# Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style # license that can be found in the LICENSE file. # Run this using build.sh. ARG ubuntu=ubuntu FROM $ubuntu:focal RUN mkdir /boring WORKDIR /boring ENV LANG=C ENV LANGUAGE= # Following NIST submission draft dated July 3, 2021. # This corresponds to boringssl.googlesource.com/boringssl tag fips-20210429. ENV ClangV=12 RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y cmake xz-utils wget unzip ca-certificates clang-$ClangV python # Download, validate, unpack, build, and install Ninja. ENV NinjaV=1.10.2 ENV NinjaH=ce35865411f0490368a8fc383f29071de6690cbadc27704734978221f25e2bed RUN \ wget https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/archive/refs/tags/v$NinjaV.tar.gz && \ echo "$NinjaH v$NinjaV.tar.gz" >sha && sha256sum -c sha && \ tar -xzf v$NinjaV.tar.gz && \ rm v$NinjaV.tar.gz && \ cd ninja-$NinjaV && \ CC=clang-$ClangV CXX=clang++-$ClangV ./configure.py --bootstrap && \ mv ninja /usr/local/bin/ # Download, validate, unpack, and install Go. ARG GOARCH ENV GoV=1.16.5 ENV GoHamd64=b12c23023b68de22f74c0524f10b753e7b08b1504cb7e417eccebdd3fae49061 ENV GoHarm64=d5446b46ef6f36fdffa852f73dfbbe78c1ddf010b99fa4964944b9ae8b4d6799 RUN \ eval GoH=\${GoH$GOARCH} && \ wget https://golang.org/dl/go$GoV.linux-$GOARCH.tar.gz && \ echo "$GoH go$GoV.linux-$GOARCH.tar.gz" >sha && sha256sum -c sha && \ tar -C /usr/local -xzf go$GoV.linux-$GOARCH.tar.gz && \ rm go$GoV.linux-$GOARCH.tar.gz && \ ln -s /usr/local/go/bin/go /usr/local/bin/ # Download, validate, and unpack BoringCrypto. ENV BoringV=853ca1ea1168dff08011e5d42d94609cc0ca2e27 ENV BoringH=a4d069ccef6f3c7bc0c68de82b91414f05cb817494cd1ab483dcf3368883c7c2 RUN \ wget https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chromium-boringssl-fips/boringssl-$BoringV.tar.xz && \ echo "$BoringH boringssl-$BoringV.tar.xz" >sha && sha256sum -c sha && \ tar xJf boringssl-$BoringV.tar.xz # Build BoringCrypto. ADD build-boring.sh /boring/build-boring.sh RUN /boring/build-boring.sh # Build Go BoringCrypto syso. # build.sh copies it back out of the Docker image. ADD goboringcrypto.h /boring/godriver/goboringcrypto.h ADD build-goboring.sh /boring/build-goboring.sh RUN /boring/build-goboring.sh