// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package aes

import (

type CTR struct {
	b          Block
	ivlo, ivhi uint64 // start counter as 64-bit limbs
	offset     uint64 // for XORKeyStream only

func NewCTR(b *Block, iv []byte) *CTR {
	// Allocate the CTR here, in an easily inlineable function, so
	// the allocation can be done in the caller's stack frame
	// instead of the heap.  See issue 70499.
	c := newCTR(b, iv)
	return &c
func newCTR(b *Block, iv []byte) CTR {
	if len(iv) != BlockSize {
		panic("bad IV length")

	return CTR{
		b:      *b,
		ivlo:   byteorder.BEUint64(iv[8:16]),
		ivhi:   byteorder.BEUint64(iv[0:8]),
		offset: 0,

func (c *CTR) XORKeyStream(dst, src []byte) {
	c.XORKeyStreamAt(dst, src, c.offset)

	var carry uint64
	c.offset, carry = bits.Add64(c.offset, uint64(len(src)), 0)
	if carry != 0 {
		panic("crypto/aes: counter overflow")

// RoundToBlock is used by CTR_DRBG, which discards the rightmost unused bits at
// each request. It rounds the offset up to the next block boundary.
func RoundToBlock(c *CTR) {
	if remainder := c.offset % BlockSize; remainder != 0 {
		var carry uint64
		c.offset, carry = bits.Add64(c.offset, BlockSize-remainder, 0)
		if carry != 0 {
			panic("crypto/aes: counter overflow")

// XORKeyStreamAt behaves like XORKeyStream but keeps no state, and instead
// seeks into the keystream by the given bytes offset from the start (ignoring
// any XORKetStream calls). This allows for random access into the keystream, up
// to 16 EiB from the start.
func (c *CTR) XORKeyStreamAt(dst, src []byte, offset uint64) {
	if len(dst) < len(src) {
		panic("crypto/aes: len(dst) < len(src)")
	dst = dst[:len(src)]
	if alias.InexactOverlap(dst, src) {
		panic("crypto/aes: invalid buffer overlap")

	ivlo, ivhi := add128(c.ivlo, c.ivhi, offset/BlockSize)

	if blockOffset := offset % BlockSize; blockOffset != 0 {
		// We have a partial block at the beginning.
		var in, out [BlockSize]byte
		copy(in[blockOffset:], src)
		ctrBlocks1(&c.b, &out, &in, ivlo, ivhi)
		n := copy(dst, out[blockOffset:])
		src = src[n:]
		dst = dst[n:]
		ivlo, ivhi = add128(ivlo, ivhi, 1)

	for len(src) >= 8*BlockSize {
		ctrBlocks8(&c.b, (*[8 * BlockSize]byte)(dst), (*[8 * BlockSize]byte)(src), ivlo, ivhi)
		src = src[8*BlockSize:]
		dst = dst[8*BlockSize:]
		ivlo, ivhi = add128(ivlo, ivhi, 8)

	// The tail can have at most 7 = 4 + 2 + 1 blocks.
	if len(src) >= 4*BlockSize {
		ctrBlocks4(&c.b, (*[4 * BlockSize]byte)(dst), (*[4 * BlockSize]byte)(src), ivlo, ivhi)
		src = src[4*BlockSize:]
		dst = dst[4*BlockSize:]
		ivlo, ivhi = add128(ivlo, ivhi, 4)
	if len(src) >= 2*BlockSize {
		ctrBlocks2(&c.b, (*[2 * BlockSize]byte)(dst), (*[2 * BlockSize]byte)(src), ivlo, ivhi)
		src = src[2*BlockSize:]
		dst = dst[2*BlockSize:]
		ivlo, ivhi = add128(ivlo, ivhi, 2)
	if len(src) >= 1*BlockSize {
		ctrBlocks1(&c.b, (*[1 * BlockSize]byte)(dst), (*[1 * BlockSize]byte)(src), ivlo, ivhi)
		src = src[1*BlockSize:]
		dst = dst[1*BlockSize:]
		ivlo, ivhi = add128(ivlo, ivhi, 1)

	if len(src) != 0 {
		// We have a partial block at the end.
		var in, out [BlockSize]byte
		copy(in[:], src)
		ctrBlocks1(&c.b, &out, &in, ivlo, ivhi)
		copy(dst, out[:])

// Each ctrBlocksN function XORs src with N blocks of counter keystream, and
// stores it in dst. src is loaded in full before storing dst, so they can
// overlap even inexactly. The starting counter value is passed in as a pair of
// little-endian 64-bit integers.

func ctrBlocks(b *Block, dst, src []byte, ivlo, ivhi uint64) {
	buf := make([]byte, len(src), 8*BlockSize)
	for i := 0; i < len(buf); i += BlockSize {
		byteorder.BEPutUint64(buf[i:], ivhi)
		byteorder.BEPutUint64(buf[i+8:], ivlo)
		ivlo, ivhi = add128(ivlo, ivhi, 1)
		encryptBlock(b, buf[i:], buf[i:])
	// XOR into buf first, in case src and dst overlap (see above).
	subtle.XORBytes(buf, src, buf)
	copy(dst, buf)

func add128(lo, hi uint64, x uint64) (uint64, uint64) {
	lo, c := bits.Add64(lo, x, 0)
	hi, _ = bits.Add64(hi, 0, c)
	return lo, hi