedure  Tag = 0x36
	TagRestrictType    Tag = 0x37
	TagInterfaceType   Tag = 0x38
	TagNamespace       Tag = 0x39
	TagImportedModule  Tag = 0x3A
	TagUnspecifiedType Tag = 0x3B
	TagPartialUnit     Tag = 0x3C
	TagImportedUnit    Tag = 0x3D
	TagMutableType     Tag = 0x3E // Later removed from DWARF.
	TagCondition       Tag = 0x3F
	TagSharedType      Tag = 0x40
	// The following are new in DWARF 4.
	TagTypeUnit            Tag = 0x41
	TagRvalueReferenceType Tag = 0x42
	TagTemplateAlias       Tag = 0x43
	// The following are new in DWARF 5.
	TagCoarrayType       Tag = 0x44
	TagGenericSubrange   Tag = 0x45
	TagDynamicType       Tag = 0x46
	TagAtomicType        Tag = 0x47
	TagCallSite          Tag = 0x48
	TagCallSiteParameter Tag = 0x49
	TagSkeletonUnit      Tag = 0x4A
	TagImmutableType     Tag = 0x4B

func (t Tag) GoString() string {
	if t <= TagTemplateAlias {
		return "dwarf.Tag" + t.String()
	return "dwarf." + t.String()

// Location expression operators.
// The debug info encodes value locations like 8(R3)
// as a sequence of these op codes.
// This package does not implement full expressions;
// the opPlusUconst operator is expected by the type parser.
const (
	opAddr       = 0x03 /* 1 op, const addr */
	opDeref      = 0x06
	opConst1u    = 0x08 /* 1 op, 1 byte const */
	opConst1s    = 0x09 /*	" signed */
	opConst2u    = 0x0A /* 1 op, 2 byte const  */
	opConst2s    = 0x0B /*	" signed */
	opConst4u    = 0x0C /* 1 op, 4 byte const */
	opConst4s    = 0x0D /*	" signed */
	opConst8u    = 0x0E /* 1 op, 8 byte const */
	opConst8s    = 0x0F /*	" signed */
	opConstu     = 0x10 /* 1 op, LEB128 const */
	opConsts     = 0x11 /*	" signed */
	opDup        = 0x12
	opDrop       = 0x13
	opOver       = 0x14
	opPick       = 0x15 /* 1 op, 1 byte stack index */
	opSwap       = 0x16
	opRot        = 0x17
	opXderef     = 0x18
	opAbs        = 0x19
	opAnd        = 0x1A
	opDiv        = 0x1B
	opMinus      = 0x1C
	opMod        = 0x1D
	opMul        = 0x1E
	opNeg        = 0x1F
	opNot        = 0x20
	opOr         = 0x21
	opPlus       = 0x22
	opPlusUconst = 0x23 /* 1 op, ULEB128 addend */
	opShl        = 0x24
	opShr        = 0x25
	opShra       = 0x26
	opXor        = 0x27
	opSkip       = 0x2F /* 1 op, signed 2-byte constant */
	opBra        = 0x28 /* 1 op, signed 2-byte constant */
	opEq         = 0x29
	opGe         = 0x2A
	opGt         = 0x2B
	opLe         = 0x2C
	opLt         = 0x2D
	opNe         = 0x2E
	opLit0       = 0x30
	/* OpLitN = OpLit0 + N for N = 0..31 */
	opReg0 = 0x50
	/* OpRegN = OpReg0 + N for N = 0..31 */
	opBreg0 = 0x70 /* 1 op, signed LEB128 constant */
	/* OpBregN = OpBreg0 + N for N = 0..31 */
	opRegx       = 0x90 /* 1 op, ULEB128 register */
	opFbreg      = 0x91 /* 1 op, SLEB128 offset */
	opBregx      = 0x92 /* 2 op, ULEB128 reg; SLEB128 off */
	opPiece      = 0x93 /* 1 op, ULEB128 size of piece */
	opDerefSize  = 0x94 /* 1-byte size of data retrieved */
	opXderefSize = 0x95 /* 1-byte size of data retrieved */
	opNop        = 0x96
	// The following are new in DWARF 3.
	opPushObjAddr    = 0x97
	opCall2          = 0x98 /* 2-byte offset of DIE */
	opCall4          = 0x99 /* 4-byte offset of DIE */
	opCallRef        = 0x9A /* 4- or 8- byte offset of DIE */
	opFormTLSAddress = 0x9B
	opCallFrameCFA   = 0x9C
	opBitPiece       = 0x9D
	// The following are new in DWARF 4.
	opImplicitValue = 0x9E
	opStackValue    = 0x9F
	// The following a new in DWARF 5.
	opImplicitPointer = 0xA0
	opAddrx           = 0xA1
	opConstx          = 0xA2
	opEntryValue      = 0xA3
	opConstType       = 0xA4
	opRegvalType      = 0xA5
	opDerefType       = 0xA6
	opXderefType      = 0xA7
	opConvert         = 0xA8
	opReinterpret     = 0xA9
	/* 0xE0-0xFF reserved for user-specific */

// Basic type encodings -- the value for AttrEncoding in a TagBaseType Entry.
const (
	encAddress      = 0x01
	encBoolean      = 0x02
	encComplexFloat = 0x03
	encFloat        = 0x04
	encSigned       = 0x05
	encSignedChar   = 0x06
	encUnsigned     = 0x07
	encUnsignedChar = 0x08
	// The following are new in DWARF 3.
	encImaginaryFloat = 0x09
	encPackedDecimal  = 0x0A
	encNumericString  = 0x0B
	encEdited         = 0x0C
	encSignedFixed    = 0x0D
	encUnsignedFixed  = 0x0E
	encDecimalFloat   = 0x0F
	// The following are new in DWARF 4.
	encUTF = 0x10
	// The following are new in DWARF 5.
	encUCS   = 0x11
	encASCII = 0x12

// Statement program standard opcode encodings.
const (
	lnsCopy           = 1
	lnsAdvancePC      = 2
	lnsAdvanceLine    = 3
	lnsSetFile        = 4
	lnsSetColumn      = 5
	lnsNegateStmt     = 6
	lnsSetBasicBlock  = 7
	lnsConstAddPC     = 8
	lnsFixedAdvancePC = 9

	// DWARF 3
	lnsSetPrologueEnd   = 10
	lnsSetEpilogueBegin = 11
	lnsSetISA           = 12

// Statement program extended opcode encodings.
const (
	lneEndSequence = 1
	lneSetAddress  = 2
	lneDefineFile  = 3

	// DWARF 4
	lneSetDiscriminator = 4

// Line table directory and file name entry formats.
// These are new in DWARF 5.
const (
	lnctPath           = 0x01
	lnctDirectoryIndex = 0x02
	lnctTimestamp      = 0x03
	lnctSize           = 0x04
	lnctMD5            = 0x05

// Location list entry codes.
// These are new in DWARF 5.
const (
	lleEndOfList       = 0x00
	lleBaseAddressx    = 0x01
	lleStartxEndx      = 0x02
	lleStartxLength    = 0x03
	lleOffsetPair      = 0x04
	lleDefaultLocation = 0x05
	lleBaseAddress     = 0x06
	lleStartEnd        = 0x07
	lleStartLength     = 0x08

// Unit header unit type encodings.
// These are new in DWARF 5.
const (
	utCompile      = 0x01
	utType         = 0x02
	utPartial      = 0x03
	utSkeleton     = 0x04
	utSplitCompile = 0x05
	utSplitType    = 0x06

// Opcodes for DWARFv5 debug_rnglists section.
const (
	rleEndOfList    = 0x0
	rleBaseAddressx = 0x1
	rleStartxEndx   = 0x2
	rleStartxLength = 0x3
	rleOffsetPair   = 0x4
	rleBaseAddress  = 0x5
	rleStartEnd     = 0x6
	rleStartLength  = 0x7